“That’s it?” Ari asked.
“That’s it.”
He glanced at Shimon and then back at me.
“You have information on this organization?”
I fished one of my new business cards from my hip pocket.
“Sorry,” I said. “It’s a little damp.”
Shimon put his sunglasses on again and nodded curtly.
“I’ll tell my superiors about your organization,” he said. “I’m sure they’ll approve. I wouldn’t be surprised if you got a number of calls in the near future, offering donations or help. And I’ll have a word with Rashid’s executor in Jerusalem. My recollection is that he left some papers for you. I’ll see that they’re sent along.”
Shimon turned and began walking back toward his car, Ari trailing behind. He glanced at the fence posts I’d set and came to a halt.
“You’re planning to keep livestock?” he asked.
“Goats,” I replied. “A mutual friend suggested they might be a good idea.”