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‘Yes, sir. Of course.’

‘Just as well, since I have been asked by the Committee for Public Safety to pick your brains.’ Carnot smiled.‘It seems that you are regarded as something of an expert on military affairs in Italy.’

Napoleon’s mind raced. It was true that he had been asked to draft some plans for the campaigns of the Army of Italy, and he had written some assessments of the war capability of Genoa, but did that qualify him as an expert? If he assumed the role too readily he risked being thought impudent. On the other hand, this might be a chance to improve his prospects. He straightened his back and nodded modestly as he replied.

‘It is true that I have a thorough knowledge of the Italian theatre, citizen.Though I have been out of touch with operations for some months now.’

‘Then you are not aware of the latest reports from the front?’

Napoleon shrugged. ‘I read the newspapers, citizen.’

‘The newspapers are hardly intelligence reports.’ Carnot sniffed. ‘Besides, even they don’t yet know of the latest situation. But they will soon enough. Some fool or other on the Committee will blurt it out to one of his friends and it’ll be round Paris quicker than a dose of the clap.’ Carnot eased himself forward and stared directly at Napoleon. ‘General Kellermann and his men have suffered another defeat. The Army of the Alps is in full retreat, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Kellermann had scurried halfway back to Paris by now.’

Napoleon was irritated to hear the hero of Valmy spoken of so dismissively and instinctively rallied to a fellow officer’s defence. ‘The general must have his reasons for withdrawing, citizen.’

‘Oh, I’m sure he does.’ Carnot wafted a hand. ‘But let us call a spade a spade, Bonaparte. This is no withdrawal, it is a retreat pure and simple.The man has been beaten.What the Committee wants to know is whether it is worth renewing our efforts to take Italy from the Austrians, or whether we should be content with just defending the frontier. Now, you know the terrain, you know the enemy’s strengths and weaknesses and you know what our men are capable of achieving. So, then, which course of action would you advise?’

Napoleon hurriedly marshalled the knowledge he had of the Italian front and mentally composed his response before he spoke. There was only a short pause before he began, ticking the points off with his fingers.

‘We need Italy. France’s treasury is almost empty. There’s plenty of wealth to be had from seizing Austria’s Italian provinces. We might even be able to exact enough money to pay for the war. Besides, it’s not as if the Italians are keen to stay under the Austrian yoke. If France promises them freedom and political reform, then we can be sure of winning over all but the most entrenched of their aristocrats. We could also make good use of the enmity that exists between Genoa, Lombardy,Venice, Rome and Naples. Play them off against each other and we can take each one in turn.’

‘But first we have to defeat the Austrians.’

‘Yes, citizen. I believe it can be done. Their soldiers are tough enough. But they’ve been serving in Italy for a long time. Many of them are far older than our men. All our soldiers need is the right kind of leader. Someone who can fire their patriotism . . .’ Napoleon paused a moment, to allow Carnot to reach the inevitable conclusion of this line of rhetoric. Then he drew a breath and continued. ‘A man of General Kellermann’s reputation is more than adequate for the task.’

‘Such faint praise.’ Carnot smiled. ‘For a moment there I thought you were going to volunteer for the job.’

‘No,’ Napoleon protested and tried to sound sincere. ‘I’m not ready to command an army. The idea’s preposterous.’

‘I know it is. That’s why I am glad that you didn’t suggest it. Please continue.’

‘Yes. Well then, leaving aside the morale issue, the Austrians lack mobility.They never advance anywhere without long supply columns. If our men can live off the land they will march many times faster than the Austrians. We could cut their communications at will, fight a war of manoeuvre.’The ideas were spilling out of his mind in a rush and Napoleon forced himself to slow down. If his words were to have any effect on the members of the Committee he must not appear to be some cavalier adventurer. He must present his case in a balanced manner. He continued.

‘Those would be the arguments for going on to the offensive, citizen. Of course, one must consider the opportunities and risks of the alternative strategy; merely defending our frontier. It would require a large body of men tied up in a line of static defences. They would have to be supplied regularly - an expensive undertaking. And garrison duty would dull the edge of their fighting potential. Then there’s the issue of handing the initiative to the Austrians. If they wished to attempt an invasion along our southern coast they could pick the time and place to launch the attack and France would be compelled to counter-attack in strength just to restore the frontier.’

Carnot held up his hand to stop Napoleon. ‘I can see where your analysis is heading, Bonaparte.Your advice would be to go on the offensive?’

‘Frankly, citizen, I can’t see any profitable alternative. General Kellermann goes on the offensive now, or else France will be forced to go on a more costly counter-offensive later on, with far more limited goals.’ He leaned back in his chair. ‘I say we should make every effort to knock the Austrians out of the war, in the Italian theatre at least.’

Carnot stared back at him, his face creased into a faint frown as he pondered Napoleon’s words. ‘Your views are most interesting, and I will be sure to share them with the other members of the Committee. There is one last matter which requires some thought, namely who would be best suited to command the army, whether it sits on the defensive or is sent forward. General Kellermann is no longer a young man . . .’

Napoleon studiously ignored the invitation to pass comment, and at length Carnot was forced to continue. ‘Then, let us say his experience might be better engaged in more administrative functions. Wouldn’t you agree?’

‘It is not fitting for a subordinate officer to make such judgements, citizen. I am a simple soldier and I speak only in terms of facts.’

The other man smiled. ‘It is true that you are a soldier, just as it is manifestly untrue that you are simple. I think that if you were to deploy your talents on the political field as shrewdly as you do on military matters then you would be a man I would be wise to watch closely. Particularly at a time when so many soldiers seem to be carrying their political ambitions in their knapsacks.’

‘I’m not sure what you mean, citizen.’

‘If I’m any judge of character, you know exactly what I mean,’ Carnot reflected wearily. ‘Now then, I’m grateful for your insights. And it may be that I will need to consult you again on these matters. Which means I have to find some way of keeping you out of the clutches of the Army of the West.’

Napoleon felt his pulse race and he sat still and waited for the Minister of War to continue.

‘There’s a position available in the Ministry’s bureau of topography.They need a senior officer to co-ordinate the movements of our armies. It’s an administrative post, and it needs a good head for detail and quick calculations. I’m certain you could cope with it. I want you to take the job. Of course it has the added virtue of keeping you close at hand, in case a combat command should fall vacant. I’m not promising anything, you understand?’

‘I understand, sir.’

‘Good. In the meantime I will see to it that someone is found to replace you on the strength of the Army of the West.’

‘Thank you, citizen,’ Napoleon replied. ‘I am in your debt.’

‘Yes, you are. And I will show you no pity if I have misjudged your potential, Bonaparte. Make sure you remember that. Now you may go.’

‘Yes, citizen.’ Napoleon rose from his chair and strode towards the door.

‘One last thing,’ Carnot called after him.