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That was the way it worked in the modern world. Remar hadn’t designed the machine; his job now was simply to run it, and he intended to do his job sensibly and well. Because, in the end, God’s Eye was more than just a name. It was a way of life, and people had gotten used to it.

“Guardian Angel, then?” Remar said.

Senator McQueen nodded. “And I can’t think of a better man to run it than you, General. You know you will have my full support. Thank you for your service, and for your lifelong dedication to keeping the American people safe.”

Remar offered a single, crisp nod. “Thank you, Senator. I’ll continue to do what I can. In fact, I know we all will.”


I couldn’t have written this book without the benefit of what the public has learned from whistleblower Edward Snowden. Though if I had written it before Snowden’s revelations, I’m confident substantial portions would have sounded like tinfoil-hatted crazy talk.

What we know instead is that most of what I’ve described in these pages is real. And while God’s Eye itself is speculative, anyone familiar with the record of J. Edgar Hoover, the history of COINTELPRO, the allegations of NSA analyst Russell Tice, or the workings of human nature generally will know that even God’s Eye is unlikely to be entirely imaginary.

That said, I know here and there I’ve taken some minor institutional and technical liberties, mostly in the service of moving the plot along more crisply. Apologies for this to the experts (thanked below) who were kind enough to read and correct the manuscript before publication. As for the unintentional errors I’m sure I’ve made despite a fair amount of research and fact-checking, I’ll look forward to hearing from readers, and to posting corrections on my website at http://www.barryeisler.com/mistakes.php.

For more on the facts behind my fiction, I recommend the following:


Timeline of NSA revelations


“13 Ways the NSA Has Spied on Us”


One of the NSA’s least known and most potent surveillance tools: EO 12333


The false and propagandistic notion of an American “oath” of secrecy


Not so many burning Humvees in Desert Storm, true, but see Day 15 and Day 41


How an undersea oil eruption became a “leak”


“Enhanced Interrogation” sounds better in the original German


It’s almost as though all these “narcissist” hacks were working off the same set of talking points


Speaking of the “narcissism” talking points/projection, don’t miss Jay Rosen on the “Toobin Principle”


“They are using the exact same deny, degrade, distract, disrupt, destroy playbook against [Snowden] that his own revelations show are being used against every other activist.”


Our august lawmakers solicit the Defense Intelligence Agency for dirt they can use to undermine Snowden’s credibility


1.2 million people on US government watch list



US/Turkish intelligence cooperation


More on NSA Special Liaison Advisors


Webcam hacking


Mesh network CCTV surveillance systems are trivial to hack


Harvard secretly installs cameras in its classrooms


Gunshot-detecting microphones


Identifying people via biometric data like height, stride length, and walking speed


“New Surveillance Technology Can Track Everyone in an Area for Several Hours at a Time”


Facial recognition technology is everywhere, even in churches


Who is this Marcy Wheeler?!



Intelligence agencies achieve greater openness by prohibiting officials from talking to media


Those damn subversives the director is so upset about

Barrett Brown — http://frontburner.dmagazine.com/author/barrettbrown/

Sarah Harrison — https://wikileaks.org/Profile-Sarah-Harrison.html

Murtaza Hussain — https://firstlook.org/theintercept/staff/murtaza-hussain/

Angela Keaton — https://twitter.com/antiwar2

Jason Leopold — https://news.vice.com/contributor/jason-leopold

Janet Reitman — http://www.rollingstone.com/contributor/janet-reitman

Trevor Timm — https://freedom.press/about/board-staff/trevor-timm

Marcy Wheeler — https://www.emptywheel.net

How the NSA tracks cell phone locations


A lost dog identified three thousand miles from home via a microchip implant. Coming soon to babies everywhere, no doubt


Amazingly, about a day after I wrote the scene where the director ruminates about using a kidnapping to persuade Americans to have microchips implanted in their children, this was published (and quickly debunked)
