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The young girl ceased her struggles and went completely limp, sobbing in frustration and fear… It was all useless, she knew, since she would have to submit to them in the end anyway. Her further struggles would only provide more opportunities for these vile beasts to torture and humiliate her body, for it was a helpless toy that they would use as they wanted in their animalistic search for satisfaction… a satisfaction that would only cease when they had pumped their lewd liquid desire into her tormented and defenseless body which was past all caring and resistance.

Cash leaned down and cupped Ellen's softly resilient buttocks in his grasping hands, his hungry eyes flickering with inflamed desire as they coursed over her smoothly upraised form, and his head reeling with the growing almost uncontrollable excitement. His balls tingled and his cock ached with the impulse to thrust his hotly throbbing hardness into her tender young flesh at this very moment. He didn't think he could stand to wait another second before he spewed into her all the lewdly heated passion that had been building in his body throughout the long night.

But he did!

The stocky convict drew back and sat patiently for a moment on the backs of her warmly fleshed calves, feeling his desire-swollen balls tingling as they nestled softly between them. He had worked all night to get her into this position of pliant submission, but there was one thing more he wanted, and he would wait for it as long as he needed to – even if the waiting drove him crazy. He wanted her to need and desire him as much as he needed her, to forget who she was and how it had happened to her, to forget everything except her own uncontrollable need for him to thrust his long warmly throbbing cock into her tight little cunt. This beautiful blonde bitch was everything he had ever dreamed of and desired, and he knew he would never be totally satiated until he felt her flinging her passion-wracked form back against his own lust-driven body, losing all control of herself. The thought raced through his loins like an electric shock.

Dammit! That moistly puckering pussy was going to climb up his thick pulsing cock with every nerve and sinew of her cunt contracting and sucking, pleading for his white hot cum to spurt into her.

For a few more torturing minutes he guided his impatiently jerking cock up and down the valley of her buttocks, not letting it lose contact with her tender flesh until it was poised between the smoothly moistured pink flanges of her vagina. It was all he could do to keep from shoving forward now and impaling this helpless little bitch on his aching hardness, but his desire to have her begging and pleading for it helped him to hold back. Instead, he bent forward and rubbed his fingers over her back, drawing his hands down to her warm young buttocks and gently kneading and cupping the nakedly white flesh, delighting in her groaning that ceased momentarily in surprise.

He drew back further on her legs, his head reeling with the cleverness of his approach, and let his erectly throbbing hardness trail slowly back down her sleek inner thighs. She seemed to cease breathing for a moment in tortured suspense and then trembled hopefully at his gentleness when he leaned forward and planted a warm wet kiss along the standing ridges of her spine. She stiffened again when his tongue etched a searing path down the tightly clenched crevice of her ass, but Pop and Vito held her so tightly that for the moment her futile protest didn't matter.

Cash reached forward and gently clasped the pliant flesh of her full round buttocks, slowly and gradually pulling the warmly quivering cheeks apart. He knew that the success of his obscene plan to completely bend her virginal will to his depraved desires rested on his ability to avoid any abrupt gestures that would startle or alarm her. Now was the time for patience and gentleness. He felt her relax slightly beneath him, becoming more confident that he would not suddenly hurt her again, and he knew that he had caught her off guard.

Physical torture had forced Ellen to mechanically submit her naked young body, and she had steeled herself for more brutality. But this sudden softness of touch coursing over her helpless exposed buttocks… well, she just was not prepared.

Cash slowly sunk his two thumbs into the sweating crevice between her trembling ass cheeks, feeling her trust and confidence build as he continued his insidiously gentle approach. His face was just scant inches away from her quivering pubic mound, and he drew the inserted thumbs slowly down the warm crevice toward her vagina, feeling the taut muscles of her thighs and buttocks gradually relaxing. The soft inner sides of her trembling thighs parted in an invisibly slow motion, but he could still feel it – it was like the sweet opening of a flower. And there in the center only inches from his close-up view was the tender, softly pink bud of her clitoris. His cruel fondling moments before had automatically started her warm vaginal juices flowing despite the pain, and now a faintly perfumed moisture covered the entire glistening area. He swallowed hard as the image raced through his stiffening loins.

He leaned closer and blew softly into her wetly trembling young cunt, gulping again at the shivers and goose bumps that raced over the smooth flesh of her thighs. A long low moan escaped from between the captive girl's clenched teeth and she attempted to shift away from him; but he instinctively knew that her mumbled protest was the result of his new pleasing caresses, not fear or an attempt to escape. Anyway, the pressure of the other two gaping men holding onto her shoulders and feet kept her firmly in place.

Ellen felt a soft tingling race in uncontrollable waves over every inch of her nakedly quivering flesh. Cash's former brutality seemed to have made her even more susceptible to his gentleness for his lips and hot breath were like a downy feather flicking over the soft flesh of her helpless buttocks.

She whimpered and relaxed her straining muscles in relief, her voluptuous young body exhausted from fighting against the torture. A thankful gasp of grateful warm air rushed from her lips at the surprising change of circumstances.

But now something altogether different was happening to her… something that replaced the cruel fingering of her sensitive young genitals that had occurred only moments before. It was soft and gentle, as his breath had been blowing against her tingling loins, except that this now was also wet… warm and wet, moving in small electric circles down her spine to her waiting buttocks. She quivered as it slowly traced a maddeningly moist path down the sweating crevice of her ass, and she groaned as it stopped momentarily to do a wet probing homage to her tightly puckered little anus.

Ellen shivered as the wetly flicking tongue increased its pressure, circling over the soft white moons of her defensively upraised buttocks where Cash's ovalled lips sucked, drawing the softly warm flesh deep into the hot cavern of his mouth. The gentle pressure flowed like a sweet soothing balm over her tortured mind, and the kneeling girl sank into the twilight world of half-consciousness. God, where was she? What was happening to her? What were these tiny fires so unexpectedly lighting in her growing nipples and causing a throbbing on the nerve ends of her rapidly moistening vagina?

"Oooohhhh," she moaned, helplessly caught up in the light feathery flutters of sensation that were beginning to dance over her. She could feel dew-drops of moisture rising up there between her open legs and the wetly quivering tongue, like a thousand maddening fingers, played over her defenseless nakedness. It wouldn't stop! She tried with all her desperate strength to move forward but those strong hands held her firmly to the bed. Who was it? Bob? Was she a child again and was it her father holding her down in her bed after a long fever? It no longer mattered! Time and circumstance fused into one incomprehensible moment of total helplessness, and there was only the relief from pain that seemed to have occurred eons and eons ago receding further into the distance until she could barely remember it.