Выбрать главу

Family always comes before friends.

Shops should be closed on Sundays.

The rich get richer as the poor get poorer.

Everybody should have the right to free education.

The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do.

Every day is a good day.

Dogs make the best pets.

Driving should be taught at school.

Tourism does more harm than good.

Answer key - Articles and nouns - Exercise 7

How many friends do you have?

How much time do you spend on the Internet?

How much alcohol do you drink a week?

How many English books do you have?

How much coffee do you drink a day?

How many hours a day do you spend travelling?

How many pairs of shoes do you have?

How many e-mails do you get a day?

How many times a month do you go out?

How much meat do you eat?

Chapter 11: The subjunctive

The subjunctive is a mood used to express necessity, unreality, wishes or hopes. It is usually difficult to notice, as it has no distinctive forms in current English, only those that resemble other verb forms (bare infinitive, past simple and past perfect).

Past perfect subjunctive

Past subjunctive

Present subjunctive

Past perfect subjunctive

The past perfect subjunctive has the same form as the past perfect tense:


It is used in subordinate clauses and expresses unreal past situations:

I wish they

had arrived

on time.

(They didn't arrive on time.)

I would've bought the dress if there

hadn't been

such a queue.

(There was a long queue, so I didn't buy the dress.)

She would rather I

had gone

to bed earlier.

(I didn't go to bed early.)

He seems as if he

hadn't slept

for days.

(He seems not to have slept for days, but he has.)

Related topics:

The forms of the participle

Unreal tenses

Third conditional

Wishes about the past


WOULD RATHER / WOULD SOONER + clause with the past perfect subjunctive

Appendix: irregular verb forms

Past subjunctive

The past subjunctive has the same form as the past simple tense except in the case of the verb be. Traditionally, the past subjunctive form of be is were for all persons, including the first and third person singular. However, today I/he/she/it was is more common while were is mainly used in formal styles and in the set phrase if I were you.

The past subjunctive is used in subordinate clauses and refers to unreal or improbable present or future situations:

If I


you, I would apply right now.

(I am not you.)

What would you do if you


the lottery?

(You probably won't win the lottery.)

It's time the kids


in bed.

(The kids are not in bed.)

I wish you



(You are not here.)

I'd rather your boyfriend


calling you in the middle of the night.

(Your boyfriend keeps calling you.)

He looks as if he


the answer.

(He gives the impression that he knows the answer, but he probably doesn't.)

Related topics:

Form: past simple

Unreal tenses

Second conditional

Wishes about the present



WOULD RATHER / WOULD SOONER + clause with the past subjunctive

Appendix: irregular verb forms

Present subjunctive

The present subjunctive is identical to the bare infinitive form of the verb in all persons, including the third person singular (no final -s). It is usually used in formal or literary styles:

In certain set phrases

I see what you mean.


that as it may, I can't agree with you.

(even so, still)


what may, I will not resign!

(whatever happens)

"I am a Jedi. Like my father before me." "So


it... Jedi."

(it's okay with me, I accept this)

I do not want to bore you;


it to say, we finally got a full refund.

(it is sufficient to say)

In exclamations that express a wish or hope


in peace!





the King!

After adjectives such as IMPORTANT, ESSENTIAL, VITAL etc.

It is/it was + adjective + that can be followed by a present subjunctive if the adjective expresses importance or necessity or that something should be done:

It is vital that everybody


there before the examination begins.

It is desirable that Mr Hanson


in his resignation.

It is important that you


at home when the lawyers arrive.

It is essential that the car

be waiting

at the airport.

It is imperative that products

be tested


In such sentences, the present subjunctive can be replaced with the less formal should + infinitive:

It is vital that everybody

should get

there before the examination begins.

After verbs such as INSIST, SUGGEST, RECOMMEND etc.