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 Humphrey Humphrey kissed her. “Well now,” he said as her soft, warm lips parted to his questing tongue. “Well now!” and he kissed her again.

 Under the thin gauze of Scarlett’s baby dolls, Penny felt her pear-shaped breasts swell with passion. Humphrey stroked one of them and the precious little tip grew precious big. It stood out red and stiff and trembling with a little drop of passionate moisture. He bent his head to kiss the darling darling’s darling love-bud. Penny gasped and her hips began to writhe as she felt the chapped manliness of his lips at her breast.

 “Oh, yes,” she moaned. “Let it be like this. Let it happen now. At last. I’ve waited so long. And now, at long last, here is a man from over the sea, an Irish man, strong and brave, to, make of me a woman!”

 Humphrey Humphrey’s hands dropped to the skimpy little elastic of the skimpy little baby doll pantalets. He slid them down over the smooth round belly and stroked the light blonde curls demurely hiding the womanhood beneath it. “Ahh, the lovely damp,” he sighed. “How warm and sweet it is to come home to the lovely damp.”

 Penny raised up on her plump little haunches so that he might remove the skimpy little baby doll pantalets. When they were dangling from one ankle, the darling young virgin arched her thighs and squirmed urgently until his hand was where she wanted it.

 Her precious little ruby grew larger and rubier as he played flip-flop with it. Slippery it was, but Humphrey Humphrey managed to re-clutch it each time it escaped. And yet it grew more slippery as her now frothing honeypot bubbled with still more love-nectar lubricant.

 “Oh, yes,” Penny moaned. “Now, darling! Now, my Irish darling! Give it to me now!”

 “Now?” Humphrey Humphrey queried eagerly.

 “Now! Now! Now!”

 “Crouch over then, me darlin’. Crouch like the good Irish beasts in the good Irish fields of the good Irish countryside.” He put his hands on her plump, trembling hips and guided her body until it was positioned the way he wanted it.

 But the position put too much of a strain on the baby dolls and Penny felt them rip as she crouched. She paid no mind to the damage as his hand caressed her pulsating honeypot. The touch made Penny feel the urgency of her desire right down to her very bowels. As a matter of fact, that was exactly where she felt the sensation most acutely. It was the sudden shift of position that made her so aware of it, no doubt. Anyway, that was what she told herself at first.

 But as she maintained the position, Penny began to realize that it wasn’t passion that she was feeling in that area. Indeed, the poor, innocent girl had no way of knowing it, but the laxative she had mistakenly taken was beginning to act quite strongly. “Just a minute,” she said. “Before we—- That is, I think first I’d like to go to—“

 “Ireland waits for no woman!” Humphrey Humphrey exclaimed. “The time is now!”

 “But no! You don’t understand! I have to—!”

 Humphrey Humphrey wasn’t listening. He couldn’t listen. His ears were pounding with his own desire. “Up the Irish!” he shouted, thrusting for the target of her womanhood.

 But he missed his goal. Suddenly Penny wasn’t there. She was diving for the bathroom door.

 And Humphrey? He was sprawled on the floor watching the figure in the torn baby dolls disappear into the bathroom. And the echo of his voice must have seemed a hollow mockery indeed in his ears.

 “Up the Irish! ”


 POOR PENNY was mortified. She locked herself in the bathroom and sobbed and sobbed. She dashed cold water on her face and sobbed some more. She removed the tattered baby dolls, and -- not knowing what else to do with them—put them in the clothes hamper. Then she sobbed still more, determined never to face Huinphrey again, trapped in the bathroom, incapable of planning her exit, too overcome with mortification to do anything but sit on the edge of the toilet lid and let the tears flow.

 She might have stayed there sobbing indefinitely if she hadn’t heard the muted sound of voices from the other room. She strained her ears and made out Sacrlett’s syrupy tones. By opening the door a crack, Penny was able to distinguish the words Scarlett and Humphrey were speaking.

 “. . . and the doctor said the sedative he gave Rhett would knock him out and keep him out until morning,” Scarlett was saying. “He told me I might as well go home, that there wasn’t a chance Rhett would wake up and panic because I wasn’t there. So here I am.”

 “Sure, an’ it’s wonderful happy I am to see you, Sis.”

 “And I you, Humphrey me darlin’.”

 Peeping through the crack in the barely opened bathroom door, Penny could see that they had their backs to her. Taking a deep, quivery breath for courage, she tiptoed out of the bathroom and silently made her way behind them to the front door of the apartment without being seen. On the wall to the right of this was a clothes closet used for hanging outer garments. Penny quietly opened the door to this closet and took down a mink jacket that was hanging there. It was Scarlett’s one luxury, squeezed out of Rhett after five years of marital nagging. Penny donned the mink to cover her nudity. It reached to a point just barely below the juncture of her legs. Then she opened the front door and, with her hand still on the knob, called to Scarlett.

 “I have to be going right away now. Can I borrow this? Just for tonight.”

 “Why, Penny, where—-?” Scarlett wheeled around in a complete circle and then half around again until her eyes focused on Penny. “I was wondering where you were. But what on earth--? Where are you going? Why —?”

 “I have to go. Right now.” Penny looked straight down at her bright red toenails, carefully avoiding Humphrey’s gaze, which was also leveled at her now. “Can I borrow the jacket?”

 “Of course. But what do you want with a fur coat in the middle of summer? And you’re barefoot, too. Let me get you a pair of shoes.”

 “Never mind.” Penny grabbed a pair of riding boots that were on the floor of the closet. “I’ll just take these if you don’t mind. They’ll do fine. I’ll return everything tomorrow.” And she was out the door, unable to stand Humphrey’s stare one moment more.

 In the hallway she paused to pull on the riding boots. There was a riding-crop sticking out of one of them, and she looped it carelessly over one wrist so that it wouldn’t get lost. Then she made her way down the stairs to the landlady’s door again. As she’d expected, her ring wasn’t answered; the landlady still hadn’t returned home; Penny still had no way of getting into her own apartment.

 She leaned against the wall in the hallway and tried to consider her predicament calmly. It was then that she remembered Fanny Hill, her friend and co-worker at Pussycat Publications. Fanny lived over on Madison Avenue, just a few blocks downtown from the block on which Penny lived. Certainly Fanny would be glad to put her up for the night. With the mink coat covering her nudity, Penny decided she would have no trouble walking over to Fanny’s place.

 So she struck out down the crosstown block, heading for Madison Avenue. She walked briskly and without incident until she reached the corner of Park Avenue. Here the light was against her, and she paused at the curb. When it changed, she started across the street.

 A little more than halfway across, Penny never even saw the lavish Rolls Royce limousine as it careened around the corner. Still blinded by her tears of mortification over what had happened with Humphrey, she stepped into the path of the Rolls. The car swerved to avoid her, but didn’t quite succeed. It sideswiped the mink-topped figure and the pavement came up and cracked Penny on the head. Everything went black for the unfortunate girl.

 When she regained consciousness, Penny was quite disoriented. Her surroundings were completely unfamiliar to her. And she didn’t know any of the people clustered around her. She blinked and her eyes roved over the room, seeking some clue to where she might be.