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“We could win a war temporarily,” Veriasse said, “but we would weaken this entire arm of the galaxy. The dronon despise weakness. They try to root it out, destroy it. We would open ourselves to certain attack by other swarms. In time, we would lose. The only way to defeat them with any hope of retaining our territories for an extended period is to beat them decisively while retaining a strong navy. This means that we cannot risk destroying our old guardians, the ones you call “ogres.” Each guardian takes orders through the omni-mind. We have to win Everynne’s omni-mind back and regain control of our navies. We must make the dronon fear our species more than they already do.”

“What do you mean, fear us more than they do? I have seen no evidence that they fear us.”

“The dronon rule by a rigid hierarchy,” Veriasse said. “When a Golden Queen takes over as Lord of the Swarm, then the lords of her defeated enemy do obeisance, accepting her as their rightful leader. But it has been six years now since the dronon conquered us, and few of our lords have subjugated themselves to dronon authority. Instead, our resistance fights the dronon continually, while our lords publicly apologize to the dronon for the ‘madmen’ in our midst who have not yet accepted their queen. But the dronon are not stupid-they see the pattern. Although it goes against their very nature to destroy all members of a defeated hive, they have resorted to xenocide on dozens of our defeated worlds. They fear that, as a species, we are insane.”

“Why do you keep your plan a secret, then?” Gallen said. “If you plan to challenge the Lords of the Swarm in combat, why not be more forthright?”

“Some factions would try to stop me,” Everynne said. “The aberlains, for instance, hope to reap great profits under the Dronon Empire, and they would sabotage our efforts. But there is a more compelling reason to keep this a secret: by dronon law, those who do battle against the Lords of the Swarm must earn ‘Charn’-the right to pass through hive territories-by battling each lesser queen and her escorts.”

“We’ve had to pass through fourteen occupied worlds so far,” Veriasse said. “If we had kept dronon law, I would have had to fight the ruling Lord Escort on each planet. You are wearing my mantle, Gallen. You know how difficult it will be for a mere human to win against dronon vanquishers in unarmed combat. I can’t risk fighting many Lord Escorts. In any given battle, if I lost, then the Lord Escort would try to mar Everynne by wounding her. If Everynne is wounded, she would forfeit her eligibility to succeed the Golden Queen.”

“What do you mean?” Maggie asked.

“Among the dronon, the Golden Queens must be unblemished,” Veriasse answered. “And though some humans have been integrated in dronon society for sixty years, we are not even sure that the dronons will accept a human as Lord of the Swarms. But if they will even consider her as a contender, Everynne can have no visible defects, no scars. I hope the dronon will accept Everynne as an example of one of our own Golden Queens-one who is flawless. One born to rule. For her entire life, we have managed to keep Everynne from ever taking an injury that would leave a scar. That is why I work so hard to keep her from jeopardizing herself.”

“I have one question more,” Gallen said. “You carry a Terror. If you plan only single combat, why do you need such a device?”

“In case we lose totally,” Veriasse said. “Everynne and I are going to the planet Dronon itself. If they reject our suit for the right to engage in ritual combat, they may try to kill us outright. Under such conditions, we have no choice but to begin the fruitless war that we have tried so hard to avoid. We hope that the very presence of the Terror will force the queen’s hand, so that she will have to let us challenge. But, if necessary, Everynne’s mantle will detonate the Terror. When dies, the dronon will lose contact with the omni-mind. Their automated defenses will close down, and our freedom fighters will attack.”

Gallen did not need to ask what would happen next. His mantle whispered the answers. If Dronon was destroyed, forty percent of the hives would die with it. Lesser queens might take over their own realms on distant worlds, but a long and bitter civil war would begin as hives battled to determine who would become the new Lords of the Swarm. Other dronon swarms around the galaxy would be tempted to invade during that time. Even if new lords were found, the inexperienced leaders would be weak. Leadership might turn over several times within the first few months. During such turmoil, the humans would be given time to win back lost territories, gain a stronger foothold. But as Veriasse had said before, it would pose a terrible risk in the long term.

“There is one scenario that you have not described,” Gallen said, “and I am afraid it is the most likely. What if the dronon let you battle for succession and you lose?”

“Then we will at least have established a precedent that would give humans the right to battle for succession,” Veriasse answered. “I have provided key people on several worlds with tissue samples from Everynne. Thousands of clones could be made. In time, one of her escorts could win the battle.”

“Would you then detonate the Terror on Dronon?”

Everynne shook her head. “We couldn’t. Our best hope for success in this contest is to fight the dronon within the bounds of their laws. My mother and the Tharrin considered this course of action for many years. This is the best way to win back our worlds. Otherwise, billions of innocent people will die on both sides of the battle. Surely you see that this is how it must be?”

“But if you don’t win,” Maggie said, “you will be subjecting your people to years of domination by the dronon. You can’t let that happen. The aberlains are making such far-reaching changes that in another generation, our children will no longer be human. You can’t let that happen!” Maggie’s eyes went wide. Though she had appeared calm over the past two days, Gallen could see how her experience on Fale had devastated her.

Veriasse sighed, and Everynne tried to comfort her. “It will be a sad day, even if we win,” Everynne admitted. “Under Tharrin law, we also permitted upgrades on humans-but only within the limits agreed upon by their parents. We wanted all people to be decent and free, and earn the right to immortality. Sometimes we allowed upgrades of whole civilizations so that a people might become better adapted to their own world. But these sad creatures the dronon are forming-my heart bleeds for them. I fear that there will be little place for them in our society. We will give them the opportunity to go to Dronon, if they so desire, carve a niche among the hives. Those who choose to remain with us may have their children reverse-engineered. And I promise you, the aberlains will be punished.”

Gallen could see that Everynne was not gambling with the future of her people. She would either win and live, or she would die and give her people new hope in the process. In either case, Gallen suddenly yearned to go to Dronon to see what would happen-even if it meant dying in the nanotech fire of a world-burning Terror.

Gallen thrust his incendiary rifle into its sheath, pulled his sword from the sand, and began to dry the dripping blade by whipping it over his head in complex patterns.

“Veriasse,” Maggie said, “I have been wondering. Even in my short time working for the aberlains, I concluded that your guardians could have been engineered better. They could be more heavily armored, could be virtually invincible. Since they were Lady Semarritte’s only police force, I find it odd that they are this weak. Orick killed one with his teeth.”

“Lady Semarritte did not rule with an iron hand,” Veriasse said. “The Tharrin rule by the will of the people. Yes, the guardians are imperfect. Part of their weakness stems from the fact that they are based upon models that are very old. But we have always known that someday, someone like the dronon could gain control of an omni-mind. Since guardian officers wear Guides and receive orders directly from the omni-mind, any usurper who controls the omni-mind also controls fleets and armies with billions of warriors spread out across ten thousand worlds. Isn’t it a comfort to know that a human has some hope of beating them?”