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"I shall have to behave myself quite differently now," she said to me, perfectly seriously: "mads vois-tu, I never thought of one very horrid thing: I even fancy, to this day, I can't learn my surname. Zagoryansky, Zagozj^nsky, Madame la Wn^rale de Sago—Sago, ces diables de noms russes, enfin madame h gdndrale a quartwze consomnis! Comme c'est agreaible, n'est-ce pas?"

At last we parted, and Blanche, that silly Blanche, positively shed tears when she said good-bye to me. "Tu itais bon enfani," she said, whimpering. "Je te croyais bite et tu en anms I'dr.

but it suits you." And, pressing my hand at parting, she suddenly cried, "Attends!" rushed to her boudoir and, two minutes later, brought me a banknote for two thousand francs. That I should never have believed possible I "It may be of use to you. You may be a very learned owbchitei, but you are an awfully stupid man. I am not going to give you more than two thousand, for you'll lose it gambling, anjnvay. Well, good-bye 1 Noiis serons Umjcmrs bon amis, and if you win, be sure to come to me ageiin, 0t ti* seras hemrewc!"

I had five hundred francs left of my own. I had besides a splendid watch that cost a thousand francs, some diamond studs, and so on, so that I could go on a good time longer without anxiety. I am sta3dng in this little town on purpose to collect myself, and, above all, I am waiting for Mr. Astley. I have learnt for a fact that he will pass through the town and stay here for twenty-four hours on business. I shall find out about everything: and then—^then I shall go straight to Homburg. I am not going to Roulettenburg; not till next year anyway. They say it is a bad omen to try your luck twice running at the same tables; and Homburg is the real place for play.


IT is a year and eight months since I looked at these notes, and only now in sadness and dejection it has occurred to me to read them through. So I stopped then at my going to Homburg. My God! With what a light heart, comparatively speaking, I wrote those last lines! Though not with a light heart exactly, but with a sort of self-confidence, with undaunted hopes I Had I any doubt of m5^self ? And now more than a year and a half has passed, and I am, to my own mind, far worse than a beggar 1 Yes, what is being a beggar? A beggar is nothing! I have simply ruined myself! However, there is nothing I can compare myself with, and there is no need to give myself a moral lecture! Nothing could be stupider than moral reflections at this date! Oh, self-satisfied people, with what proud satisfaction these prattlers prepare to deliver their lectures! If only they knew how thoroughly I understand the loathsomeness of my present position, they would not be able to bring their tongues to reprimand me. Why, what, what can they tell me that I do not

know? And is that the point? The point is t hat^oa£.tanurf the wheel, and all will be changedTand those very moralists will be the first (I am convinced of that) to come up to congratulate me with friendly jests. And they will not all turn away from me as they do now. But, hang them all I What am I now? Zero. What may I be to-morrow ? To-morrow I may rise from the dead and begin to live again 1 There are stiU the makings of a man in me.

I did, in fact, go to Homburg then, but . . . afterwards I went to Roulettenburg again, and to Spa. I have even been in Baden, where I went as valet to the councillor Gintse, a scoundrel, who was my master here. Yes, I was a lackey for five whole months! I got a place immediately after coming out of prison. (I was sent to prison in Roulettenburg for a debt I made here.) Someone, I don't know who, paid my debt—who was it? Was it Mr. Astley? Pohna? I don't know, but the debt was paid; two hundred thalers in all, and I was set free. What could I do? I entered the service of this Gintse. He is a young man and frivolous, he Uked to be idle, and I could read and write in three languages. At first I went into his service as a sort of secretary at tiiirty guldens a month; but I ended by becoming a regular valet: he had not the means to keep a secretary; and he lowered my wages; I had nowhere to go, 1 remained—and in that way became a lackey by my own doing. I had not enough to eat or to drink in his service, but on the other hand, in five months I saved up seventy gulden. One evening in Baden, however, I aimounced to him that I intended parting from him; the same evening I went to roulette. Oh, how my heart beat! No, it was not money that I wanted. All tbat I wanted then was that next day all these Gintses, all these ober-kelhters, all these magnificent Baden ladies—that they might be all talking about me, repeating my story, wondering at me, admiring me, praising me, and doing homage to my new success. All these are childish dreams and desires, but . . . who knows, perhaps I should meet Polina again, too, I should tell her, and she would see that I was above all these stupid ups and downs of fate. . . . Oh, it was not money that was dear to me I I knew I should fling it away to some Blanche again and should drive in Paris again for three weeks with a pair of my own horses, costing sixteen thousand francs. I know for certain that I am not mean; I beUeve that I am not even a spendthrift— and yet with what a tremor, with what a thrill at my heart, I hear the croupier's cry: trente et tm. rouge, impair et passe.

or: quaire, noir, pair et manqi*e! With what avidity I look at the gambling table on which louis d'or, friedrichs d'or and thalers lie scattered: on the piles of gold when they are scattered from the croupier's shovel like glowing embers, or at the piles of silver a yard high that lie round the wheel. Even on my way to the gambling hall, as soon as I hear, two rooms away, the clink of the scattered money I cdmost go into convulsions.

Ohl that evening, when I took my seventy gulden to tlie gambling table, was remarkable too. I began witti ten gulden, staking them again on passe. I have a prejudice ia favour of passe. I lost. I had sixty gulden left in silver money; I thought a little and chose zero. I began staking five gulden at a time on zero; at the third turn the wheel stopped at zero; I almost died of joy when I received one hundred and seventy-five gulden; I had not been so delighted when I won a hundred thousand gulden. I immediately staked a hundred gulden on roi4>ge —^it won; the two hundred on rowg-e —it won; the whole of the four hundred on n-oir —^it won; the whole eight hundred on manque —^it won; altogether with what I had before it made one thousand seven hundred gulden—and that in less than five minutes! Yes, at moments like that one forgets all one's former failures 1 Why, I had gained this by risking more than life itself, I dared to risk it, and—there I was again, a man among men.

I took a room at the hotel, locked myself in and sat till three o'clock coimting over my money. In the morning I woke up, no longer a lackey. I determined the same day to go to Hom-burg: I had not been a lackey or been in prison Qiere. Half an hour before my train left, I set off to stake on two hazards, no more, and lost fifteen hundred florins. Yet I went to Hom-burg all the same, and I have been here for a month. . . .

I am living, of course, in continual anxiety. I play for the tiniest stakes, and I keep waiting for something, calculating, standing for whole days at the gambling table and watching the play; I even dream of playing—but I feel that in all this, I have, as it were, grown stiff and wooden, as though I had sunk into a muddy swamp. I gather this from my feeling when I met Mr. Astiey. We had not seen each other since that time, and we met by accident. This was how it happened: I was walking in the gardens and reckoning that now I was almost without money, but that I had fifty gulden—and that I had, moreover, three days before paid all I owed at the hotel. And so it was possible for me to go once more to roulette—^if I were to win an}rthing, I might be able to go on playing; if I lost I should have

to get a lackey's place again, if I did not come across Russians in want of a tutor. Absorbed in these thoughts, I went my daily walk, across the park and the forest in the adjoining prindpaJity.