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She stopped for a moment and looked back towards the bonfire. The loud music was only a soft murmur now, and it seemed to merge with the rush of waves exploding only a few yards away from her down the beach. Bob was probably enjoying himself now with some of the fellows, she thought angrily to herself. He got over these spats they had so easily and, well, she just didn't have his capacity to forget things as quickly. In this respect she was her father's daughter, and funny as it might have seemed, she was proud of it. Yet it had been her father's stubbornness in the face of the one tragic indiscretion her mother had made during their twenty-five years of marriage that had sent him into a rage that had ended in the break-up of their marriage. Ellen didn't know exactly what had happened between her parents, and she had justly believed that it would be foolish for her to pry. But, somehow, she felt Jennifer's recent behavior was a kind of defense the older girl had developed against the true facts of their parents' divorce.

Ellen lowered herself down onto the soft grass and popped open the top of the beer can she held in her hand. She was no psychologist and she couldn't even try to understand all of her sister's present difficulties. She would just sit here and drink her beer, and maybe this would make her feel a bit better. The beer that she had drunk earlier that evening had calmed her nerves somewhat, but the argument with Bob had made her feel edgy again. Things had been piling up so fast in the past few months she could hardly stand it. First it had been her parents' divorce, then it had been Jennifer's problems, and now Bob was pushing her to give him more than she felt she really could safely offer at this stage of their relationship.

Ellen inched down over the grass, setting her beer can in a mound of white sand. She scooped her hands through the smooth grains and let them sift through her fingers, feeling them pour soothingly over her small delicately arched ankle. Then she reached for the beer again and took a long, deep gulp. Might as well get herself good and relaxed, she thought with a girlish giggle, taking another sip and running the cold bottom of the can down across the suntanned skin of one of her long, perfectly formed legs. She drained the beer can and tossed it down on the beach, watching it land a few feet from the pounding surf. A light-headed tingle seemed to ease the tense anxious feeling that she had grown uncomfortably accustomed to during the past hour. She lifted herself gracefully from the sand and looked down to the line of white frothy water splashing several yards away from her. There was nothing she would like more at this moment than a quick dip in the ocean, and she walked down towards the surf, the last full can of beer and her sandals still clenched in her hands.

Ellen felt the sand grow cool beneath her feet as she crossed the high-tide line and approached the water. The bonfire at the beach party was only a small flicker now and the sound of the crashing waves blotted out the loud music coming from the portable phonograph. She didn't want to go too deep into the water since she was all alone. She had heard so many terrible stories of moonlight dips ending in horrible tragedy for solitary swimmers, but she would be careful, she thought, as she settled down on the damp sand and pulled her jeans off her legs. She let the foamy water surge over her legs and splash onto her smooth flat belly, and then decided it wouldn't be wise for her to swim alone. If there was any trouble, she laughed to herself, there would be no one but a bunch of half-loaded college kids to fish her out, and they would probably sink!

Ellen smiled to herself, noting her cheerful change of mood, and popped open the last can of beer. God! She was getting a little loaded herself, but she enjoyed the giddy feeling and reasoned happily that she deserved her own private little fling after all she had been through during the past few months. As she lay back feeling the cool sand cup firmly around her buttocks, she thought she heard a voice break through the roar of surf. She sat up, cocking her head to catch the direction the voice had come from. If someone was out in the ocean she would be helpless to save them. She had taken junior lifesaving in high school, but she would be completely incapable of pulling a struggling body from the undertow which had been particularly strong this evening.

Ellen stood up and methodically put on her jeans and sandals. She could hear the voice, no they were voices now, coming from a sand dune behind her. One voice was obviously a girl's, and the girl sounded as though she were being hurt! Low muffled groans resounded through the rush of foaming water, and Ellen moved up the beach a few paces towards where she thought the sound was coming from. Now she made out clearly a man's low voice accompanied by what sounded like protesting whimpers from the girl.

There was another moan but it was longer this time and had a quivering almost pleading tone to it. The groan was followed by a harsh laugh from the man, and then the hard slap of flesh, as though the girl were being beaten.

Ellen turned from behind the sand dune and started to move away down the beach towards the party. "If I can just get to the other kids before the poor girl is hurt," Ellen said to herself. As she moved quietly away from the sloping dune she heard the shrill female voice rise up more loudly and high-pitched. Then the embarrassing thought struck her that perhaps the girl wasn't being beaten or molested, in fact she might be enjoying what was being done to her. Before jumping to conclusions, she should at least glimpse what was happening. If there was some trouble, she could inform one of the boys at the bonfire about what was going on.


Ellen crouched down below the pile of gleaming white sand, then began inching up over the smoothly sloping mound. The sound of voices was clearer now, and the sharp groans from the girl seemed to be turning into squeals of pain that sent a shudder of fright through Ellen's stomach.

"Oh yes, that feels good, yeeessss, I like it like that!" the female voice echoed out clearly.

Then in a flash of startled recognition Ellen knew the pleading sounds that were obviously mixed with pleasure were coming from her own sister's mouth! Now, she was too close to move away, and no matter what was happening to Jennifer, and no matter how her sister might be fighting or enjoying whatever the man was doing to her, she must at least see what was going on to clear up the confused thoughts that raced through her brain.

The crouching young girl took a deep breath and worked her way slowly and silently up the long slope of sand. It seemed as though it took hours for her to move just a few feet, and she found the sand catching uncomfortably in the cuffs of her jeans and scraping against her calves and sandalled feet as she inched gradually to the top. Her whole body tensed as she reached the flat ridge of sand at the summit of the long slope.

The sand suddenly gave against the pressure of her body, and some of it sifted down towards the shadowy figures she could barely make out below. God, if they saw her now it would be all she would need! Her heart stopped and she dared not to breathe. They must have heard it, she thought fearfully; but no, the strange noises still came from below her without letup, their intensity increasing with each passing moment. She could discern sounds of heavy breathing and a rustle of clothing scraping against the sand, punctuated by animal-like grunts and moans of pleasure. Her eyes were becoming accustomed to the dark shadows below the hill, and now the light scud of clouds covering the moon opened up and exposed the half-naked figures of her sister and two males on a blanket only a few yards from Ellen.

There was no mistake about it! Jennifer's clearly outlined profile stood out in the moonlight as obvious as a photograph. Ellen paled again and sucked in her breath. This couldn't be happening to her sister it was far beyond her wildest imaginings! Jennifer sat with her legs splayed wide apart, the small bra of her bikini swim suit pulled off to expose the smoothly rounded firmness of her full, pink-nippled breasts. The two boys beside her sat stretched out with their bathing suits clinging to their feet and their fingers and hands fondling Jennifer's large breasts. It was impossible to believe, but Jennifer appeared to be enjoying it. To Ellen's complete shock and further disgust, her sister was holding the two boys' rigidly erect cocks in each of her hands and was stroking them in lewd rhythmic time to the sensuous movements of their fingers which fondled and pulled at the nipples of her breasts.