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Thank God she was gone. He could get back to the lovely ladies. Virgil knew they'd missed him.

I absolutely refuse to do that, Carrie said.

You have a better idea?

Yes, in fact, I have a great idea, Madelinehow about you just drop it?

How about you get over yourself? Find a hobby? I can tell you from personal experience that it feels fabulous!


I've met someone!

Madeline couldn't resist. So, when's the wedding? she asked.

Carrie said nothing at first, but when she did speak, her words came out clipped. I want you to stop calling at work or at home. I think this borders on harassment, and I will get a protective order if I have to.

Madeline laughed so hard she had to stop pinching the edge of the piecrust.

You were never really my friend, anyway, Carrie continued. I just used you.

Madeline tossed the rolling pin down on the counter. Yeah. I'm real clear on that. But obviously, you're not so clear on the situation we have right here, right now.

I'm hanging up.

Fine. Then I'll be sending out some e-mails as soon as I get these apple pies in the oven. I think I've got everybody I need, but tell me if I'm missing anyone important. Let's seethe director of the state's Department of Health and Human Resources; the chairman of the state medical board's committee on impaired physicians; your assistant, Alice; your parents, Charlie and Verna Mathis of Beckley, West Virginia; the chairman of the legislative committee on whatever it's called You wouldn't!

Madeline laughed. Carrie, just do it, for crying out loud. Come to Persuasion for the Thanksgiving benefit and bid on Mattyou'll make a donation for a good cause and you'll get me off your back. I can't see the harm in that.

And you'll drop this?

Madeline did a silent victory dance. If you make Nola visibly jealous and work her into a tizzy, I'll drop this. It's a promise.

Carrie didn't miss a beat. But I have no control over whether Nola goes into a tizzy, or even what constitutes a tizzy.

Madeline supposed Carrie had a point, which made her pout. Do it or I hit the?send' button.

Fine, Carrie said with finality. I make Matt's bail in the charity auction and I'll make sure everyone thinks I'm hot for him, and you'll back off. Agreed?


What time is the auction?


That seems an odd time, right in the middle of the day like that, but OK. Carrie sighed with defeat. After the auction, I want nothing to do with you. You will never tell a soul about my, uh, shortcomings.

The fund-raiser takes Visa, Madeline said.

Thanksgiving Eve was here, and Kat's heart was filled with love and gratitude as she studied the faces of those gathered around the fireplace. Aidan had come. That alone sent Kat bouncing off the walls with happiness. He'd brought his girlfriend, Rachel Mishmurtha, who Kat could tell was trying her best to overcome her shyness. There was Matt and Nola. And Riley, of course. Loretta was snoozing near the hearth.

Everyone was enjoying delivery pizza, beer, and hot apple cider while the heavy sweetness of baking pies permeated the house.

Calzones absolutely taste different than pizza, Nola said, defending her position. She and Matt were snuggled together on the end of the couch involved in an intense discussion.

How could they, baby? Matt asked. You make pizza dough. You smear pizza sauce on it. You add meat and cheese and whatever else you want; then you flip the crust over on itself. You bake it. It comes out a deformed pizza.

Nola was not giving up. I am an Italian, she said, waving her hands around in case no one believed her. I know my Italian food. Calzones taste different than pizzas.

Matt shrugged. All right, but why anyone would want to do that to a perfectly good pizza is beyond me. He took another drink of his beer.

When Kat glanced in Riley's direction, he was already looking at her, his face lit up with relaxation and happiness. She was astounded at how different he appeared lately. That day she saw him walk into the ER room to check on Virgil, Riley had looked dog-tired, on the surface and deep down in his soul. She now knew that's exactly what he'd been, because he hadn't been able to find her and Aidan, and had just put himself in hock for the rest of his life in order to save the clinic.

To night, everything was different for Riley. His woman and his child were right there with him, and Riley was about to come clean with Matt.

Matt, there's something I need to tell you.

Hmm? Matt and Nola apparently had reached a truce and then reached for each other.

Look, I just wanted to tell you I did something stupid recentlyI took out a second mortgage on the Bohland House and got into some trouble with the payments.

Matt dragged his gaze from Nola and blinked at his brother. You don't say.

Yeah. I took out a… Riley stopped. He glanced quickly toward Kat, then frowned at his brother. You already /know/?

Matt shook his head, leaving his nest with Nola and moving to the very edge of the couch. He leaned his elbows on his knees. I've been waiting for you to come to me about it.

Riley looked baffled. How did you find out?

Matt laughed. Bro, half the women down at the bank used to He straightened up. Be my friend.

Riley narrowed his eyes. You're not angry?

Ha! Matt slapped his palms on his knees. I'm pissed as hell, man, but I figured it was for the clinic, and that you'd find a way out of the mess somehow. I have total faith in you.

Riley narrowed his eyes and Kat watched his brain working. You know how much money we're talking, right?

Sure. One and a half million.

Jesus-Snowboarding-Christ, Nola whispered. The room went silent.

How many people will be here for dinner tomorrow, Miss Turner?

Kat thought Rachel had done a nice job of changing the subject. She was a strikingly polite young woman.

Fourteen in all. And just so everyone knows, I've agreed to let Joanna Loveless come over and take a few pictures for the local paper, kind of a back-in-town feature story she's doing.

That sounds nice, Rachel said, smiling.

We're very glad you could come up and join us, Riley said.

Rachel's face became animated. Oh, wow, me, too. It almost didn't happen. Then her eyes went big and she looked to Aidan as if to acknowledge that she'd made a mistake.

Aidan cleared his throat. Yeah. Her parents aren't all that excited about Rachel dating me. I'm not Indian, obviously, and it's kind of a sore spot with them.

Kat nodded. I see.

But they like him, Rachel added quickly, looking at both Riley and Kat.

They're, well… She glanced at Aidan for his blessing.

Obviously, we tell it like it is around here, Rach. Go for it.

She laughed uncomfortably and looked down at her mug of apple cider.

Well, it's just that my parents are very old-fashioned, from a small city in northern India, and they have their hearts set on me finding a nice boy from my culture.

What's wrong with American men? Matt asked.

It's just that they'd rather I date someone with a similar background.

They think Americans are, well… She swallowed hard. They think Americans are undisciplined and lack a moral foundation.

The room went quiet again, the only sound the crackling of the fire.

Rachel was visibly embarrassed. I am very sorry. Like I said, they're old-fashioned, and they embarrass me sometimes.

Matt cleared his throat and tapped his service revolver under his waistband. Well, you can reassure your folks that I'm always packin' my moral foundation right here.

He's just joking, Aidan reassured her, then planted a tender kiss on her forehead, right in front of everyone. Kat was touched by the sweetness of it.

I'll heat some more apple cider, Kat said. Be right back. Within moments she heard a man's footsteps in the dining room, and she figured it was Riley. She turned to greet him and encountered Aidan.