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 Again his hands moved lower. His fingers pushed aside the green net fabric and tangled in the golden down. Their tips grazed the entrance to Penny’s love-filled piggy-bank and came away balmed with the dew of amour. His lips swooped down to sip the nectar, but Penny stopped him.

 “Wait!” she said. “Let’s get you undressed first. And then let’s go into the bedroom and get into bed and do it right. Come on.” She stripped off Studs’ jacket. Then her fingers were working at the buttons of his shirt, and her hands were hot and moist and eager on the bare flesh of his manly chest.

 She unbuckled his belt and tugged at his pants. When they were off, she covered his legs with a series of quick, nibbling kisses that drove Studs wild. She knelt to take off his shoes and socks, and her bare breasts pressed against his thighs, arousing him even more, so that now his excitement was not only obvious, but truly throbbing and amazingly large. As impatient as he, Penny pulled off his BVDs to free it.

 “Come on,” she said, still lusting, but almost fearful at this monster serpent she had aroused. “Let's go in the bedroom.”

 By the time they’d settled themselves in the bedroom, Studs’ ardor had waned just a trifle. But Penny knew what to do about that. She may have been short on one specific area of actual experience, but she was a reader, this girl. “Just a minute,” she told Studs.

 She sat down at her dressing table, in front of the mirror. One particularly stirring sequence from Vivien Connell’s The Chinese Room kept capturing her mind. She picked up her lipstick and began rouging the roseates of her breasts with small, deft strokes. This done, she took the lipstick and followed the lines of the lips of her nether-mouth until it too was outlined in shocking red.

 “Isn’t that sort of gilding the lily?” Studs asked, breathing hard.

 “If it is, then the petals will be all the more appealing,” she promised him, her voice husky with desire. She stood up, crossed over to a tall bureau, and climbed up on top of it.

 “At a time like this, you want to play Tarzan? You’re meshuginah,” Studs told her, reverting to his ethnic background.

 “Never mind. You just do as I say. Stand in the middle of the floor. Right there.”

 Studs shrugged and stood where she’d indicated.

 “Now, look at me.” Penny, perched atop the bureau, began to writhe so that her lipsticked breasts and red-etched marmalade-jar moved so erotically that they seemed to have a life of their own.

 Studs stared. Slowly, he licked his lips. Slowly, his erect manhood regained its former proportions and swelled beyond them. Slowly, he started to move toward the hot, squirming girl.

 “No! Don’t move! Stay right where you are! Brace yourself!” Penny tensed for a moment atop the bureau, and then she leaped.

 Her aim was true. Her thighs fastened like a vise around Studs’ hips. Her legs twined; her ankles locked behind him. Her hands clasped his neck. and her liquid love-jar at last impaled itself on his thrusting harpoon.

 She knew a moment of quick, sharp pain, and then ecstasy as they fell to the floor together in a mutual explosion of their passion. But that was only the start. Grasping her beneath her pillow-soft white buttocks, Studs lifted her to the bed without spilling a drop. And then he was on top of her, a brutal, primeval animal, a machine dispensing joy, a man—-yes, above all a man —tearing her flesh and making of her a woman at long last.

 With it all, with the hurtling waves of desire carrying her to crest after crest of supreme happiness, with the kaleidoscope of colors exploding in her brain, with the searing heat turning her body into a human torch, Penny still found time to determine the answer to those questions which had been bothering her throughout the long night.

 “The liquid sounds of love-making?”


 Not very romantic, but Penny was much too happy to care.

 “The sweet aroma of animal desire?”

 The only odor Penny could detect reminded her of the smell of the locker room adjoining the girls’ gym back in high school.

 She put it out of her mind.

 “Bodies burning with passion?”

 There was certainly truth to that.

 Only when you came right down to it, sex really was awfully sweaty, and Penny wished her body would burn a little less lest her deodorant let her down.

 But all these were only minor disappointments in the face of a major accomplishment. At last Penny was really being devirginized—and with a vengeance. And in the main, she wasn’t disappointed at all, at all.

 Still, it had to end sometime, and it did. Studs ran out of breath and jizzum at just about the same time. One final thrust, they both saw stars, and it was time for the inevitable after-sex cigarette.

 “That was wonderful,” Penny sighed, tired, but ecstatically happy.

 “Uh-huh.” Studs was still trying to get his wind back.

 “Ohhh!” Penny hugged him. “I love you!”

 “Sure, babe,” he wheezed a trifle asthmatically. “I love you, too.”

 “No. I mean it. I really do. I’m in love with you, Studs. No man ever made me feel this way before. You know, those romance stories I edit always say a girl just knows the real thing when it comes along. Well, they’re right. She does. I do. This is the real thing. This is love. I just know it. I love you, Studs! Do you love me?”

 “Oh, sure,” he yawned. “Just wild about you, babe.” He stretched wearily.

 “Do you really mean that, Studs?”

 “Def, sweetie; in spades.”

 “Oh, I’m so happy to hear that, Studs. Because, you know, I’ve been thinking. I was talking like an idiot back there in the bungalow. I was being absolutely sophomoric. I see that now. So you see, my darling, I’ve changed my mind.”

 “About what, babe?” Studs’ voice was heavy with drowsiness.

Penny took a deep breath. “About marriage, Studs,” she told him. “I’ve decided. I will marry you.”

 “Huh!” Studs shot bolt upright in the bed. He was wide awake now. “Who said anything about marriage?”

 “You did. Back at the bungalow. You asked me to marry you. Remember?”

 “I did? Oh, yeah. Yeah, sure. I remember now. But I apologized for that, sugar.”

 “But I don’t want you to apologize. You don’t understand, my sweet darling. It’s I who am apologizing to you for acting like a foolish girl, for pretending to be so sophisticated and all. You were right. We’re meant for marriage. I love you. You love me. I want us to be married.”

 “Now, just a cotton-pickin’ minute,” Studs said slowly.

 “Why, darling, what’s the matter?”

 “Well, let’s not go rushing into marriage. After all, we hardly know each other. Let’s not do anything hasty.”

 “Hasty! But you said you loved me!” Penny wailed.

 ‘Well, sure, but what did you want me to say under the circumstances? That I hate you?”

 “Then you don’t love me! Don’t bother denying it! You don’t! But why did you say you did then?”

 “Well—uhh—it seemed polite at the time.”

 “Polite! Well of all the—” Penny made an effort to bring her emotions under control. “Then why did you ask me to marry you when we were out at the beach?” she demanded. “Answer me that!”

 “Things were different then,” Studs said evasively.

 “Different how?”

 “Just different.”

 “I think I deserve an explanation of that, and I insist on having it.”

 “All right. You asked for it. You were a virgin then.”

 “What? You mean—? But that’s ridiculous. After all, you’re the man who destroyed my virginity. You’ve got no cause to be jealous, or to feel like this. If you marry me, you’ll still be the only man to have carnal knowledge of me.”

 “I’m sorry,” Studs said. “I could never marry you, Penny.”

 “Why not?”

 Studs was silent for a long moment, searching for the words to frame his answer. In the silence, he fancied he could almost hear his dead father’s voice. My boy! A goy? Oi! A tramp who hops into bed with you the first chance she gets? Run! Run before it’s too late! Run and find yourself a nice Jewish girl to marry! “I’m sorry,” Studs said aloud. “I can’t marry you because you’re not a virgin any more. I just couldn’t marry a girl who treats her virtue so lightly. And now, I guess I’d better be going.”