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Origins of Totalitarianism, The (Arendt), 291-92

Orwell, George, 63-64

Pamyat, 52-53 Paneyakh, Ella, 326-27 Parsons, Michelle, 265-66 Pastukhov, Igor, 328

patriotism, 179-81, 197-98 Pavlov, Ivan, 26 Pavlovsky, Gleb, 234-35

pedophilia, and accusations of, 328-32, 355, 395-96, 484-85 perestroika ("restructuring"), 15-16, 37, 47-48, 83-84, 266 Perm (city), 260-63 Perm State University anti-gay stance, 415-17 gender studies, 273, 410 See also education Peshkov, Alexei. See Gorky, Maxim Peskov, Dmitry, 425 Philosophers' Ship, 17-18 philosophy antinomies, 60-61

effort to restore and popularize in 1980s, 48-49 Politburo membership, 74-75 studies of Soviet society, 30-31 political parties and movements Democratic Russia, 82 Democratic Union, 50-51, 100 Eurasianism, 236-37, 244-45 A Just Russia, 330, 334 multiparty system, 203-4 National Bolshevik, 185-86, 242 one-party system, 248 Rodina ("Motherland"), 225 Transnational Radical, 51 Union of Right Forces, 204-5, 225 United Russia, 330, 334 Yedinstvo ("Unity"), 204 See also specific names political rallies and protests for Article 31 (freedom of assembly), 317-20 birth of, 49-50

Bolotnaya Square, 342-47, 364-74, 390-91, 448-49, 453, 478

by elderly, 242

Manezhnaya Square, 450

March of Millions, 358-62

Marches of the Dissenters, 242-44

by Moscow State University students, 269-70

Oborona ("Defense"), 242

Occupy Wall Street movement, 343

opposition to, 100

Otpor ("Resistance"), 242

and parliamentary elections, 334-36

peace march against invasion of Ukraine, 452-53

by people on public assistance, 241-43 periodic, importance of, 381-82 police and military responses, 359-61, 362 research on protest participants, 345-49 restrictions on, 339-42 Russia Day (2017), 475-77 social media and, 340, 342, 464-65 sociological study of, 345-49 in support of Kremlin's Ukraine policies, 450-51 in support of LGBT rights, 403, 406 in Ukraine, 421-24, 427 UralVagonZavod and, 377-79, 383 white ribbons as symbol, 345, 346, 350-51, 357 by young people, 242-43, 476-77 political technologists, 234-35

political warfare, pedophilia accusations as, 330-32, 484-85 Ponomarev, Ilya, 355-57, 485 Popper, Karl, 184-85 population growth and abortion, 42 efforts to restore, 43, 99, 267 Posner, Vladimir, 439-40

"post-communist mafia state," Magyar on, 386-88 poverty. See wealth distribution Prague Spring, 30-31

"preventive counter-revolution," 241, 245, 388 Primakov, Yevgeniy, 196-97, 198 private life, regulation of, 99 privatization, 118-20, 126-28, 190-91 privilege advantages of, 39, 118, 121, 194 neighborhood inequality, 38-39, 40-41 school castes, 123 Prokhorov, Mikhail, 247, 452, 483 propaganda

Kremlin funding of supportive organizations, 243-44 masquerading as science, 22 in movies, 169-71, 179, 200 signals sent through, 99-100 "propaganda of homosexuality," ban on, 395-98, 403-4 property and power, 387 protests. See political rallies and protests Provincial, The (Nemtsov), 189-90 psychology American influence on, 56-58 "authoritarian personality," 300-303 concept of person, 28 countertransference, 152

family therapy, 33 Marxist-Leninist philosophy, 22-23

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), 55-56 psyche, 23-24, 26

psychoanalysis, 25-26, 137-38, 309, 481-82 science courses, 23 treatment for pedophilia, 331 See also trauma public vs. private behavior, 31 Pussy Riot, 351-52, 420 Putin, Vladimir approval rating vs. consumer perceptions index, 445-46 "authoritarian situation" government, 220-21 and bombing of Syria (2015), 471, 472 and Crimea, 429-35, 436-37 and Georgia, 237-38 ideology, lack of, 388 inner circle, 387-88 leadership of, 200-202, 222-23, 435 and Medvedev, 325, 348-49, 375-76 and Nemtsov's assassination, 461 optimism about, 201-2, 205, 211 population growth initiatives, 266-67 as prime minister, 259-60

protecting Russia from external threats, 241, 431-33 "Putin's Plan," 305 response to protests, 349-50 and sanctions, 444-47 speech against NATO, 275-77 as successor to Yeltsin, 199, 209-10 Victory Day celebrations (2012), 376-77 Putin: An Accounting (Nemtsov), 315-16

