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Totally pathetic.

And completely embarrassing that I kind of want to call my mom and talk about this with her before I do it.

Crap, I hope Bobby can’t see that I’m scared.

He flicks the turn signal and we pull into the long driveway of a stunning house set right up against the beach. We slowly come to a stop and he turns off the engine.

My brows crinkle.

A house.

I thought we’d be staying at a hotel.

My emotions shift abruptly. I can’t tell; am I more or less nervous because of this? So ridiculous. Why does it matter where we do it for the first time?

“Whose house is this?” I ask.

Bobby pulls the keys from the ignition and angles in his seat, facing me. “Mine. My eighteenth birthday present.”

He says that in a no-big-deal, just-sort-of-is kind of way.

My eyes widen. “Your parents bought you a house as a birthday present? My last birthday I got some new cameras.”

His gaze softens into something subdued. “No. Linda bought me the house as a gift. I think she was worried I was going to take off and she’d never see me again. And if she gave me this then I’d have somewhere not too far from her to land if I did leave home.” He shakes his head. “I’d never do that to Linda. Disappear. I owe her a lot.”

Everything inside me starts to roil. “And are you going to leave after graduation and not come back like you told your dad?”

Bobby leans into me, brushing my cheek with his thumb and trailing light kisses along my jaw. “I’m never going to leave you. Not ever, Kaley.”

I feel a slight internal warning prick even as I melt into the play of his lips and touch. Not a totally direct answer. I’m not sure what it means. Right now I don’t care. A few kisses and I’m on fire in my sex.

He lifts his mouth, not pulling back, and I’m breathless. “Come on. Let’s go inside. If we stay out here much longer, I’m going to blow everything and jump you in the car.”

I stifle a laugh and make a face. “Jump me? Really? You’re such a sweet talker, Bobby.”

His eyes change, the color darkening. “You’re lucky I didn’t pull off the road two hours ago.” His voice is husky. “You don’t have any idea what it does to me having you sitting there looking at me that way. How ready I am to be with you.”

The lines of his face tighten. I become aware that we’re so close that our body heat mingles in the damp, foggy coastal air. The feel of him shoots through my veins blocking out all other thought and sensation.

I want him.


“Then why don’t you show me?” I whisper, my voice breathy and excited. “You got me here, Bobby Rowan. Why are we still in the car?”

He shakes his head. “Tonight we show each other. I want to make love to you but, Kaley, I want you to make love to me also. I want to make love over and over again until neither of us can take any more.”

Holy shit.

To cover my obviousness and trepidation, I make a silly little yikes and smile. “Extreme about everything, aren’t you, Bobby? And conceited, too. Maybe you won’t be any good. Maybe I won’t want you more than once.”

Laughing, Bobby climbs from the car and comes around to open my door. “With what I’m feeling from the both of us, I don’t think that’s something I have to worry about.” I climb from the seat and he drops a fast kiss on my mouth. “I hope you weren’t thinking I brought you here for a single fuck, a few of days of partying with our friends, and some surf time. You’ll be lucky if I let you out of the bed.”

I step into him, breathing in his scent before I touch my lips to his neck. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

He shivers and steps back, taking my hand and pulling me toward the front door. He pauses at a panel by the garage, punches in a code, and the front lights come on. We continue to the front stoop and he punches in another code and the door opens.

“Quite a house you’ve got here,” I tease, as he hits another panel in the foyer that turns on soft, recessed lighting through the living areas. “I hope you don’t think I’m going to be that easy for you. That all you’ve got to do is punch a code into me. That would definitely not be a moment I’d want to remember always. Unless you do it with your tongue. Yep, that might work…”

The look he gives me scatters my words. Oh shit. Me and my stupid, nervous babbling. OK, it was a lame joke—did I just piss him off or something else? I can’t read what I’m seeing on his face.

He releases my hand, closes the door behind us, drops the bags and then pins me against the wall, his lower body grinding into me, his mouth urgent against mine. His body is on fire, supercharged with arousal, and I struggle to match the heated thrust of his tongue, the force of his kisses and the flexing of hips into me.

His mouth lifts, but he continues to rub his erection into me, his panting drowning out my own rapid breathing. “Don’t mess around with me, Kaley,” he whispers against the skin beneath my ear. His hands move up my thighs, under my dress and then his fingers start teasing me through my panties. “We’ve been interrupted twice this week. I’ve been fucking hard as a rock since we left the ’Sades. If you don’t stop teasing me this isn’t going to go at all the way I planned.”

My eyes fly open. He’s really struggling to take this slow. For me. It’s sweet and totally Bobby and totally not what I want. I don’t want to think about it a second longer, waste another moment trying to figure out what to do. I just want to do.

I tell myself not to.

I do it anyway—

I arch my hips upward into Bobby, molding into his erection straining in his pants, and bite his neck.

“Oh fuck,” he moans before his mouth crashes back onto mine. He scoops me up into him. His fingers dig into my butt cheeks as my legs encircle his body, and we frantically consume each other as he starts moving us down a hallway.

“Why is everything a competition with you?” he whispers between kisses. “Even this. About you being in control. I want this to be perfect for you, but you keep pushing so I can’t—”

“I love you, Bobby. It’s already perfect. It’s what we both want. Let’s just let it happen.”

His eyes are bright, fervent, and I drag his face back to me, pouring every ounce of my own ragged need into our kiss. My breasts flatten against his chest with the tight wrapping of my arms around his neck, wanting to give him the feel of me as much as I can.

He sets me on a bed, sits beside me, and stills with his face against my shoulder and fingers clutching my hips. I can tell he’s trying to pull himself back into tight control and this time I let him.

I take a moment to check out exactly where we are.

The room has a massive stone fireplace in one corner. Ceiling-high windows overlook the Pacific. On the walls there are framed photos of him surfing and stunning paintings of seascapes. The enormous bed faces toward the ocean, the frame made of a distressed timber that looks almost like driftwood.

He starts moving around the room and I focus on anything but him, not wanting to lose even a small measure of my nerve now.

There are candles everywhere. Lit. I don’t know how, but someone was here before us to set them ablaze and I think they opened up the house because it doesn’t have that stuffy smell of having been shut up for a while. It smells of clean ocean air.

The room is perfect. Like a dream. And this is where I’m going to give myself to Bobby for the first time. This is it. We’re going to do it.

I’m feeling a little badly that I pushed at him in the foyer because one look at this place tells me it wasn’t bullshit, he does want our first time to be special, and he took time to think it through.

He slowly pulls back from me and stands. He steps out of his flip-flops, pulls off his shirt, and his hands move to the fastenings of his jeans. They sink low on his hips, and I stare at his beautifully muscled, sun-bronzed torso, suddenly quaking like a leaf even though the muscles inside me are pulsing almost to the point of pain.

Turning, he gazes at me, his face flushed and the skin taut across his features. He pulls from his pocket a handful of foil squares and tosses them on the bedside table. “Do you want me to blow out the candles?” he asks.