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Ellen could see her sister's thighs buckle upwards again as though Phil's hardened flesh thrust half-way inside of her eagerly clasping femaledom just wasn't enough. Then the youth inched his hands farther under the smooth curve of Jennifer's hungrily trembling ass-cheeks and squeezed her white undulating moons with a savage strength. The wantonly writhing girl began a rhythmic squirming movement in an attempt to capture the entire length of his sperm-filled shaft inside the hot pulsating passage of her cunt. Ellen strained her eyes and could see the moistly clasping lips of her sister's hungrily flowering pussy sucking tightly around me hard rubbery head of his fleshy instrument. Ellen's eyes gaped open in stunned disbelief as it skewered deeply in, then came pulsing downward on the outstroke and grazed its long white ridge against the softly curling pubic hairs that gripped teasingly at the semen-bloated fullness of the underside of his cock.

Now Jennifer was churning her eagerly writhing buttocks and glistening white thighs more rapidly. Rippling mewls of pleasure spilled from her wide open mouth and accompanied the lewd slap of naked flesh on flesh and soft scrape of sand beneath the obscenely pounding bodies. Ellen lay crouched on the sand, numbed with shock, and watched hypnotized as the sperm swollen sack of her fiance's brother's balls slapped against the flat plane just beneath her sister's nakedly exposed buttocks, the girl's legs curling and uncurling in animal-like desperation around the sinewy muscles of Phil's lower back.

"Oooooooh, fuck me now, darling, fuck me now," Jennifer moaned up into his open mouth, her eyes clenched tightly shut, her pelvis grinding.

Ellen held her breath again for what seemed like the thousandth time since she had climbed up the sand dune a few moments before. Both Jennifer and Phil were breathing heavily, and Ellen noticed streams of perspiration trailing down their nakedly young bellies as the incessant smack of their sweat-moistened flesh built into an insane crescendo of lust that would lead inevitably to orgasm. Ellen could see one of his hands clench and unclench around her sister's rounded white ass cheeks as he pumped and hollowed his buttocks into her groin and moved his other hand up to her breasts to begin squeezing the passion inflamed nipples in a final gesture of frenzied lust.

Then suddenly Ellen heard a long gurgling noise come from beneath the nakedly fucking boy, the sound erupting deep, deep within Jennifer's throat as though she had no control over it. The girl's buttocks jerked uncontrollably up towards Phil several times, the lips of her tightly clasping cunt working and sucking at his cock as though trying to milk him dry. At the same time the boy groaned above her and quickened his stroke, grinding hard and deep, his thick fleshy rod beginning to throb its milky white sperm deep down into her gratefully accepting belly. Ellen gasped as she saw Jennifer's head thrash from side to side under the final ravishing strokes. At the base of her glistening crotch Ellen could see clearly a tiny white stream of their intermingled cum trickle down over her naked thigh and dissolve lewdly into the sand below. One last throbbing jerk sent the couple into a subsiding spasm, and then they lay still, her sister's legs splayed obscenely out at the boy's sides.

The older man now stood over the immobile, but heavily breathing couple, rubbing the lust-incited shaft of his long hard penis into a fiery poker of flesh that he held as though he were brandishing a lance. Ellen knew all too well what was coming next and she began to move away, too horrified to watch, but too fascinated by the obscene spectacle to avert her head completely. Phil looked up smilingly at the standing figure of his friend and pulled his half-deflated cock with a loud wet sucking noise from Jennifer's moistly glistening vagina.

The last thing Ellen saw as she slid down the sand dune was the figure of the other male shrouded in spooky moonlight plunging his rock-hard cock deep down into her older sister's already sperm-flooded vagina.

She stood up at the base of the hill, brushing off her jeans and tee shirt, then began stumbling blindly up the beach. Tears of abject hurt and humiliation rolled silently down her cheeks, stinging against her skin that was sensitive from all the crying she had been doing that night. She trudged up the sloping sand and into the tall grass that bordered a gravel road with no sense of destination in mind. One thing was sure, and that was that she couldn't go back to the beach party in this state of mind. She needed time to think, and she might as well walk the five miles back to her house to save herself the tortuous explanations she would have to give Bob about how she had gotten into her condition. Bob could think what he liked, for all she cared. What she had seen a moment ago was enough to make up for all the tidbits of gossip Bob had told her about her sister, and Ellen had no intention of confirming his suspicions and letting him gloat about it for the next few months.

Yes, she would keep on walking, the exercise would do her some good and would help clear her head after all she had been through this evening. As she moved up onto the road she thought she heard one last moan of gurgling passion coming from below the sand dunes on the beach. They were probably still at it, she thought, and she felt the shock return as the obscenely lewd image of her sister's widespread, upraised thighs and Phil's nakedly pounding buttocks between them flickered momentarily through her mind. She had trusted and admired her sister for so many years and now her idol of strength and womanly virtue had turned to a soiled and tattered rag doll that would submit to any man that was immediately available! Well, it was Jennifer's life and Ellen certainly was not going to live it for her. She knew that she could not bear to live in the same house any more with her sister and her mother, who had grown increasingly remote and morose since the divorce. Yet she knew of no place she could run to and no one she could turn to at this dreadful moment. After she had seen Bob's brother, Phil, taking turns with another man gang banging her own sister, she was certain that she could never face her fiance again. There was an element in Bob that reminded her in a strange way of his brother, and Bob's own lusty demands on her this evening really bore this out.

She thought she just might move in with her father who had an apartment on the other side of the Florida Peninsula in St. Petersburg. But living with him would only create additional problems within the already disrupted family. Ellen had always been a bone of contention in the family anyway, as she had been her father's favorite and he had pampered her somewhat. He had acted rather indifferently toward Jennifer during the weeks that preceded her parents' separation, and Jennifer had sided with their mother, making matters worse, as her father had become quite emotionally demanding on Ellen and had flaunted his feelings as though he wanted to make the rest of the household jealous. It had been during this period that her sister began running around with that wild college crowd and had been introduced to marijuana. Jennifer had been a senior, and at that time Ellen was an entering freshman at the same Florida community college. They had commuted each day in Jennifer's car, and the two pretty young sisters had gotten into some deep conversations on their way to school about what life would be like after the divorce. There were moments when Ellen had almost felt that her sister wanted to confide in her about something that had occurred before their parents' final breakup, but the older girl had held back, as though she were afraid to hurt Ellen's feelings towards her parents.