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So who are the organized people who do the real killing, Rob? For this we need to go north. Where the smart people live.

Amongst the European nations the British and the Germans have killed more than anyone else. Behold the British Empire. The British wiped out the Tasmanian aborigines, in toto. Completely killed them all. The British in Tasmania actually had a sport whereby they went out and hunted them down. A bloodsport: like foxhunting.

The only European people who can match the British in terms of sheer lethality, Rob, are the Germans. They were slow to catch up, not having an empire and all, but they did rather well in the 20th century. They butchered six million Jews. They killed five million Poles, maybe ten to twenty million Russians. Too many to count.

And what are the IQ levels of the British and the Germans? Around 102-105: significantly above average, and well above most other races. This small margin is significant enough to make the British and the Germans some of the most lethal people in the world, as well as some of the cleverest.

But let’s look further afield. Who is even smarter than the British and the Germans, Rob? The Chinese. They have an average IQ of 107. And the Chinese killed maybe 100 million in the 20th century alone. Of course they killed their own people, but there’s no accounting for taste.

Now let’s go straight to the top.

Per head of population, who is most likely to kill you? Is it the Krauts or the British? Is it a black man or a Chinaman? A Korean or a Kazakh? A nigger or a wop?

No, it’s the Jews. The Jews have killed more people on this planet than anyone else. Of course, given the tiny size of the Jewish population, they have had to do their massacring by proxy, as it were: by harnessing the power of other nations, or getting other countries to fight each other. They live and they kill by weaponizing their cleverness: and there’s no denying how many they have put to the sword. Think about it. Jews invented Christianity: how many died for and by the cross? Fifty million? Jews dreamed up communism. Another 100 million. Then there is the atom bomb. Invented by Jews. How many will that kill?

Jews, in the guise of neo-conservatives, even came up with the second Iraq war. Yes that was a smalltime operation by their standards: only killed a million. Positively picayune. But at least they are keeping their hand in. Perhaps because they are rehearsing for the big war between Islam and Christianity. Which we all know is coming, and which we all know the Jews will start. Because they start all wars; because they are so very clever.

What is the average Ashkenazim Jewish IQ? 115. They are by far the smartest race on earth. And Jews are more likely to take your life, historically, than anyone else. They just don’t do it on the street, with a knife, looking for ten bucks to buy crack.

Rob stared at the email. The racist filth was almost concussive in its psychosis. It was dizzyingly insane. Yet there might be clues in it.

He reread it twice. Then he picked up the phone and called Detective Forrester.


DCI Forrester was on the phone, arranging a meeting with Janice Edwards; he wanted to ask her opinion on the Cloncurry case, because she was an expert in evolutionary psychology: she had written dense but well-received books on the subject.

The therapist’s secretary was evasive. She told him that Janice was very busy and that the only time she could spare in the coming week was tomorrow, when she was at the Royal College of Surgeons, for the monthly meetings of the College Trust.

‘So. That’s fine. I’ll meet her there then?’

The secretary sighed. ‘I’ll make a note’

The next morning Forrester caught the Tube to Holborn, and waited in the pillared hallway of the Royal College until Janice arrived to guide him into the large, shiny, steel-and-glass museum of the college as being a ‘good place to talk’.

The museum was impressive. A maze of enormous glass shelves, arrayed with jars and specimens.

‘This is called the Crystal Gallery,’ said Janice, gesturing at the glittering racks of dissections. ‘It was refurbished a couple of years ago: we’re very proud of it. Cost millions.’

Forrester nodded politely.

‘Here’s one of my favourite exhibits,’ said his doctor. ‘See. The preserved throat of a suicide. This man slashed his own throat-you can actually see the explosion in the flesh. Hunter was a brilliant dissector.’ She smiled at Forrester. ‘Now. What were you saying, Mark?’

‘Do you think there can be a gene for murder?’

She shook her head. ‘Nope.’

‘Not at all?’

‘Not one gene, no. But perhaps a gene cluster. Yes. I don’t see why that is impossible. But we can’t know for sure. This is still a fledgling science.’


‘We’ve only just begun to crack genetics. For instance: have you ever noticed how gayness and high intelligence are interlinked?’

‘They are?’

‘Yes.’ She smiled. ‘Gay people have an IQ about ten points higher than average. There is clearly some genetic element at play here. A gene cluster. But we are not remotely sure of the mechanics.’

Forrester nodded. He glanced at some animal specimens. A jar containing a hagfish. The pale grey stomach of a swan.

Janice Edwards went on, ‘As for the heritability of homicidality, well…it depends how these genes interact. With each other and the environment. Someone who had the trait might still live a perfectly normal life, if their urges weren’t catalysed or provoked in some way.’

‘But…’ Forester was confused. ‘You do think murderousness could be inherited?’

‘Let’s take musical ability. That seems to be partially heritable. Consider the Bach family-brilliant composers over several generations. Of course environment played a part but genes must surely be involved. So, if something as complex as musical composition is heritable then, yes, why not a fairly primal urge like murder?’

‘And what about human sacrifice? Could you inherit a desire to commit human sacrifice?’

She frowned. ‘Not sure about that. Rather a bizarre concept. What’s the background?’

Forrester recounted the story of the Cloncurrys. An aristocratic family with a history of martial values, some of whom took their aggression to lurid lengths approaching human sacrifice. And now they had begat Jamie Cloncurry: a murderer who sacrificed without apology or rationale. Even more bizarrely, the family appeared to be attracted to sites of human sacrifice: they lived near the biggest sacrificial deathpit in France and the Great War battlefields blooded by their appalling forefather, General Cloncurry.

Janice nodded, thoughtfully. ‘Interesting. I suppose murderers often return to the scene of the crime, don’t they?’ She shrugged: ‘But that is rather odd. Why live there? Near the battlefields? Could be coincidence. Maybe they are in some way honouring their ancestors. You’d need to ask an anthropologist about that.’

She walked on down the Crystal Gallery. Two girls were sitting cross-legged on the floor with sketch pads on their laps and little tins of paint at the side. Student artists, Forrester surmised. One of the girls was Chinese-she was squinting with great concentration, at five eerily preserved foetuses: deformed human quintuplets.