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Billy began moving towards the three men, his face grimacing in anger and his fists clenched in a combative position, but halfway across the floor, he threw his hands up in the air in resignation. There was nothing he wanted less to do than stir the men up to the point where he could control them no longer. They had gotten to where they had really begun to enjoy the challenge they had presented to him, and there was no use risking his position as gang chief on something as foolish as a cunt, no matter how young and voluptuous she might be.

"Hey, baby, don't look so damn shook up, you're gonna like this, much better than you ever liked anything before, don't you understand that?" Cash said, his harsh Florida accent cutting through the silence. "But first you gotta get us a little warmed up, if ya know what I mean."

Ellen stood open-mouthed before the men, still standing close to Billy where she had frozen when the final dice had been tossed, but moved forward when Billy dug his elbow into her side in a gesture of rejection.

"Listen, honey, you pour us some more whiskey," Cash continued. "There's another full bottle in the kitchen."

Ellen moved quickly toward the kitchen, feeling the harsh glare of Cash's eyes burning through her back as she withdrew from her position of protection close to Billy. Her naked thighs and round smooth buttocks swaying unintentionally as she turned to the door brought out a deep groaning sigh from the men that resounded lewdly through the room, and Ellen felt a cold sensation of fear shoot through her spine just as she approached the kitchen sink.

"Man, oooowwweee! Look at them ass cheeks swing. Am I gonna get my rocks off on that sweet lil piece of pussy tonight," Cash said vulgarly.

Ellen found another full whiskey bottle beneath the sink and she immediately opened it and drew it to her lips, taking long deep gulps without stopping. Another rush of fear scurried over the paleness of her skin, but was gradually replaced by a lightheadedness induced by the whiskey she had just taken. She tried to focus her mind on ways to escape from the next attack on her humiliated body from Cash, but no solution came. She just couldn't stand the idea of the stocky, vicious looking criminal running his hands over her naked body and skewering his penis into her – especially as she recalled how she had been treated in the back of the truck, yet she saw no way out. She might drink the entire bottle of whiskey – that would be a slow way of committing suicide, yet she knew she would become sick before she finished half of it. Getting sick would be a good way out, and she anticipated a nauseous feeling as she gulped from the bottle again, but it didn't come. She was lost. Bob probably had assumed she had walked home from the beach party after their argument and her mother had gone to sleep hours ago, and wouldn't miss her until sometime this morning. Her mother would think she had stayed the night at a friend's house, and by the time she discovered something was wrong it would be too late…

The naked young girl raised the bottle to her lips again and drank as much of it in one swallow as she could get down. Tingling sensations began to sweep over her even as the liquor was still settling in her stomach, and she knew she was approaching a state of numbness that was deadening her senses somewhat. Suddenly she felt a dizziness race through her head and sensed her legs begin wobbling beneath her, and she clung to the side of the sink in order to support herself. If she could only get drunk enough to make herself completely repulsive to these men, if only she was just a bit less desirable than she appeared to be – a thousand ifs raced through her reeling brain, but she knew deep in her heart that there was nothing now that could save her from the horrible fate that awaited her. In a moment Cash would be on her, venting all his brutality and lust just as Billy had done in the truck only a few hours before. But the difference now was that she had time to understand what the vile purpose of this rapacious band of criminals was. Before, the wrench and squirm of bodies above and below her had been a mere flicker of images that seemed to have jumped out of an insane pornographic movie; but now, even in her numbed, half-intoxicated state she was fully conscious of what they wanted to do to her.

She reached for the bottle of whiskey again, but before she had a chance to bring it to her lips, she felt Cash's strong hard grasp on her arm as he pulled it violently downward.

"Looka here, honey," his voice boomed coarsely throughout the kitchen. "I ain't waitin' for no dead drunk chicken lyin' under me, ya got me?"

Ellen lowered her head in a gesture of complete resignation before him, then nodded slightly in dumb agreement, watching as he loosened his vise-like grip from her hand. Struggling now would be of absolutely no use, she knew, as they seemed to derive some sort of perverse joy in watching her attempt to resist their brutal advances. It would only make matters worse if she demonstrated any will to escape, but she would wait for that impossible moment and take immediate advantage of it if it ever came.

Cash picked up the bottle from the sink and walked in front of her into the living room. "Ain't ya comin' honey, or do I gotta do some persuading?" he said, peering back through the door at her nakedness.

Ellen meekly followed him to the table, her head bent in submission as she approached the three lewdly staring men who hunched up in their chairs beneath the harsh glow of the overhanging light. Cash made a strong movement of his hand toward the bottle of whiskey, and commanded her to pour the three glasses full; then she noticed that Billy was no longer drinking, in fact he seemed hardly aware of what was going on around him, as he slumped down in his chair with a blank cast to his dulled eyes that focused onto the floor. Suddenly Ellen felt the renewed effects of the liquor race throbbingly through her brain. She poured Cash's drink with trembling hands, trying with all her concentration not to spill the whiskey.

"Hey, this bottle is almost gone," Cash spoke out. "You run into the kitchen like a good little girl and get old Cash and these boys another one, huh?"

Feeling momentarily reprieved, Ellen slipped back into the kitchen and found another full liquor bottle beneath the sink. She waited for a moment, hoping Cash wouldn't appear again, then opened the bottle and pushed it toward her lips. God, she would need more of this, she really needed to get absolutely drunk! But her shock was so great that the whiskey seemed to have no effect on her, except for that momentary unsteadiness she had felt in the living room.

She looked down at the fullness of her breasts that curved out smoothly from her warm body and noticed a small rivulet of perspiration trickling between the swelling white mounds. God, it was getting hot! When they had entered the warehouse it had seemed almost cold, but now the closeness of the summer night seemed to wrap her in its warm humid shroud; and she found her breath coming in small desperate gasps, as though she were choking on the very thickness of the room's suffocating atmosphere.

"Let's have some of that whiskey, and make it quick!" Cash shouted in obvious irritation from the next room.

Now her violation was about to begin, and all she could do was attempt to bear her humiliation and the indignities that would follow with as much strength and fortitude as was possible under the incredible circumstances.

She shuddered in horrified anticipation of Cash's thick callused hands coursing over her tender body, and when she turned towards the living room an image of beastly mouths and contorted arms and legs and faces raced through her mind. There was nothing she could do now – there was nothing in all the world to help her but her own will power and courage. She was completely alone.