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Have you heard the news? Cynthia gave birth to a baby boy this morning.

Will you come to the mall with me? I'd like to buy a silk scarf.

Can I give you a piece of advice?

Anger is a destructive emotion that does more harm than good.

A lot of passengers were also injured in the crash.

A computer virus is a program that spreads by making copies of itself.

"How is your meal?" "The fish is superb, and the chips are nice too."

The Moon travels around the Earth at a speed of 2,288 miles an hour.

Joanna works in an old people's home as a nurse.

Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?

The electric light bulb was invented by Joseph Swan at the end of the 19th century.

What's the next item on the list?

The wounded were taken to the nearest hospital immediately.

I've been to the USA, but I've never been to France.

The Atlantic Ocean lies between North America and Europe in the north and Africa and South America in the south.

You'll need half a kilo of potatoes for this recipe.

Orion and the Pleiades are the sky's two brightest objects and can be seen even without binoculars.

Jerry can play the guitar, but he is not a very good singer.

Let's have breakfast at McDonald's.

I think April is the most beautiful month of the year.

I've never tried skiing, but I love skating.

Answer key - Articles and nouns - Exercise 2

Where ... my gloves? I can't see ... anywhere. (2) are / them

She likes to buy her ... in designer shops. (2) clothes

Shingles ... not as dangerous today as, for example, in the Middle Ages. (2) is

My girlfriend's favourite TV ... are Modern Family and The Big Bang Theory. (2) series

The police ... looking for the woman who was driving the red car. (1) are

About a dozen ... were grazing on the hillside. (1) sheep

The men ... arrested. (2) were

Could you give me a hand with my ... ? (1) luggage

Both Karl and Alice ... to invite Emily. (1) want

Children are given too ... these days. (1) much homework

New ... are discovered every day. (1) species

... the Dutch better at English than Germans? (1) Are

Any ... fine for me. I am not choosy. (2) beer is

We've got some ... left over from last night. (1) hamburgers

Most people ... spicy dishes. (1) like

... kids are as interested in mathematics as Tina. (1) Few

Rock breaks scissors, scissors ... paper, paper covers rock. (2) cut

I have been putting aside ... money each month for a new guitar. (2) a little

Sarah practises yoga every ... . (2) morning

My feet ... cold. I need some socks. (1) are

Michael has been a pilot for over two decades. He has a lot of ... . (2) experience

At the beginning of the new year, Felix had all his ... cut off. (1) hair

My eyesight has got worse. I need ... . (2) new glasses

If enough ... subscribe to our channel, we can make savings on advertising. (2) people

... have you got now? (1) How much time

Answer key - Articles and nouns - Exercise 3

I like * pop music in general but I don't like what they play at most clubs. *the

There are * plenty of mistakes you can make when starting a business. *a

Did you have enough * time to finish the exercise? *of

Millions of young people will be going to * university next year. *the

She yawned, told us good night and went to * bed. *the

I have learnt a lot of useless things in my life, but my least favourite subject is still * History. *the

I go running three times a week, and I also do * yoga. *the

That's my brother on the left. He is the one wearing * rubber boots. *a

I was able to solve a few riddles but not * all. *the

* Queen was a very good band. *The

Answer key - Articles and nouns - Exercise 4

I really like the burgers at Mike's Borrachos.


Friday is my favourite day of the week.


Where did you buy these jeans?

People generally enjoy talking about themselves.

Canadians are said to be very polite and considerate.

I should put on another shirt. This one is stained.

Every child likes playing with jigsaw puzzles. / All children like playing with jigsaw puzzles.


Answer key - Articles and nouns - Exercise 5

I don't know any/many people who still use a land-line phone.

It's still quite early, so we've had very few customers so far.

I don't like either dress. This one's too bright, and that one's too short.

Who's the other boy, standing next to Kevin?

I would say I have some / a few friends, but not a lot.

That man over there is my uncle Charlie.

No news is good news.

Not much/all of what he said was true.

Every bug is an insect, but not all insects are bugs.

The committee interviewed each candidate separately.

Have you got any brothers or sisters? Or are you an only child?

These books here in my bag are from the university library.

The soup needs a little / some salt. Not much though, just a pinch.

This restaurant is awful. Let's go to another place.

Both her parents were artists, which inspired Jane to become a writer herself.

Answer key - Articles and nouns - Exercise 6

Men are better drivers than women.

Success is more important than happiness.

The age limit for buying alcohol should be raised to 25.

People spend far too much time on the Internet today.

The best advice is what you do not want to hear.

Clothes make the man.