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"You like this, don't you? And you want some more, don't you?" he demanded threateningly.

"Please, n-no, no… Please just get it over with," Ellen sobbed, the humiliating words coming out in a frightened rush.

She had steeled herself to accept their final ravishment of her alcohol-numbed body, but had not expected that they would tease and mock like this beforehand.

"Answer me, you bitch! Don't you?" he dug his hands into her shoulder blades and violently wrenched them back.

"No. No. No… y-yes, oh yes," she moaned as he increased the intensity of his pressure.

"That's more like it, sweetheart. Keep that up, and we'll get on just fine."

Cash settled his hands on the narrow curve of Ellen's waist, feeling the fleshy swell of her full womanly hips under his fingers. He grabbed the soft white warmth of her buttocks and pinched hard, laughing in cruel delight as she involuntarily ground down against his penis already stiffened with sadistic pleasure. His hands splayed down to the tanned softness of her smoothly naked stomach, once again catching her by surprise, and kneaded the flesh roughly, tracing one finger over the fine blonde hair that ran in a barely visible feather-strip down her flat belly. Ellen's nakedly slender hour-glass body stiffened on his knee like a lovely statue.

"Now you're goin' to tell old Cash here just how much you're enjoyin' it. I want ya to speak up loud and clear so the boys can hear ya," he pinched at her maliciously.

For the first time, Ellen realized with grim certainty just how much more difficult the evening was going to be for her than she'd imagined in her most anguished moments of foreboding. He meant to exercise his brutal control over her tortured mind and body, forcing his vile thoughts onto her consciousness, and making her say abominably lewd things to further humiliate and degrade herself.

"No… I don't enjoy it. I hate it," Ellen half mumbled, half shouted up at him, tears of helpless indignation streaming from her eyes.

"What's that ya say? What's that ya saying, baby?" Cash tormented back at her, pinching at her softly tender flesh until the ache spread throughout her entire belly.

"No, no. I hate it," Ellen moaned, realizing even as she spoke that her defiance was completely useless. This mad torturing was meant only to increase their lewd pleasure before they moved in for the final brutal ravishment of her nakedly defenseless young body.

"Ya meant to say ya liked it, didn't ya, baby? What I thought I heard was just a little mistake. Wasn't it?" Cash said evilly and ground his hand down her belly until his finger rubbed torturously on the nub of her sensitive little clitoris. Ellen screamed and kicked, but she couldn't overcome the strength of the two other men who had moved closer to the chair and now suddenly grabbed arms and legs. Cash's outstretched finger lashed again and again over her sensitive flesh, sending jolts of near-pain throughout her futilely writhing body.

"Noooooooo," the naked young female cried, her shrill scream reverberating through the room, as his finger lashed over her again and again in a seeming eternity of hurt and repugnant sensation that she thought would never end. What she might have done or said to appease them was beyond her immediate comprehension. She would never understand what had made them so cruel or why they so obviously enjoyed torturing her, a helpless young girl they had never seen before and who certainly had nothing to do with them being sent to the penitentiary. It wasn't her fault if she had been born into better circumstances than they had. Once, years ago, when another poorer girl had stolen her jacket at school, she hadn't even said anything about it. There must be some reason for their brutal relish in her anguish, she thought, and then her awareness descended to the dim borderlines of bare consciousness. There was only the finger and the feeling of her body jerking and straining under the vicious fondling Cash was subjecting on her helpless breasts and vagina.

"Now tell Cash what ya want him to do!" he begged.

"Stop. Stop. Please stop!" she begged.

"But after I stop. What is it ya want Cash to do to ya then?"

"I don't know. I don't know," she wailed desperately.

He laughed through the humiliation that seemed to be without end. "Beg Cash to fuck ya."

Ellen clenched her teeth tightly and moaned while the man's furious attack continued hard and unrelenting on the straining inner folds of her sensitive cuntal lips. She prayed that she might collapse into total unconsciousness, but she didn't. That grating hurt went on and on. Still, she didn't speak. Nothing could bring her to utter those lewd words that would mean her final subjugation to him. The shame and anguish she already felt under his horrible torture would be increased to unbearable limits by the final act of degradation.

"Noooooo," she moaned as he increased the brutal stroking.

"Beg Cash to fuck ya, baby," he insisted, chuckling savagely at her utter helplessness.

"Oh, stop. Please stop. No. Pleaaaaase. I beg you," she whimpered and groaned through clenched teeth under the increased fury of his cruel assault.

"Beg, bitch! Beg me to fuck ya," he chided gleefully, sensing the break in her resolve to deny him the obscene words he wanted to hear.

"Oh no, I can't. I just can't," Ellen sobbed until her poor victimized body jerked and went limp, dangling uselessly between the two men who held her arms and legs as though she were spread out on a medieval torture rack. It was just too much for flesh and blood to bear. Cash removed his hand from between her legs for a moment and listened to the low mumblings that poured from her mouth as she fell against his chest, panting and sobbing. And he grinned lewdly as the pitiful words bubbled out.

"Oh, fuck me… fuck me… I don't care… fuck me… just don't do that anymore… please… fuck me."

"Whoooooopeeee," Cash broke out in a loud fit of lewd laughter as he heard the faintly whispering girl's final admission of surrender to him. It had been long forthcoming and for awhile he had felt a growing sense of genuine hate towards her as his anger and frustration grew. But now all that was replaced by his mounting lust at hearing the subjugated young blonde beg him to fuck her.

Cash motioned Vito and Pop away from the chair with a flick of his hands, then he stood up suddenly, and in an abrupt movement, shoved Ellen's weeping form face down on the bed. He walked around the bed a moment, quietly examining the feast that awaited him. There was no longer any reason to hold her. Ellen sprawled face down on the mattress in a pose of total defeat and surrender, waiting submissively for whatever he would do next.

"Ya gonna fuck her now?" Pop said with an anxious edge to his voice. "Cause if you ain't, I'd sure like to try a little of it."

"No, I just been talkin' about it all night long 'cause I like to hear the sound of my own voice," Cash retorted cockily.

"Go ahead, do it then, will ya for Christ's sake! I'm tired of waiting," Vito muttered and paced around the bed impatiently.

"Well, if she wants me to fuck her," Cash smiled proudly and rubbed his hands together, "I guess I'll just have to fuck her. I mean, you heard her ask for it!"

"Dammit, I still think I have a right to her, too," Vito swore, his eyes flashing angrily. "All ya gotta do is let me at least touch her."

"You can warm her up while I get these pants off," Cash said with a cocky tone to his voice. He had never liked Vito much, and this opportunity to lord his prize over the little hoodlum increased his mounting pleasure in the situation even more. Let the bastard suffer, he thought as he stepped out of his pants, watching him lurch onto the side of the bed and hurriedly clamp his bony fists into the firmly resilient flesh of Ellen's trembling buttocks. His eyes gleamed evilly through a shock of greasy hair that had fallen over his forehead as he dug his fingernails into the warm creamy skin and pulled it up into white bloodless bunches.