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The birth of Jesus Christ happened like this: His mother, Mary, was engaged to Joseph. But before they began to live as husband and wife, it happened that Mary became pregnant. This Joseph was a good man and did not want to disgrace Mary; he took her as his wife and had no relations with her until she gave birth to her first son and named him Jesus.

And the boy grew up and became a young man. And he was intelligent beyond his years.

Jesus was already twelve years old when, once, Mary and Joseph went to Jerusalem for a holiday and took the boy with them. The holiday passed and they departed for home, having forgotten the boy. Then they remembered him and thought that he must have run off with the other boys, so they asked about him along the road. The boy was nowhere to be found and so they returned to Jerusalem after him.

And after three days they found him in a church, where he sat with the teachers, asking them things and listening. And everyone was amazed at his intelligence.

His mother saw him and said, “What have you done to us? Your father and I are full of grief, searching for you.”

And he said to them, “Where did you look for me? Don’t you know that you should look for the son in the house of his father?”

And they did not understand his words; they did not understand who it was that he called his father. After that Jesus lived with his mother and obeyed her in everything. And he developed in both age and knowledge. And everyone thought that Jesus was the son of Joseph.

And so he lived until he was thirty years old.

At that time the prophet John made himself known in Judea. John lived in the Judean steppes, on the Jordan. John’s clothing was made of camel hair and was tied with a belt, and he subsisted on tree bark and wild plants.

He challenged the people to change their lives in order to free themselves of error, and as a sign of this life change, he bathed the people in the river Jordan.

He said, “A voice is calling to you; pave God’s path in the wilderness, make the path that leads to him level. Make all things even, let there be no dips and no rises, nothing high and nothing low. Then God will be within you and everyone will find their own salvation.”

And the people asked him, “What should we do?”

He answered, “Whoever has two articles of clothing, give them to him who has none. And whoever has food, give it to him who has none.”

And the tax collectors came to him and asked, “What should we do?”

He said to them, “Do not collect more than you are required to.”

And the soldiers asked, “How should we behave?”

He said, “Do not offend anyone, do not cheat. Be content with what you have been granted.”

And the citizens of Jerusalem came to him, as did all the Jews in the vicinity of Jordan. And they repented to him for their evil actions, and as a sign of their change of life, he bathed them in the Jordan.

And the orthodox and old believers also came to John, but secretly.

He detected their presence and said, “You snakelike breed, apparently you have already sensed that it is impossible to withstand God’s will. So then, alter your thinking and change your faith. And if you want to change your faith, then let it be visible by your fruits that you have altered your thinking.

“The axe has already been placed near the tree. If the tree produces bad fruit, it is cut down and thrown into the fire. As a sign of the change in your faith, I purify you with water, but after this bathing you must still be purified with the spirit. The spirit will purify you like the master purifies his threshing floor: he gathers the wheat and burns the chaff.”

Jesus came from Galilee to Jordan in order to be bathed by John, and he was bathed and listened to John’s sermon.

And from Jordan he went into the desert, where he came to know the power of the spirit. Jesus spent forty days and forty nights in the desert with no drink and no food.

And the voice of the flesh said to him, “If you were the son of the almighty God, then you could, of your own will, make bread from these rocks, but you cannot do that, so it would seem that you are not the son of God.”

But Jesus said to himself, “If I cannot turn rocks into bread, then that means that I am not the son of the God of the flesh, but the son of the God of the spirit. I live not on bread, but on spirit. And my spirit can disregard the flesh.” But all the same, hunger tormented him and the voice of the flesh spoke to him more, “If you live on spirit and can disregard the flesh, then you can renounce the flesh and your spirit will remain living.”

And he imagined that he stood on the roof of the temple and the voice of the flesh said to him, “If you are the son of God, then when you throw yourself from the temple, you will not be killed. But an unseen power will preserve you, support you and deliver you from any evil.”

But Jesus said to himself, “I can disregard the flesh, but I cannot renounce it entirely, because I was born into the flesh by the spirit. Such was the will of the father of my spirit and I cannot oppose him.”

Then the voice of the flesh said to him, “If you cannot oppose your father in the matter of throwing yourself off the temple and renouncing the flesh, then you also cannot oppose your father in the matter of going hungry when you want to eat. You should not disregard the lusts of the flesh. They have been placed in you and you should serve them.”

And all the kingdoms of the earth and all of its people were presented to Jesus, how they live and labor for the flesh, expecting from it some reward.

And the voice of the flesh said to him, “There, you see, they work for me and I give them everything that they want. If you work for me, you will get that as well.”

But Jesus said to himself, “My father is not flesh, but spirit. I live by it, I sense it in myself at all times. I respect it alone and work for it alone, and I expect rewards from it alone.”

Then the temptation ceased and Jesus came to know the power of the spirit.

Having come to know the power of the spirit, Jesus left the desert and came to John again and stayed with him. And when the time came for Jesus to leave John, John said of him, “That is a savior of people.”

At these words from John, two of John’s students left their former teacher and followed after Jesus.

Jesus saw that they were following him, stopped, and said to them, “What do you need?”

They said to him, “Teacher! We want to be with you and learn your teaching.”

He said, “Then come with me and I will tell you everything.”

They set off with him and remained with him, listening to him until the tenth hour.

One of these students was called Andrew. Andrew had a brother, Simon. Having listened to Jesus, Andrew went to his brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the one that the prophets and Moses wrote about, the one who will proclaim our salvation to us.”

Andrew took Simon with him and brought him along to Jesus. Jesus named this brother of Andrew’s Peter, which means “rock.” And both of these brothers became students of Jesus.

Then, just as they entered into Galilee, Jesus met Philip and called for him to come along. Philip was from Beth-saida, the same village as Peter and Andrew.

When Philip recognized Jesus, he went and sought out his brother Nathaniel and said to him, “We have found God’s chosen one, about whom the prophets and Moses wrote. It is Jesus, the son of Joseph, from Nazareth.”

Nathaniel was amazed by this, that the one the prophets had written about was from the neighboring village, and he said, “Strange that this messenger of God is from Nazareth.”

Philip said, “Come with me, you will see and hear for yourself.”

Nathaniel agreed and went with his brother and met with Jesus. And when he had heard him out, he said to Jesus, “Yes, now I see that it is true, that you are the son of God and the King of Israel.”