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"Now look at that," Cash snorted brutally as Ellen approached, trying to conceal the sensuous sway of her buttocks. "Just move up here a little closer, so's I can get a feel of that sweet little pussy of yours."

Ellen automatically jumped back as his thick stubby hand reached out and began stroking the resilient pubic hair growing at the base of her tautly rounded belly.

"Goddamn, bitch, stand still," he snarled unhappily. "I just want to touch it." The vicious immediacy of his voice stilled her trembling as though she had been wrapped in a hypnotic daze by the harsh sound of his command. Her face flushed at the indignity of being pawed as she stood nakedly there unable to move with his strong callused fingers coursing around the secret parts of her exposed genitals. She could hear the snickers of Vito and Pop around her begin to build into pants of lusty anticipation as they watched Cash continue the tormenting movement of his fingers and hands taking indecent liberties with her ripe young body, and she began to groan softly in shame and humiliation as she felt the tip of his outstretched middle finger circle down the moist base of her pubic mound and push itself into the fleshy-layered lips surrounding her vagina. Her innermost parts still contained a warm moistness which had lingered from Billy's sperm when he had ravished her in the truck some hours ago, and she could tell Cash was becoming more and more excited as his hot breath grazed against the smoothness of her nakedly trembling belly in lusty anticipation of what he would do to her next.

"You know, boys, I think she's getting a little hot already," Cash murmured as he continued massaging his finger up and down the smooth slippery length of the narrow hair-lined slit. "Man, this is going to be nice, real nice. I'm gonna push this here cock up her little cunt till it comes outta the sweet lil bitch's mouth. And ya know what, I think she's gonna like the taste of it!"

Ellen felt her head begin to spin until she thought she would lose consciousness completely. But fate was not so kind to her, and her vision refocused again as the blood rose to her head. Cash moved his extended finger deeper into the moistly clasping folds of her cunt. Pop and Vito began to move closer to her groaning figure, and she noticed that their expressions were changing from amused fun to slow smoldering desire.

Billy was no longer of any assistance to Ellen, slumped over the table as he was with a look of resigned indifference on his face. After all, what could he do? There was no question of protesting, as he had been the one to suggest the dice game, and he must accept his defeat or suffer an uprising of the whole gang against him. He knew the sexual frenzy Cash was building up to would erupt into a volcano of rape, and he fought against the temptation to rise up and utterly destroy Cash with bloody blows from his tight-clenched fist. But he couldn't. He had no particular affection for the girl; yet he knew that if the men used her to the extent that he anticipated, their lust would leave her in a state of hysterical shock that would have terrible repercussions after they released her. With these thoughts bringing on a more sullen mood, the gang leader rose and headed silently for a room at the end of the dimly lit corridor where he intended to try to get some sleep.

Cash didn't say anything until Billy had left the room, then he let his glance fall back to Ellen still nakedly standing by his chair. He rose slowly, and in a sudden movement that took her completely by surprise, grabbed her by the wrist and jerked her back to the chair until she was forced to sit on the arm and part her legs out to the sides to maintain her balance. Pop and Vito, as if by signal, jumped up from where they were sitting and moved closer to the chair so they could see the terrified girl's delicately spread young pussy lips. Vito's eyes flickered with cruel, undisguised delight as they bored into the softly wet slit so open to his view, gleaming pinkly in the harsh light.

"Cash, man, you just got to let me fuck her! It's only fair! Billy'll never know the difference," Vito hissed in a low demanding voice.

"Once we get the bitch hot enough. I don't suppose Billy'll mind, when she begs you for it," Cash chuckled, all his rapt attention focused on the soft hair-lined folds of her vagina just inches away from him. "Make yourself comfortable, bitch. Let the legs go, ya know?"

"No, no," Ellen muttered with downcast eyes, struggling to get up from the chair.

"You'll do what I say and when I say it, ya hear me!" he shouted threateningly and reached out, yanking her roughly by the wrist back to her original position on the arm of his chair.

Cash's eyes danced with lewd amusement at the image of Ellen's ripely firm breasts quivering in the air from their struggle. He reached up with an almost overwhelming feeling of lewd power to the lusciously rounded mounds, tweaking teasingly at the pink-aureoled tips in a harsh mocking movement.

Ellen whimpered helplessly with shame and humiliation as Cash's hand continued to pull on her nakedly exposed breasts. Then he wet his finger with his own saliva and raced it around the coral nipple until the helpless little bud stiffened. She couldn't believe it! This repulsive band of criminals had just assumed that they could force her to enjoy their lewd proddings and pokings at her defenseless body. Well, they would see soon enough that she had more than enough will power and determination to resist the likes of them.

"Let your legs go, I said," he commanded harshly.

"No, no, please," Ellen whimpered in rebellion.

"All right, you stuck-up bitch. I'm fed up!" Cash grunted in anger and frustration at the stubbornness of the girl. "Get on down here in my lap. Now!"

He lurched forward and yanked her down into his lap so hard that the chair smacked against the wall. Ellen's back dropped against his chest, her nude ass cheeks squirming down his thighs and her legs falling apart to their limits. Across the room, Vito and Pop gasped at the sudden full view of her widespread crotch, the tiny bud of her pinkly quivering clitoris straining up like a glistening chili bean. Ellen struggled desperately and found herself sliding down Cash's upthrust legs to an even more obscene position with her legs wrenched painfully behind her on the floor. She felt him drag her roughly by her shoulders back up into his lap almost with relief.

"It looks like I'm going to have to stop playing with you," Ellen heard Cash's voice grunt sharply. Without warning, he dug his thumbs painfully into her shoulder blades. She groaned and her shoulders curled backwards, her white curvaceous front nakedly arching out like a bow away from him. Her breasts swung loose and quivering below him, and her arms flung out from her sides in tensed anguish, her fingers stiffened at the ends of them.

"How do you like this?" Cash muttered, wrenching her shoulders back with his thumbs, causing her head to jerk back against the top of his shoulders and her long, silken hair to cascade down his back.

"Please, please let me go," she groaned against the excruciating pain in her arched back. It felt as though his cruelly probing fingers were going to split through her back until they came out the front.

"Do you want me to break your back?" he demanded, sinking his nails deeper in her flesh and giving a harder tug.

"No, noooo," Ellen sobbed under the excruciating pain.

Ellen's shoulders suddenly slung forward when the viciously digging fingers released her, her contorted anguished face falling to her heaving chest. She crumpled into the man's lap, hiding her face in her hands and sobbing, looking for all the world like a little girl that had just been punished by an angry parent.

Cash traced his fingers over the deep white ridges his deeply boring thumbs had left in her back, and then began massaging his palms coarsely over her back as though to reward her for her momentary obedience. A self-satisfied grin played over his face, and his hot eyes gleamed evilly. He chuckled cruelly as he watched her cringe under his questing fingers that stroked up the small bumps of her spine and curved, palms open, over her wide creamy shoulders, bringing involuntary goose-bumps over the smooth flesh. Pop and Vito – like animals moving in to be close at the kill – came closer, their mouths hanging open in undisguised lust at the image of the naked young body quivering defenselessly under Cash's touches.