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Whatever my mom is up to has diluted her focus to a point where I am gone more nights than home with hardly any questioning. “Off to Zoe’s” is all I have to say and that pretty much is all it takes.

Still, it bothers me that Chrissie doesn’t seem to notice that I’ve changed. I’m less angry, less resentful about being forced to move to Pacific Palisades, and I’m definitely less involved in my websites and the home front.

I’ve always been close to Mom and it sucks that she hasn’t noticed that something pretty fucking special is going on with me…

The bell rings and I slap shut my journal. I shove my junk into my tote and spring from my desk.

As I hurry down the hallway, I wave at the people calling out to me, but I keep going toward the parking lot.

When I get to Bobby’s car, the top is already down on his Aston Martin, classic Aerosmith is blasting from the speakers, and he’s sitting on the trunk talking with Jake and Zoe.

I bite back a smile. It took weeks of truly obvious girl-world antics to make it happen, but they are finally dating. Maybe after Santa Cruz they’ll be a couple. I hope so. Zoe is a great girl and Jake, for all that he doesn’t talk much, is a pretty awesome guy.

“Finally,” Zoe says in a heavily exasperated way when she sees me.

“My thoughts exactly,” Bobby adds, pulling me up against him.

“Pardon me for having to actually wait until after the bell to meet up,” I tease, since Bobby and Zoe work as office assistants fourth period and can pretty much cut out whenever they want to, and somehow Jake ended up without a fourth period.

Bobby leans in slowly, very slowly, but stops with my mouth so close to his that it feels like we’re touching but we’re not. Not being kissed by him is glorious torture, unexpectedly hot, especially with the change in his breathing and the look in his eyes.

“I’m not complaining,” Bobby says, a smile rising to his eyes. “Some things are worth the wait.”

Yep, not being kissed by him may be even sexier than being kissed by him—and he’s an incredible kisser. As for that worth the wait comment, my eager body plugs immediately into the countless ways I can interpret that.

I stare at him until I can’t take the suspense any longer, then I lean in with my lips because I want him more than I’ve ever wanted anything.

He eases back before contact. “You did clear it with Chrissie to take off on Wednesday, didn’t you?”

I nod slowly. It’s only a little lie—I plan to clear it with my mom when I get home today. No more stalling. And if I panic, I’ll just do an I’m off to Zoe’s for the holidays.

As soon as I answer, he’s completely still. “You haven’t, have you?” he accuses impatiently.

Damn, how does he know?

I crinkle my nose. “I’m going. I wouldn’t make you go girlfriendless on a couples’ road trip.”

“You better not,” he warns.

A thrill runs through me. The way he says that makes me wonder if he’s got something planned for me. Hallelujah. Maybe my nun status is soon to be over.

“Not a chance,” I whisper, my voice low and throaty. “I’ve got plans for you, Bobby Rowan.”

I weave both hands through his hair until I’m holding the back of his head and kissing him deeply. I’ve lost count of how many times we’ve kissed over the past month, but every time the feeling changes into something more intense, like nothing I’ve ever experienced.

I grab on tightly as my mouth plunders his because I’ve had enough of our in-between status, and by his quick response I’m pretty sure he has, too. It isn’t long before we’re kissing a little more frantic and needy than ever before, and I can feel the tension in his body matches my own. I know, just know, this week is the week I give myself to him.

“Crap, can you two get a room or stop flirting with each other or cut the rest of the day and finally do it?” Zoe exclaims, frustrated and not the least bit tactful. “I’m hungry. We only have an hour. Let’s bail.”

We break the kiss and we’re both breathless and laughing.

I’d forgotten about Zoe and Jake.

Bobby turns me in his arms until I’m leaning back against his chest, facing them, and it isn’t until I feel the hardness in his shorts that I realize he’s using my body as a shield.

“Where does everyone want to go?” Bobby asks.

“I don’t care,” Zoe says. “Food. At this point, anything.”

I look over my shoulder at Bobby. “Let’s go to the Kettle.”

“That’s a thirty-minute drive. I’ll never get you back in time for fifth period and you can’t afford another pink slip. Eventually the dean will do something to you if you keep racking them up.”

“I don’t care. You’ve got the top down. It’s a sunny day. Perfect for a drive up the coast.”

Zoe rolls her eyes. “Bobby’s car has only two seats. That means we’ll have to take separate cars. You’re not the least bit subtle, Kaley. Do you know that? If you want to cut out on us, then cut out.”

“Nope. I just want to take separate cars today.” I give her a stare, heavy with meaning, since the separate cars thing is good for her, too. “Meet us at the Kettle. OK?”

She stares and doesn’t move.

Fuck, she didn’t clue in my look to her at all.

Her expression says she wants to argue.

A fast glance at Jake tells me he knows exactly what I’m maneuvering here and is all for it.

Christ, do I have to do everything for her?

“Separate cars,” I repeat heavily. It doesn’t feel like Bobby’s erection is going away anytime soon.

Not without help.

My heart tempo ticks up.

My cheeks warm.

“You guys better not ditch us,” Zoe says intensely.

“No ditching,” I state pointedly. “Go.”

I bite my lower lip and struggle to hold myself still when all I really want is to brush my backside against Bobby’s crotch.

I move my butt just a hair against him. I feel his cock jerk, and I sink my teeth harder into my lip.

I love taunting him.

Being taunted by him.

By the feel of him, it won’t take much pushing to get him to end the torture. And if he makes his move today, to hell with Santa Cruz. I’m going to cave. A body can only take so much without relief. And it’s been a month of burning, ragged anticipation.

I can’t even imagine what it’s going to be like to have sex with him.

Despite my efforts not to smile as I wait for Zoe to figure this one out, I do it anyway.

“Nope,” she smirks. “Not subtle at all.”




We roll to a stop at the exit of the school parking lot and Bobby looks left toward the coast highway, the direction Jake went with Zoe, and my heart sinks.

Oh damn.

Maybe we are going to the Kettle for lunch. I’ve never been more disappointed in my life to get my way. How did Bobby misread my not-so-subtle hints to Zoe?

He makes a sharp turn right.

I start to laugh as we whiz up the road toward his house.

“Jerk,” I tease.

A twinkle fills his eyes. “No, not a jerk. I waited until Jake was out of sight before I changed directions. I don’t want them following us.”

A smile spreads across Bobby’s face and it’s so damn sexy all I want to do is kiss him. Instead, I lay my head on his shoulder, curling into his arm over the center console.

“Pretty sly, Bobby Rowan.”

“I am if this works. I love Zoe, but sometimes shaking her is like trying to shake gum from your shoe.”

I laugh and kiss his arm.

There is no need to ask what he’s planning. Bobby is pulsing with tension. My fingers move lower and he stops me before I can brush him there.

We turn down the service alley behind his house and he parks, his car hidden from view by the back fence.