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“Grumby told reporters that in view of these indications of conspiracy, it seemed possible that Winter and the Farnham woman may attempt to flee the country. At press time neither Winter nor the Farnham woman had been located for comment.”

“Good Lord,” Kirby said, staring blankly at Charla.

She came and sat close beside him and took off the sunglasses.

“Do you see all the implications, dearest?” she asked.

“I guess they’re anxious to talk to me.”

“That figure has a horrid fascination. A million dreary little people are absolutely vibrating with the vision of all that money hidden away in the romantic corners of the world. They hate you for having it. And they have a sneaking admiration for you for grabbing it all as soon as your uncle died.”

“But it wasn’t that way!”

“Does that make any difference, really?”

“But if I explain the whole operation in detail—”

“Without any documentation at all? And you did tuck a little bit away here and there for yourself, didn’t you? Don’t look so indignant. If you didn’t, you are an idiot, of course. Didn’t Miss Farnham intercept a little? How can you be sure? But it isn’t the news people you have to worry about.”

“What do you mean?”

“Dear Kirby, the world is jammed with animals who would happily put you and your Miss Farnham on a double spit and roast you over coals for just one per cent of that much money. All of a sudden, dear, you two are very tasty animals in the wrong part of the jungle. And I think you might find out how sharp the teeth are if you walk out that door.” She had been edging close to him and he had been trying to move away, inconspicuously. Now he was at the end of the couch and the satin weight of one breast was on his arm.

“You need us more than ever,” she said.


“The Glorianna, dear. Don’t be so dense. Either we smuggle you away, or the world tears you to pieces, believe me. And I really don’t know why we should even dream of helping you, after that nasty trick you pulled on us. Ice skates, indeed!”

“I was just checking.”

“Joseph was livid with rage, but I told him it served us right for underestimating you. It was quite clever, really. But I imagine you wouldn’t have been so wary if Betsy hadn’t given you a lot of wrong impressions about us.”

“But — I guess you do want something.”

“Of course, dear! Isn’t it refreshing to have it out in the open? We can all stop playing games, can’t we?”

“I guess so.”

“No secrets?”

“I guess — that depends.”

“On what? Darling, if you’re thinking of being so crude as to require some sort of agreement, you might spoil things for us, don’t you think? I couldn’t promise to be your absolute slave. But it might turn out that way, once we’re at sea. I wouldn’t really strike a whore’s bargain, no matter what is at stake. It would make it all so terribly ordinary. And we want it to be extraordinary, don’t we?”

Thinking of Betsy, he chose his words carefully. “I think, instead, I’m thinking in terms of a different kind of bargain. How my end of it will come out. And what the safeguards are.”

She was so close he could see a tiny amber wedge in the gray-green iris of her left eye, and see the exquisite detail of her lashes and brows, the individual hairs like gold wire.

The eyes narrowed and she took a deep breath and held it. “Then you have it!”

“Have what?”

“Just don’t get too bloody clever, Mr. Winter. You could bitch it for yourself, you know.”

“How could I?”

“All of a sudden, pet, your dead uncle has put more pressure on you than we ever could. Now I think you’re going to have to make a deal. Maybe you won’t have any choice.”

He was feeling his way. This was a new and rather deadly Charla, a confirmation of Betsy’s description. “Just suppose, even with all that pressure, I don’t need you.”


“Just suppose a goodly chunk of that money did get stashed. Where I can get to it. And suppose I have the idea you people are a little crude.”

“Crude?” she said thinly, shocked.

“Ransacking all Uncle Omar’s little hideouts.”

She studied him for a long time. “So you’re a good actor too. I think that makes you twice as dangerous as cleverness alone, you know. When the stakes are high enough, it’s worth making a direct move sometimes. It could have worked. Then who would need you?”

“But it turns out you do.”

She tilted her head. “And why the aw shucks, gee whiz, Huckleberry Finn reactions to my little — attentions, Kirby?”

“I like to be disarming.”

“Dear Jesus, you are! So what makes you immune? Is Farnham that good?”


She got up to pace slowly, frowning. He noticed she had lost some of her accent in the past few minutes. “Very nice,” she said. “Set the mark up and when you get to the kill, he second-cards you to death. I suppose you are thinking in terms of a partnership.”

“Not particularly.”

“Is it in the same place the money is?”

“Is what?”

She stamped her foot. “Don’t be so damned coy! Certainly you know we could have done it the other way at any time. You drank whatever I handed you. And we could have gotten you to a place where screaming wouldn’t matter. Joseph hasn’t got the stomach for it, but I have, friend. I have. I find it very interesting.”

He swallowed a sudden obstruction in his throat. “So I guess that must mean it wouldn’t have done you any good.”

“It wouldn’t do you any good, dear.”

“I guess you have to assume I know what I’m doing.”

She nodded, reluctantly. “I’m beginning to think so. But what the hell was your uncle thinking of? He must have realized this would happen.”

“If this is the way he planned it.”

She gestured toward the newspaper. “If you brought this down on yourself, you must have a lot of confidence, Kirby.”

“I didn’t make any public statement.” He went over to the phone. He looked at his watch. “I want to see if I can get Grumby at home by now.”

“Better let me place the call for you. Knowing where you are would be worth money to the girl on the switchboard.”

He looked up the number. Charla placed the call. When she had Grumby on the line, she handed the phone to Kirby.

“Interesting press conference you held, Mr. Grumby.”

“Ah, Winter! You must understand that we have to protect ourselves.”

“Then you’ll understand my statement when I make it.”

“I don’t think I follow.”

“All I can say is that I was an underling. Uncle Omar certainly didn’t leave me anything. All I can say is that O.K. Devices was some sort of tricky corporate thing I never quite understood. It never made sense to me, using all that money to buy property and securities abroad and then putting the deeds and certificates and a lot of cash into Swiss banks in your name and the names of your associates. But I did it because I was paid to do it. And I can tell them that Miss Farnham is baffled too, because she burned the records at your request.”

There was a long silence. In a rather rusty voice, Grumby asked, “What is the purpose of all this, Mr. Winter?”

“I am going to try to avoid making any statement at all.”

“A statement like that — fictitious one might destroy us all.”

“In the absence of any documentation, it could get sticky for everybody. I’m just suggesting that you don’t try to get any cuter.”

“We may have seriously underestimated you, Mr. Winter.”

“You can’t retract the statement. But you can avoid making any more. I have all the trouble I need right now.” He hung up.