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Ellen's long blonde hair spilled in softly glistening rivulets over the dirty mattress, and her ripe young buttocks lifted upwards in shock at Vito's touch. Low pleading mumblings came from her half-open mouth and added to the lust-inciting picture her nakedly helpless form already presented to the sex-starved criminals.

"That's enough," Cash cut in as he noticed Vito's hands separating the two rounded ass cheeks and one long bony finger groping steadily toward the puckered little ring of Ellen's virginal anus. "I'm goin' to fuck her now."

Ellen's hands dangled lifelessly over the sides of the old torn mattress and her cheek lay pressed tightly against the filthy covering. The back of her other hand was clamped fiercely between her clenched teeth to still the racking pain and humiliation that throbbed through her body. She lay defeated on the bed, no longer able to move and no longer caring about it. All thoughts of rebellion had been crushed from her helpless body by the cruel probing hand that had so brutally scraped over her unprepared young genitals only moments before. She wanted to turn and glare at them, screaming defiance at them, but she no longer had the strength to even lift her head. Her resistance had been replaced by a fearsome accepting dread of the inevitable rape she knew would come in the next few moments.

Let them just get it over with as soon as possible, she prayed desperately to herself. Let them use her and spill their lewd sperm into her belly, until one by one they collapsed over her as exhausted and weakened as she herself.

"Roll her over," she heard Cash's voice moving closer to her. She let herself go limp, knowing it would be foolish to resist them any longer, as Pop and Vito lifted her trembling body and dropped her hard onto her back on the mattress.

"Open up your eyes," Cash shouted at her angrily, pushing the two gaping convicts back from the bed and moving close to the bed over Ellen's nakedly splayed out form. "I want you to see everything!"

Ellen opened her eyes and her heart wedged tightly to her throat as she found herself staring straight up at Cash's massively throbbing penis. It had stiffened and jutted now like a tormenting pole over the edge of the bed.

"Like it?" he hissed threateningly, glaring down at her and thrusting his hardened shaft slightly forward into mid-air so that it quivered menacingly over her face. It was at least eight inches long and was underlined with thick blue veins that coursed up to the red bulbous head.

"Do ya like it?" He muttered again, grasping a shaft of her long hair and tugging it viciously. "Tell me how it feels – Goddamnit!"

"Y-yes," Ellen moaned, feeling the skin draw tightly back over her temples.

"Like what?" he said and lifted her aching head up by the straining hair. "Spell it out loud and clear for my friends here."

"I like it. I like it," Ellen groaned rapidly, reaching up desperately and trying to pull his hands off of her.

"You can do better than that, bitch," he grunted and chuckled. "What is it that ya like… no, you love so much?" he spat.

"I love… your… penis. I love… your penis. I love your penis," Ellen's voice wailed loudly until all the men broke into lewd laughter.

"And what do ya want me to do with it?" he laughed so hard that the eagerly throbbing cock waved furiously in the air.

"I want you to fuck me," she screamed, her words seeming to reverberate through the entire warehouse.

"Jesus, Cash, you better keep her quiet," Pop said nervously, peering toward the door where Billy had disappeared.

Cash released her hair and Ellen slumped to a mass of helplessly quivering flesh on the mattress. She sobbed and rolled over on her stomach, every inch of her body throbbing with pain from the tips of her toes to her scalp. Vito and Pop paced anxiously back and forth like caged animals just before feeding time, studying her now totally submissive form with increasing desire and impatience.

"Let's get on with it," Pop pleaded.

"Yeah," Vito said angrily to Cash. "You want to take all night just 'cause you're the first. By the time you get done there'll be nothin' for the rest of us."

"You ain't gettin' nothin' anyway, if I remember correct," Cash barked at Vito as he finally slumped down onto the bed on his knees. The muscular blonde convict waited a moment, his long hard cock quivering over her back, as though trying to decide which luscious entrance he wanted to prod into first, but then he swung suddenly over her rounded buttocks and kicked her knees apart with a rough pressure that scraped the tender inner sides of her thighs.

"Hold her til I get it in," he commanded imperiously to the other men who he thought had been trying to order him around, to rush him when he finally had this ripe young cunt spread pliantly underneath him. Dammit! He had won her fair and square, and she was his to fuck… and he meant to take the whole night to do it if he wanted to. But he looked down at Ellen's pose of total acceptance and submission, and his voice stilled. Her eyes were closed and she panted softly, causing his massively erect cock to ache as it had never ached before in his life. Suddenly he fell onto her back, his face pressed into the soft clean odor of her hair that shimmered like gold under the overhanging lamp.

Ellen stiffened as his hands fell onto her nakedly slumped shoulders and stroked down her arms to the rounded softness of the curve of her buttocks, coming to rest once again on her firm full thighs. His palms opened across the trembling white flesh at the tops of them and then, suddenly, he shoved. Ellen squealed and squirmed with all her might, but it was hopeless. She let out a long low moan of pain, and her feet slipped over either side of the mattress, straining her leg muscles to their farthest limits. Her whole body frantically jerked in terror as she felt his hotly throbbing cock make contact with the tender backside of her thigh, trailing a sticky path of lubricant over her leg as it slithered its way up to her buttocks. Cash pulled back the heavy foreskin and laid his rigidly thick shaft in the long crevice between her smooth white buttocks, her terrified squirming and pleading increasing his mounting lust to the utmost.

"Get up on your knees," his hoarse voice burned through her hair.

Ellen disobeyed silently, grinding her belly down into the mattress and tightly clenching her ass cheeks together. His huge hot cock, wedged between the pliant mounds, jerked and she heard the convict gasp in delight, but she knew that when she was up on her knees he would have total access to her.

A hand jerked at her long blonde hair, as though it meant to rip her blonde tresses from her already searing scalp, and another pair of hands reached for her foot and bent it backwards from the tiny ankle. Ellen tried to scream, but found she could not. She tried to breathe but once again found it was impossible and her whole body went immediately limp under the stifling hand that Cash had forced over her mouth. The hand released her and Ellen sagged onto the bed, gasping desperately for the air racing into her tortured lungs with welcome relief. She gulped frantically as though she expected never to breathe again, hardly conscious of the brutal hands that raised her onto her knees and uplifted her nakedly quivering buttocks. By the time she had recovered her breath, she found herself with her face shoved into the mattress, her thighs spread wide-apart, behind her, and her full firm buttocks waving salaciously in the air. She tried to fling her legs out behind her to flatten herself out again, but angry hands kept her feet in place while Cash forced her face brutally deep into the mattress.