‘You’ll hear the fighting. It will soon be obvious who won.’
Terror constricted Ariadne’s throat. She wanted to ask Spartacus not to leave, but she knew that would be futile. Everything about him now oozed grim determination. She let herself take strength from that. ‘The gods keep you safe.’
‘The Rider has been good to me all these years. I trust that he will continue to do so.’ He fixed her with his grey eyes, and smiled. ‘Afterwards, I would like to get to know you better.’
For a moment, Ariadne’s tongue wouldn’t move. ‘I–I would like that too,’ she managed.
‘If things go against me-’
‘Don’t say that,’ she whispered. Images of Kotys filled her head.
‘Nothing is certain,’ he warned. ‘If it comes to it, take my horse and go. Even though he’s lame, you’re light enough for him to carry. With all that will be going on, nobody will notice that you’re gone for a day at least. You’ll be able to reach the next village, and seek sanctuary there.’
What good will that do? Ariadne wanted to scream. All she did, however, was to shake her head in silent assent.
He lifted the beam that barred the door. ‘Replace this after I’ve gone.’
‘I will.’
‘Get some more rest if you can.’
Her chin firmed. ‘No.’
He was halfway through the doorway, but he turned. ‘Eh?’
‘I will pray to Dionysus for your success. And Kotys’ death,’ she added.
His eyes glinted. ‘Thank you.’ He slipped out without another word.
Gods, but she’s fiery. Attractive too. Putting thoughts of Ariadne aside, he let his vision adjust to the darkness. Using all his senses, he scanned the alleyway. After a few moments, he relaxed. No one was stirring. Even the dogs had gone to sleep. Keeping a hand to his sword, he stole off through the gloom. Eight years of absence didn’t stop him from unerringly making his way to Getas’ house. He’d grown up here and knew every alley and path in the settlement like the back of his hand. The yellow glow of lamplight through chinks in the wall drew him past the palisade, and he rapped lightly on the portal. ‘Getas?’
The muffled conversation within died away. He heard footsteps approaching. ‘Who is it?’
There was a scraping noise as the locking bar was lifted, and then the door eased open, revealing a skinny man with a mass of tangled red hair. He grinned. ‘Come in, come in.’
Spartacus stooped and crossed the threshold. The inside of the rectangular hut was similar to most in the village. A large fire burned in a fireplace set into the back wall. Bunches of herbs hung from the roof beams. Tools were stacked untidily in one corner; bowls, pots and pans in another. A weapons rack stood proudly by the entrance, weighed down with javelins, spears and swords. To the left of the fireplace, two small children were curled up together under a blanket, like puppies. A dark-haired woman lay alongside them, her eyes watching his every move. Getas urged Spartacus to the bench in front of the blaze, where three warriors clad in long-sleeved, belted tunics were sitting. They all rose, smiling, as he approached.
‘Spartacus! It’s been too long!’ exclaimed a tall man with a shaven forehead. ‘Thank the gods you have returned.’
‘Seuthes!’ Spartacus returned the embrace before greeting the two others in the same way. ‘Medokos. Olynthus. I’ve missed your company.’
‘And we yours,’ replied Medokos, a barrel-chested figure with a wiry beard. Olynthus, who was older than all of them, murmured in loud agreement.
‘Sit,’ said Getas, waving a clay jug. ‘Let’s have a drink.’
When they all had a cup in hand, he poured the wine. Raising his right arm, he toasted them all. ‘To the Rider, for bringing Spartacus home in one piece.’
‘To the Rider!’ They all drank deeply.
‘To the end of Kotys’ tyranny,’ said Seuthes. ‘May he be rotting in hell very soon.’
‘Polles too,’ added Getas.
‘And plenty of the other scumbags who follow at their heels,’ snarled Medokos.
They threw back the wine. Getas poured everyone refills.
‘Let’s be clear,’ warned Spartacus. ‘What we’re talking about places all of our lives in great danger.’ His eyes flashed to the woman and the children. ‘You understand me?’
‘We know the dangers, Spartacus,’ said Getas fiercely. ‘And we still want to be part of it.’