"red-brown" movement, 115 Red Wheel, The (Solzhenitsyn), 326 Rehabilitation Commission, 143, 145-46, 149, 163 religion

as "opium of the people," 7n-8n Russian Orthodox Church, 483 during Second World War, 9 surrendering to God, 300-301 Requiem (Akhmatova), 182-83 Rodina ("Motherland") political party, 225 Rogers, Carl, 56-58 Rogers, Douglas, 262-63 Romanov family reburial, 175-79, 303, 483 Russia Day protests (2017), 475-77

Russian Libertarian Party, 51, 366 Russian Orthodox Church, 483 "Russian World" concept, 437-38 Russo-Georgian War, 279-81 Rutskoi, Alexander, 112-14

Sakharov, Andrei, 14, 16, 73, 82 sanctions, 444-47 Satarov, Georgy, 174-75, 476-77 Satir, Virginia, 58

September 11, 2001, attacks, 231-32 Serbia, NATO bombing of, 196-99, 280, 431-32 sexual abuse. See pedophilia shortages consumer goods, 193 food supply, 14-15, 38 sanctions, 444-47 Shulman, Colette, 100 Shulman, Ekaterina, 385 signaling system of acceptable behavior, 99-102 sixth column, 441

Sochi Winter Olympics (2014), 375, 420, 426-27 social contract after "Execution of the White House," 113 of totalitarianism, 99-102 social media and Nemtsov's disappearance to Israel, 455-56 Nemtsov's post about Crimea, 449-50 online entrapment movement, 396, 411-13 for organizing protests, 340, 342, 464-65 TV Rain tweet about Siege of Leningrad, 424-26 social mobility, 299-300 social sciences ethnogenesis, 182-84

Institute for Concrete Social Studies, 30-31 psychology, 22-28 research, 17-18, 62-66 restrictions on careers, 28-29 sociology anti-American sentiments, 232-34 "authoritarian personality," 300-303 Homo Sovieticus, 59-66, 97, 168, 202 Levada greatest-person survey, 306-7, 481 "magic helper" concept (Fromm), 301 Name of Russia (greatest Russian) contest, 303-4, 306 public opinion survey in 1990s, 165-68 public opinion survey in 2000s, 223

reactions to, 29-32

research on protest participants, 345-49 Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 326 Sorokin, Pitirim, 264 Soros, George, 184-85, 240-41 South Ossetia, 279-80 Spielrein, Sabina, 25-26 stability, desire for, 349, 383, 466-69 Stalin, Joseph "anti-cosmopolitan campaign," 147-48 ethnic cleansing of Crimea, 428-29 popularity of, 303, 306 public opinion about, 166 terror, 143-48 state institutions, 222, 24Q state terror clearing names of innocent victims, 145-49 executioners as victims, 147-49 of families, 153-58

mass executions during Stalin era, 143-49 See also judicial system state's role, Soviet Union, 59-61 Steep Road, A (Into the Whirlwind; Ginzburg), 154-55 Stepashin, Sergei, 198-99 Steuckers, Robert, 54 Stories About Lenin (Zoshchenko), 71 Sturzo, Luigi, 290-91 suicide among impoverished, 44 Svanidze, Nikolai, 398-99

Talkov, Igor, 103 Tallinn, 277-78

terror, 142-49, 291-92, 294, 390-91. See also state terror Thatcher, Margaret, 120 "Thaw" period, 260, 266

Theory of Historical Materialism, The (Bukharin), 29-30 Timashuk, Lidia, 148

"Time of the 'Gray People,' The" (Gudkov and Dubin), 205-6 Tornovoy, Vlad, 405-6

Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes (Linz), 295

Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy (Friedrich and Brzezinski), 292-93 totalitarianism vs. authoritarian regimes, 295, 298, 385 characteristics, 290-91, 382-83 defined by Arendt, 291-92, 293 defined by Friedrich, 292-93 defined by Friedrich and Brzezinski, 292-93

defined by Gudkov, 295-98 defined by Sturzo, 290-91 first uses of word for Soviet system, 289-90 ideology, 98-99, 291-92, 294, 433-34 instability of, 16-17 as perceived from inside, 293-94 "pseudototalitarianism," 297-98, 383, 433-34 recurrent, 434, 446, 472 as social contract, 99-102 terror, 142-49, 291-92, 294, 390-91 trauma from, 151-52 view of future, 307 warnings about, 299 Tradition philosophy, 53-54 Transnational Radical Party, 51 trauma