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Without resistance, she allowed the strange hands to draw her thighs further apart, trusting now in these magic hands to lead her to more of the flicking pleasure that had begun to course over her sensuously rotating buttocks. A cool rush of air raced between the full spreading white globes and tiny goose bumps sprang out over the whiteness of her sensitive young flesh.

Behind her, Cash sensed the change in her mood and grinned obscenely, his bulging eyes devouring the sight of her unconsciously writhing buttocks. He moved even closer onto the bed, crouching in a beast-like position on all fours over the kneeling girl's body and pulling the unresisting milk-white cheeks of her ass even farther apart. The bitch was coming along just fine! His mouth watered as his eyes took in the hair covered "vee" of her crotch, open and unprotected before him, that now was his for the taking.

Then his head lowered slowly and he pressed his face forward until his hungrily slavering mouth hovered, his tongue poised, just over the glistening moistness of her pink vaginal slit. She flinched and pulled back but he settled his thumbs firmly in the flesh of her parted thighs, steadying her for the entry he would make in just one moment. He sighed in eagerness and then, with a rush, his tongue flicked lizard-like into the wetly quivering cuntal opening.

"Aaaaaagggghhhh!" he heard her gasp loudly as his thumbs slowly spread the fleshy, hair-lined lips of the warm moist furrow farther apart, allowing his lips and tongue complete access to her succulent little pussy. At first she had tried to jerk away, but now her elbows were pressed tightly against her ribs and her head lolled uncontrollably from side to side, her long blonde hair grinding into the soiled sheet covering the mattress as the hotly searing tongue shot out and circled the erect little clitoris. The tongue continued its maddening licking against the sensitive pink bud of her sex, and she groaned repeatedly from deep in her throat at the delicious things being done to her defenseless genitals. Cash, grinning knowingly now, spread the hair-lined folds of perfumed pussy flesh further apart and raced his tongue down the wetly trembling inner lips, causing the aroused young captive's hips to grind uncontrollably above the squeaking bed, while soft animal sounds escaped from between her passion-clenched teeth.

"Goddamn," Pop grunted, watching Ellen begin wantonly bucking and squirming in delight to Cash's flicking tongue that raced in wild circles over the gleaming nub of her clitoris.

There was obviously no longer any need to restrain the girl, for Ellen was grinding her nakedly rounded buttocks back against Cash's face, so Vito ungripped his hands from around her ankles and slid one open palm over his bulging pants against his own hotly throbbing cock. A tiny bit of lubricant had seeped out, forming a small wet circle on the straining material, and he rubbed harder and harder, as his other hand raced over the silken skin of Ellen's delicately curved calves.

Cash lowered his head and returned his lewd gaze to the elastic rimmed opening of her moistly clasping pussy, pressing his mouth directly over the tight little hole and tasting again the exiles of her cunt. The girl was really ready now, and he could see her puckered vaginal lips dilate slightly, a sight that caused his cock to jerk up into greater hardness. As his lips rounded and covered the clasping viscous mound, he thrust his tongue deep down into it, bringing a low guttural groan from the girl whose warm thighs closed convulsively around either side of his moving head. He could feel the softly curling pubic hair brush tantalizingly against his cheeks as her wet inner flesh slipped moistly around his long extended tongue. The hot walls of her invaded young pussy began opening and closing in a sucking motion, attempting to pull it deeper and deeper into it.

"Ooooh, oooh," she intoned, her shamelessly aroused body now completely out of control and her resistance lost in the fire of the moment. He felt as though the nibbling hair-lined cuntal mouth would pull his tongue out by its roots, devouring it alive. His nose was smacked tightly against her wildly puckering anus, and he breathed in the pungent odor of the lust juice that flowed in abundance from her vaginal cleft, feeling it incite his cock to a pounding hardness that he wouldn't be able to control much longer.

Now she was his, Cash gloated, watching the pained contortions of her muscles turn into ripples of pure pleasure as the smooth curve of her buttocks clenched, her thighs jerking apart to their limits in an attempt to allow his tongue greater access to her pussy. He could feel her sparse pubic hairs grazing like silk against the tip of his nose and the sides of his face while she ground her warmly fleshed ass cheeks up and down, up and down, in a slow hypnotic rhythm of lust against his face.

She was almost ready to cum!

He could feel it, he could sense the little bitch's sudden submissive surrender and knew that it was time to ram his cock deep into her hot little cunt and shoot his churning cum so far up into her belly that it would come out of her tits and ears. Goddamnit, she wasn't too good for him anymore! She was just like any other eager little bitch screaming to be fucked by any cock she could get her hands on. And he had made her that way, this was all of his doing! She might have more education than him, but he had used his own simple common sense and natural animal cunning to bend her entirely to his will. Just like he had planned beforehand, her wet young cunt was flowering wider and wider, dilating and sucking desperately for something to fill her. Well, when he got his cock up in there she'd be filled like a stuffed turkey – until his hot liquid cum poured like hot molten lava out of her every opening.

Cash simply couldn't stand it any longer. He seized her wildly trembling legs behind the knees and shoved them roughly up against her already matted pubic hair as he planted his hands on either side of her shoulders, her ankles locked tightly next to his calves.

"Lord'a mighty, he's gonna fuck her now!" Pop gasped, drawing closer to the obscene spectacle.

"Yeah, just look at the snotty little bitch go," Vito breathed, his own madly throbbing penis now sticking out of his pants and held tightly in his clasping and unclasping hand.

Cash kneeled behind her, and drew the thick foreskin back from his heavy rod of flesh to expose the red, lust-swollen head. Slowly he moved it down through the slightly parted lips of her pinkly glistening cunt, slithering it up and down her length and feeling her thick vaginal lubricant wetting it. He let the blunt head settle for a moment, resting its throbbing tip on the erect little bud of her clitoris. Then she jerked forward as though to encourage him to sink into her hungry, warmly moistened channel as quickly as possible. The kneeling young girl began wantonly squirming, and he could feel each muscle and tendon of her body tense up as though begging him to go ahead and fuck her as he settled the large blood-filled cock head directly over the tight elastic opening of her cunt.

Cash ceased his movements for a moment to watch the tiny wet pussy lips contract and throb around the blunted tip of his semen-bloated cock. Then he shifted his gaze up to the whiteness and gleaming purity of the large breasted torso that was locked beneath him, flicking his eyes smokily from the golden blonde hair that spilled from her bent neck over her wide creamy shoulders onto the filthy pillow. She was breathing deeply and her smooth young flesh glossed over with sweat that trickled down her smooth back past her narrow girlish waist into the crevice between her supple young buttocks. Next to his own straining hair-covered legs, her sleek white thighs curved into small delicately shaped calves that flowed down to well-formed ankles. He imagined the way they looked on the bed, with her quivering lust-driven body splayed out obscenely beneath his larger form, and the thought ached with maddening intensity through his eagerly throbbing cock and sperm-swollen testicles. Then he pictured what they would look like when he had thrust his long thick shaft in – all the way in – and he felt a surge of savage passion burst through his loins that told him he'd better get his impatient hardness inside her tight little cunt as soon as possible.