‘Good. I need to talk to every warrior that you three regard as trustworthy. How many do you think that is?’ He scanned their faces intently. Everything hinged on the rough poll he’d asked them to conduct earlier. Let there be enough, Great Rider, or we’re all dead men.
‘I had nineteen men say “Yes”,’ said Getas.
‘Sixteen,’ added Seuthes.
‘Twelve.’ Medokos looked annoyed. ‘One of them delayed me for at least an hour. He insisted on drinking in your honour.’
Spartacus smiled. ‘You did well.’ He glanced at Olynthus, who had always been slightly aloof. It was probably because of the hunting injury that had left him with a permanent limp in his right leg. Aware that Olynthus’ peer group often poked fun at him, Spartacus had always made him welcome, including him in all their boyhood exploits. Nonetheless, he knew Olynthus less well than the others.
Delighted, Spartacus punched him lightly on the arm. ‘Sixty-seven warriors. Including us, I make it seventy-two. That’s good enough odds for me.’ He clenched his fists, which were hidden in his lap. ‘How about the rest of you?’
‘When do you think we should do it?’ asked Getas by way of answer.
Spartacus grinned. ‘Always the hasty one, Getas!’ He eyed the others.
‘I’m with you,’ said Seuthes.
‘Me too,’ muttered Medokos.
‘Aye.’ Olynthus’ answer was a heartbeat slower than that of the others, but the adrenalin was pumping so hard through Spartacus’ veins that he barely noticed.
‘Excellent. Have you told the men to gather so that I can talk to them?’
‘Yes, in three houses,’ replied Seuthes. ‘We’ll take you to them, one by one.’
Getas was like a dog with a bone. ‘How soon do we attack the king?’
‘We need to do it tomorrow.’
Medokos’ eyebrows rose. ‘So soon?’
‘Yes. You know what people are like with idle gossip, let alone something like this. Best strike while the iron is hot.’ He ignored the awe in their eyes. ‘We can do it!’
‘Gods, but it’s good to have you back. Sitalkes would be proud,’ said Getas, beaming from ear to ear. ‘Let dawn arrive soon!’
The tension eased as they all chuckled at his enthusiasm.
Spartacus let them enjoy the feeling for a moment. Then, ‘We’d better get a move on. There are a lot of men who need to hear what I’ve got to say.’
‘True enough,’ said Getas. ‘May the Rider watch over us.’
During the course of the next few hours, Spartacus moved tirelessly through the village with his four friends. He was greatly heartened by the warm reception he received everywhere. The level of discontent with Kotys’ rule proved to be huge, and his words fell on fertile ground. Men fondly remembered his father and brother, and lamented both their deaths, especially that of Sitalkes, who had been poisoned at a feast held by Kotys. They apologised for not avenging Sitalkes’ death, and were happy to swear undying loyalty to Spartacus. Every single one promised to send the king, Polles and the rest of his followers to oblivion in a variety of unpleasant ways. To a man, the warriors seemed to love Spartacus’ plan of storming the royal compound at dawn, when most of the bodyguards would be asleep. ‘The simple plans are the best,’ he promised them all. ‘There’s nothing that can go wrong.’
When he was done, Spartacus considered returning to Ariadne’s house to sleep. The idea appealed, but he put it aside. There was no point endangering her even more than he done already. By telling so many warriors of his plan, he had opened himself up to betrayal. Yet there was no other way of doing it. If he did nothing, Kotys would hear of his presence in the village by the next day. There was no way that the king would not act. Spartacus steeled his resolve. All will go well. It has to. By sunset tomorrow, I will be the new ruler of the Maedi. It scarcely seemed possible. Although the idea had crossed his mind during his time away, it hadn’t ever been something that he had thought would come to pass. Rhesus, the previous king, and Andriscus, his son, had been popular and courageous men. He scowled. They’re gone now, like Father. Kotys must pay for that with his life. If achieving that end brings me the kingship, so be it. I’ll make a better leader than the dog who currently sits on the throne. I will be able to lead the tribe against Rome all the sooner. Another pleasing thought crossed his mind. What of Ariadne? A smile spread across his face. We shall see.