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The kneeling convict placed his palms on the softness of her firm upraised buttocks and gently kneaded the pliant flesh with his fingers and hands. He drew the quivering cheeks closely together and then slowly apart to expose the view of his long throbbing hardness below them poised salaciously at the entry to her moistly quivering vagina. His eyes widened in lewd fascination, and for a moment he was tempted to press the full white mounds of upraised flesh together and slide his cock into the tiny ring of her tightly puckered anus. But he didn't. The moist softness of her hair-lined pussy was just too tempting; he had to have it, he had to fuck her now or he would uselessly explode his cum in another instant against her wantonly writhing ass cheeks and thighs.

He moved his legs tightly against her splayed out thighs and gently moved forward, his heart pounding insanely in his chest as he felt the soft blonde pubic hair part and rasp gently against the head of his massively throbbing cock. The small elastic ring of her almost-virginal cunt tightened around the huge blood-engorged penis, wetly pulsating and nibbling as though it were trying desperately to suck his massive hardness into her. The fleshy outer flanges of her pussy slipped and closed gently over the blunted head of his pulsing sperm-filled cock.

He groaned.

Each had never felt anything as soft and tender in his life; he gasped and writhed for a moment, pausing to enjoy this delicious instant that he was sure would remain in her tortured memory for years to come. Jesus, he couldn't hold off much longer, he had to fuck his lust-filled cudgel all the way into her before it was too late! But as if to prolong the delicious agony of waiting an instant longer, he held the tip of his wildly throbbing cock just inside the warmly moistened pussy lips for a moment longer, enjoying the torture of holding himself back when he knew he still had the best part of her steaming wet cunt awaiting him.

He had to take her now!

He thrust forward, feeling the small elastic rim give inward as he slipped through the tightly clasping outer walls of her contracting vagina that were just as wet and firmly gripping as he had expected. A groan escaped his lips when he sank deeper, deeper through the warm enclosing wetness until the whole of her tightly clasping young channel was filled to the brim with his rock-hard cock. He pushed forward with all his weight to sink his erectly throbbing hardness as far into her hotly quivering pussy as he could go, forcing her grasping cuntal walls aside with his rampaging onslaught and slithering through the smooth giving flesh. Her inner sinews dilated and convulsed in a palpitating shock as he probed his long, pile-driving instrument deeper and deeper yet, and suddenly he felt his cockhead strike hard against her cervix, signaling that he was completely in. At the thick base of his rigid fleshy staff, his hard muscular loins crushed violently into her upturned buttocks, sweeping them wider and wider apart.

"Oh, oh, noooo," Ellen moaned beneath him as he withdrew slowly and then wormed forward again into her before withdrawing still another time to thrust into her wetly heated femaledom with even greater forcefulness. The impaled young girl strained and squirmed against the vicious attack that had taken her so completely by surprise. Throughout the long slavering of his tongue over her battered genitals, she had lain dormant, slipping into an almost unconscious state of semi-awareness. She had noticed only the racing pleasure that seemed to grip every fiber of her tensely quivering loins, but now all that had changed. Every part of her body grew startlingly alive! The brutal fondling of her genitals had been soothed by the warm licking pleasure, and that now was swept away by a resumption of sudden pain, in her hideously stretched vagina, bringing her swiftly back to stark reality.

"Oh, God, what a pussy," she heard Cash's loud voice grunt from behind her. "Jesus, this cunt's the tightest I've ever been in."

Ellen squealed in pained indignation underneath him at the sound of his coarse gasping voice. She screamed for him to get off her, knowing all the while that it was useless and that he would continue his wanton probing into her defenselessly widespread vagina. Tears of anger and frustration at the helplessness of her position streamed from her terror-stricken eyes once again. She was hopelessly trapped by the two escaped convicts who had pinioned her arms and legs firmly to the bed – and trapped by her own earlier perverted response of delight to the lewd flicking of his tongue only a few moments before. Now Cash's violent intrusion into her gentle moistly clasping passage surged inexorably forward, and she could feel the huge battering instrument growing and expanding in her relatively inexperienced womb until it felt like it would split her apart.

"Christ," Cash gagged, his lips bared back over his teeth. "I'm finally all the way in. Feels like a fucking nutcracker in there."

Ellen squirmed and clenched the powerful muscles of her buttocks tightly together in an effort to squeeze the thick turgid length of his hotly pulsating cock out, but it was useless. The gentle contracting of the firmly clasping walls of her vagina around his huge tree-trunk of an instrument only incited him more; she could feel his hardness jerking and pulsing against the smooth walls, stretching and twisting the virginal channel with lewd cruelty. She groaned piteously beneath him, and he flexed the huge rod into her damp sucking passage again and again before resuming his slow, maddening strokes in and out. The others, excited to a fever pitch by the picture of her abject helplessness, increased the indignity by pulling her legs further apart and mashing her face into the pillow until her muffled protests turned to desperate gasps for breath. All the while the huge impaling sword inside her swelled and grew, swelled and grew, until her writhing young pussy felt filled beyond all imaginable limits.

Sobbing, the pain-racked young girl finally ceased her struggle, and it was only then that the hands released her. She felt them clawing and grasping now at her defenselessly naked flesh, roaming in random patterns over every inch of her obscenely displayed body. She could hear the grossly fat evil Pop grunt as he leaned closer over the bed and wedged his two fists between her heaving chest and the mattress. Saliva trickled from his half-open panting mouth as he clasped his palms in uncontrollable excitement around the softness of her large, ripely firm breasts. He fell to a sitting position at the head of the mattress and the bed squeaked under his groaning weight. She shuddered as he drew her breasts obscenely out to the sides, pinching and squeezing the tiny bud-like nipples between his thumbs and forefingers until they sprung to a hard, berry-like erectness that made them more sensitive than ever.

Alongside her, Vito's cruel bony fingers swept across her backside, his long jagged nails tearing down her spine and over the pitifully cringing flesh of her buttocks until suddenly, without warning, he wormed one outstretched finger down the spread crevice between her ass-cheeks and poked against the tight rubbery ring of her puckered little anus. He shoved into the spongy clasping confines and Ellen groaned loudly in pain, her arms and legs stiffening and flailing out from the bed.

"I'm going to finger-fuck her asshole," she heard his panting, lust-deepened voice exclaim through the daze of the three-way-rape.

Cash's huge throbbing cock rammed with greater force into her tightly clasping vagina and seemed to be tearing and stretching the passage beyond all possible repair, while Vito's finger thrusting deep into the tight rubberiness of her virginal young rectum increased her torment and anguish to unbearable proportions. She discovered the pain lessened somewhat if she decreased her movements, so she lay under them as motionless as possible with only the anguished fluttering of her tormented inner muscles breaking her defeated stillness. She tightly clenched her teeth as Vito ground and twisted his outstretched middle finger deeper, circling and expanding her anal passage with his lewd manipulations. Then another finger joined the first, and Ellen broke into soft piteous sobbing, feeling as though the passage would burst from the painful gorging outward pressure.