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"Move it, move it, hump back!" Billy mumbled over and over to her, ceaselessly ramming the blood-filled cudgel deep into her helplessly screaming little belly with long cruel jabs. "Get that ass up in the air!"

He could feel the hot white cum building up inside his heated balls as they beat hard against the tickling little curls of her openly quivering pussy lips. He was ready to explode. He grabbed her face and twisting it painfully back toward him, wildly shoved his tongue down far into her throat and, with harshly kneading hands, pulled the widespread globules of her large firm breasts hard up against her chest as he rammed his cock all the way to the hilt in her soft, now completely unresisting cunt. His hands flailed out from her breasts and landed on her softly undulating buttocks, kneading them with fingers driven wild with uncontrollable excitement before one outstretched finger sank down to her defenseless anal crack and dug cruelly at her tightly puckered little anus.

"Nooooooo," Ellen's voice wailed like a siren through the truck.

The captive young girl's buttocks ground frantically against him, and Billy let out a sudden incoherent moan as the head of the deeply sunk rod flared into hugeness and began to spurt out its white hot liquid like burning fire. Ellen's buttocks slammed against him with equal force, trying at first to escape the cruel probing finger and now the jetting streams of heated cum that ricocheted around and around inside her dilating vagina, filling it to the bursting point and erupting out over on to her legs.

"No, no, God, no," she groaned incoherently around the swabbing tongue still sunk deep in her throat, feeling Billy's massively jerking penis continuing its wild pulsation to completion, white hot spurts still spewing from its lust-swollen head and foaming out the fleshy pussy lips locked around the base of his cock, soaking the soft matted curls of her blonde pubic hair.

And then Billy collapsed forward. As she felt the weight of the kneeling man fall against her back, her battered young body gave one last jerk and quivered to a limp stillness, her legs protruding lifelessly out on either side of his fatigued body.

Ellen lay with her arms outstretched, dangling doll-like over Vito's legs. Her belly was filled to the bursting point with Billy's hot sticky cum. Then she felt him pull himself slowly off her defeated form, his cock sliding gradually and slipperily out of her ravaged vagina. Oh God, she sobbed out her shame and humiliation. And this wasn't even the end. There were the others!

"It's my turn now." Vito announced and pulled himself abruptly out from under her dangling arms. "Let me have a go at her."

"You ain't getting no turn, I already told you."

"Boys, boys! You just got to stop now. We're coming into the city," Pop pleaded from the driver's seat.

"I told you once, you ain't gonna touch her," Billy snorted and pushed Vito's ready form back against the front seat.

"Yeah, we'll see about that," Vito snarled. "I got mine comin', and I'll get it before we're through with her."

And then all was quiet. Ellen lay shivering on the bottom of the truck, Billy's cum still trickling in tiny lewd rivulets down the crevice between her thighs, forming a dark wet circle on the floor of the truck. Her arms fell limply to the sides while the men dressed her, and then she sank back to the floor with Billy's hand again over her mouth, listening with renewed fear to the mens' rambling conversation.

"She's pretty, right?"

"Might as well enjoy the blondes, there'll be nothin' but brunettes south of the border where we're goin'."

"Unless we take this one along."

A soft laughter was heard in the truck, and Ellen's attention started with renewed desperation. Oh God, what next? What next?

"Yeah, but this one belongs to me, and she's gonna stay that way," Billy said, and Ellen's heart raced to her throat hopefully… maybe she wouldn't be raped by them all. Subconsciously, she had already accepted her fate. Billy was her rapist, maybe he would be her protector as well.

Then she could feel the car turning off the highway onto a bumpy gravel road. It traveled only a short distance and then – it stopped, coming to a halt on what felt like a smooth strip of pavement. The men piled out of the truck, dragging Ellen's exhausted body with them, and the captive female found herself standing on the concrete floor of what seemed to be the garage of a huge warehouse. Through the open door, the highway on which she had suffered her long tortuous journey was barely visible in the distance, stretching past the lights of a few scattered businesses in this run-down section at the outskirts of the city.

Unless she could get Billy to help, this was to be her ultimate fate, she thought, letting Vito and Cash lead her unresisting body towards a steep ramshackle staircase. Now she had not only been brutally raped, but it looked as though they meant to keep her for a good while before it was over. Why hadn't they just gotten it over with and left her battered and naked on the country road when they were through? It just didn't seem possible the way her already horrible situation kept getting worse and worse. Behind her, she heard Pop pulling the garage door shut with a loud slam that echoed like a thunder-clap of doom through the entire empty building. Holding her sandals in her hand, she trembled when the two men forced her up to the first step of the old rickety staircase. Ahead of her, Billy quickly led the way up to the next floor, and she couldn't help placing all her hopes on him keeping her somehow from the others, despite the brutal way he had just used her himself. The question was – how long could he hold them off? They climbed higher and higher, and her fear and anguish increased with each reluctant step they made her take up the long, seemingly endless staircase.


The interior of the warehouse was a wreck of scattered cardboard boxes and piles of gunny sacks strewn from one side of the second story level of the building to the other. Ellen noticed a musty smell that gave away the fact that the building had been long in disuse. Most of the windows were shattered, and, even though it was still summer, it felt a bit cold.

The men forced her up still another stairway leading to some vacant rooms that looked like they once had served as the office headquarters to the building. Ellen slowed her pace as she entered the doorway, and Billy turned and pulled her in.

"Goddamn it's cold," Billy said, rubbing his hands together for warmth. "I wish we had some way to build a fire here."

"It'll be daylight in a couple hours. The heat'll be on soon enough… when they find us gone," Cash quipped, and the others guffawed in knowing laughter.

"There's one quick way," Vito said, leering at Ellen. "Just get plugged up inside that little hot pussy, and you got electric heat."

"You get anything inside that, and you'll never get inside nothin' again. Not after the stunt you pulled in the truck," Billy reprimanded Vito, walking into a back room and switching on the light.

"Damn, Billy, what you think she is, exclusive territory or somethin'?" Vito shouted in Billy's direction.

Billy turned from the doorway of the next room and cast his gaze steadily on Vito. "Look, Vito, we got a job to do, and messing with the valuable property ain't gonna help none of us."

"What's so valuable about that?" Vito said, gesturing toward Ellen. "She's just another hot little piece of tail, as far as I can see."

"That piece of tail may make the difference between spending the rest of your life in the pig's pen, or living nice and easy on the outside."

"You call this nice and easy?" Vito retorted. "I'd take solitary before I'd stay in this dump for more than two days."

"Hold on, you guys," Cash intervened between the two men. "We gotta start thinkin' straight. Now Billy, when's the man comin'?"