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Then, against her anguished protests, they pulled her backwards to the side of the road, pinning their arms tightly against her back so if she struggled more they could clench her elbows up to her shoulder blades and reduce her to a writhing mass of agonizing pain.

But it was fear that now raced through her as the two heavily breathing men dragged her back down the highway. Up ahead she recognized the hulking: shape of a pick-up truck that she had passed unnoticed only a few minutes before. Ellen made one last attempt to break loose, kicking at the taller man who stood next to her on the soft shoulder at the edge of the road. Then she felt her arm wrench up once more, and she bent down, groaning, more in fear now, and hoping desperately that she could distract her abductors for at least a moment until she could regain her strength. But they pulled her up from her half-kneeling position and dragged her on until she was facing the rear end of the truck.

"Oh God. Please no! Let me go!" she muttered under the tightly clenching hand over her mouth.

They hoisted her wrenching body ahead of them onto the floor of the open pick-up, and she felt her stomach strike painfully against cold metal. The image of a third man sitting on the floor of the truck bed swept past her widening, horror-stricken eyes as he grabbed for her shoulders and dragged her into the interior until her face fell hard onto his lap. Then Billy's heavy weight landed in a thud on her back, and a sharp stab of pain shot through her belly. Behind her, she heard Cash race along the dirt shoulder of the road to the front of the truck where he jumped onto the seat beside the driver. Then the truck roared off with a squeal of tires against the pavement.

"You got her, boys?" the rasping voice of the driver grunted excitedly.

"We ain't only got her, Pop. Wait till you see what she's got," Billy shouted jubilantly to the front of the truck. His stomach lay flat over her outstretched form and his free hand squeezed more tightly at the curve of her small waist. "Yeah, he ain't seen what we got," he repeated in a lewd whisper to Ellen, dropping his wet mouth to her ear.

"Well, just keep your Goddam hand over her mouth," the driver chuckled, shifting into second and speeding up as the car hurried down the narrow country road. "I don't want no screams coming from this here pick-up truck while I'm driving it."

"Shoot, Pop. An old man like you, they'd think it was just pigs," Billy joked.

"Takes an older man to know the difference."

Ellen felt Billy's large muscular hand in a tight grip on her waist. The coarsened palm of his other hand pressed so strenuously against her slightly parted mouth that it felt like her lips were splitting over her own teeth. Her head had twisted and her cheek lay on the thigh of the other man with her face forced almost into his lap. A pungent masculine smell emanated from his spread open loins and permeated the air around her face, filling the whole of her every choking breath.

Tears of helpless terror streamed from Ellen's eyes as an image of Phil's long white cock sinking into her sister Jennifer's open and glistening vagina raced through her tortured mind, and she sobbed helplessly as she was hit with the horrible realization that she too might soon be filled with the brutal erect flesh of one of these crude men who had forced her off the country road into the truck.

"Oh God, please don't let it happen, please don't let them do that to me. Not that, dear God. Not what those boys did to Jennifer."

"Keep her trap shut, we're passin' another bunch of beach houses," the tense voice of the older man driving spoke again.

"Boy, these people got beach houses that don't quit."

"You shut up, too. Everyone be quiet."

Billy's hand tightened over Ellen's mouth, and she thought she was going to suffocate. Then her heart jumped into her throat and her breath stopped completely for one long tortuous moment as she realized that she might very well be killed if she didn't cooperate. The flow of her tears choked off abruptly and dried up with sheer terror.

"That's a nice girl," Billy's wet mouth muttered in her ear. "Billy boy's gonna reward you with something real good and hard. Oh, you're going to love what I've got for you."

His breath smelled heavily of alcohol and she could feel a sticky dampness forming between her back and his stomach as he sweated through his shirt in his efforts to keep her close to the floor. The smell of his sweat and the stale odor of alcohol and the pungency arising from the other man's lap all mixed together until she thought she was going to faint from the heat and the overwhelming fear that attacked each of her senses. She recalled dimly that the men were all dressed the same and her heart jolted anew as she made the grim connection between their identical blue outfits and prison uniforms. They must have escaped from the prison downstate and driven here because it was close to the state line or even because it was near the gulf and they planned to take a boat out of the country! Oh God, maybe she was going to be a hostage just like she'd read about happening to so many people almost every day in the newspaper. But why did it have to be her? Every nerve in her anguished body strained with the sudden hope that they would only keep her but not rape her. Not plunge their thick penises into her virginally defenseless vagina like she had seen Phil and his friend doing to Jennifer earlier that evening.

As if in answer to her question, Billy's free hand began an exploratory movement out from her small girlish waist. It ran excitedly over the side of her body, then he sighed and began breathing heavily, concentrating all his brutal force on prying the soft innersides of her thighs apart with his knee. Ellen fought with every bit of her strength, but the straining limbs gradually opened from the force of the pressure. His legs sank in between them and she felt a clothed hardness press along the top of her thigh. She shuddered in revulsion as she realized what he was trying to do to her. His penis had hardened from the lust-inciting contact of lying closely on top of her, and now he was trying to wedge his straining erectness against her completely defenseless pussy!

She squirmed her hips, groaning loudly in protest, but it was useless.

Beneath his pants, Billy's stiffened penis pushed hard and intimately into the junction between her legs. He pressed forward and the cloth of her jeans sank raspingly into the barely moist crevice of her helplessly spread young pussy.

The truck sped along through the summer night on the narrow country road, leaving the beach houses behind. In the front, there was a sound of the other two men shifting in their seats.

"You can relax now. We're out on open road,"-Ellen recognized the voice of Cash.

"Someone throw me a Goddamn cigarette, will ye," she heard the second man in the back of the truck speak for the first time.

Ellen started as a pack of cigarettes flew over the front seat. The man grabbed the pack irritably and handed a second cigarette to Billy, the straining cloth across his lap lighting up rose-blue before Ellen's eyes as he struck a match.

"Goddamn it, Vito. Watch out, you bastard. You'll burn my hair," Billy grunted.

Billy was still pressed heavily over her back, but now Ellen looked up at Vito for the first time. He was much smaller than she had expected him to be, though his bony wiry frame had a definite look of vicious cruelty about it.

"Oh God, he's a killer!" the thought raced through her mind with a frightening sureness.

The truck bounced along the country road and as the men smoked their cigarettes, Ellen's glance returned again and again to the smaller man in dreadful fascination. A long narrow welt-like scar curled across one of his thin cheeks, and his long black unkempt hair shone greasily in the moonlight. The smoke grew thicker and thicker over her face until she thought she would choke. Then Billy jokingly forced the strong smelling cigarette to her mouth and made her puff on it, and she broke into a fit of coughing. An interminable length of time seemed to pass, and she began to feel nauseous as he forced it again and again to her lips.