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 “Remember,” he said, “New York is a Summer Festival!”

 These words were the first thing to register with Penny since she’d turned on the set. “New York is a Summer Festival!” she repeated to herself bitterly, thinking of all that had happened to her during only one night in the Empire City. Morosely, masochistically, she went over the events of the night in her mind.

 In retrospect, the true awfulness of the predicament in which they’d left her was driven home to Penny. After everything that had happened, she was still a virgin! Her damnable, unwanted chastity was still intact.

 She’d gone away for the weekend with Studs, lain naked in his arms, the arms of a man well-known to be a rogue, and still she was a virgin! She’d been made love to orally by a Lesbian, but that had made no real difference. She’d been threatened with rape by a gang of hoodlums in Central Park; alas, she had saved herself and not been raped. She had almost been anally assaulted by a mad Irishman with an infantile sexual orientation, but her maidenhood itself had never really been in danger. She had whipped a man and been whipped by him, yet still that one sharp pain of virtue overcome had eluded her. She had been abducted by the most virile-looking of men, tall and strong, with ebony skin, but he could not have solved Penny’s problem if he’d wanted to, for he was a eunuch. Yes, she’d even worked in a bordello without managing to lose her virginity! She’d made oral love to a man without inspiring him to relieve her of her burden; she’d done everything she could think of to stimulate him and in the end she’d left him a pain-wracked wreck. She’d sought Oriental relief without success. And then she’d even participated in a Roman orgy and emerged with her chastity unsullied. And, lastly, a gynecologist had toyed with her at length with results that were merely masturbatory, but not productive of that fulfillment which only the sex act itself can bring a girl.

 In short, Penny summed up to herself, in the course of this one night in which she’d determined to end her chaste state, she’d experienced cunnilingus with a Lesbian, committed fellatio, been anally humiliated, known both masochism and sadism, played the part of a voyeur, almost been raped, worked in a brothel, participated in an an orgy, been masturbated several times, and yet was still a virgin! After such experiences, was it likely that she ever would hear “the liquid sounds of love-making?” Would she never sniff “the sweet aroma of animal desire”? Was her body never to “burn with passion”?

 Was the darling girl doomed to be forever a hopeless virgin?



 Fate had decided otherwise. As the morning sun climbed up the blue steps of the sky, the unhappy girl grew drowsy and began to nod in front of the TV set. She might have slipped into a deep sleep, but she was prevented when the telephone began to ring once again.

 She picked up the receiver. “Hello.”

 “Hello, Penny? It’s Studs. I’ve been trying to get you all night. Where have you been?”

 Penny ignored the question. “What do you want?” she asked sullenly.

 “First of all to apologize. Really. I started thinking as soon as you’d stormed out of the bungalow and I realized what an absolute jerk I’d acted like. And then I began to worry. You’d gone off without your clothes, without your pocketbook, without any money. I went out to look for you, but you were nowhere to be found. Finally, I came back to the city, to my place. That’s where I am now. And I’ve been trying to reach you all night so I could return your things and tell you how sorry I am. Not just about the argument, Penny. About the way things turned out and how square I acted, too. Honest, I’ve been kicking myself all night. Please, can’t I come up and bring back your stuff and maybe try to make it up to you?”

 “Well, all right.” Penny tried to make her voice sound as if she couldn’t care less, but her heart was beating like a triphammer in high gear. “Come on over.”

 “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” Studs hung up.

 Penny bounded from the couch into the bathroom. She let her housecoat fall to the floor and dived into the stall shower. She put on a shower cap, turned the spiggot and immediately was enveloped in a cloud of steam. She scrubbed her beautiful young body until the skin was ivory clean and tinged with the color of rose petals. Then she stepped out of the shower, wrapped herself in a large Turkish towel, and rubbed herself dry. Her flesh was tingling now, and she looked with approval at her naked reflection in the mirror on the back of the bathroom door. She kept looking as she combed out her golden hair and tied it with a ribbon in a nest ponytail. Her breasts, so firm, the tips rigid with anticipation, looked back at her like crimson dotted eyes. Her full, round hips swayed impatiently, provocatively. The arch of her milk-white thighs quivered with the eagerness of the soft, blonde-curled womanhood over it. And, turning around, she saw that her plump, high derriere was likewise atremble with new hope that this, at last, would be it.

 Penny selected a dark green peekaboo negligee and put it on. It wasn’t quite transparent, but it didn’t quite cover her charms, either. Depending on how she moved, the tips of her ice-cream-cone breasts and the triangle of blonde down appeared and disappeared behind open net and close-knit embroidery. She was still pirouetting and admiring herself when the doorbell sounded.

 “Wow!” Studs stood there for a moment and stared at her.

 “Close your mouth and come on in,” she told him.

 “Oh. Sure.” He moved into the living room, his eyes still riveted to Penny. “I brought your things.” He held out the package to her.

 “Thanks. Well, aren’t you going to kiss me hello?” she said in a deep throaty voice.

 “I sure am.” Studs put his arms around her and kissed her hungrily.

 Penny’s lips parted to his kiss, and their tongues were live flames flicking at each other. She bit his lip gently and was rewarded by the sharp thrust of his manhood against her. “My,” she said breathlessly when the kiss was over, “that doesn’t feel like a man who’s determined not to deflower a girl.”

 “I’m sorry about that,” Studs said, pressing against her even more firmly. “It was just a momentary aberration. I hope I’ll be able to make it up to you.”

 “Just keep on with what you’re doing and I suspect you will.”

 Studs kissed her again and they sank to the couch together. His hand found her breast and caressed the eager, straining, scarlet peak. His lips followed and bestowed loving, laving kisses on the delicate pink roseate. Then her buried his face in the deep cleft between the perfect orbs and his hot breath made the darling girl’s skin tingle.

 Her precious red tongue darted at his ear lobe and he heard her making low, moaning, incoherent sounds deep in her precious throat. Her slender, delicate fingers sent intimate little shock waves down his neck, down his spine-billet-doux of building ardor.

 Studs’ hands investigated the creamy velvety smoothness of her lightly curved belly. Again, his mouth followed. His lips fastened over her deep-cleft navel and he inhaled deeply. A bit of belly-button lint snagged in his teeth and he paused briefly to remove it. Then he returned to the oscillating pit with his deep-tickling tongue.