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Related topics:

Defining relative clause

Form: passive voice

Nouns which are always plural

Pronouns used in defining relative clauses

Eric Hoffer

The greatest weariness comes from work not done.

Related topics:

Participle clauses

Participles in non-finite relative clauses

Present simple for general truths

The difference between countable and uncountable nouns

Erica Jong

Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.

Related topics:

WHAT (the thing(s) that/which)

Wishes about the present

Frank A. Clark

If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.

Related topics:

Modals to express ability: CAN, COULD, BE ABLE TO

Zero conditional

Frank A. Clark

Gossip needn't be false to be evil - there's a lot of truth that shouldn't be passed around.

Related topics:

Defining relative clause

Modals to express obligation: SHOULD, OUGHT TO

Pronouns used in defining relative clauses

The difference between countable and uncountable nouns

The infinitive of purpose

The semi-modal NEED

Galileo Galilei

I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him.

Related topics:

Modals to express ability: CAN, COULD, BE ABLE TO

Present perfect for past events

Present perfect with an incomplete period

George Eliot

It is never too late to be who you might have been.

Related topics:

Adjective + TO-infinitive

Modals to express possibility: MAY, MIGHT, CAN, COULD

George Santayana

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.

Related topics:

The TO-infinitive as subject

The zero article with names of days, months, seasons, holidays and parts of the day

Haim Ginott

Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it.

Related topics:


Present simple for present habits and states

Hal Borland

April is a promise that May is bound to keep.

Related topics:

BE BOUND + TO-infinitive

Defining relative clause

Pronouns used in defining relative clauses

The indefinite article to describe and classify something

The zero article with names of days, months, seasons, holidays and parts of the day

Hal Borland

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.

Related topics:

Present simple for general truths

Hanoch McCarty

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.

Related topics:

Cleft sentences

Defining relative clause

Pronouns used in defining relative clauses

Harlan Miller

I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month.

Related topics:

Wishes about the present

Harry "Breaker" Harbord Morant

Live every day as if it were going to be your last; for one day you're sure to be right.

Related topics:


BE GOING TO for predictions

Determiners with countable and uncountable nouns (SOME, ANY, NO, MANY, MUCH, FEW, LITTLE etc.)

Heinrich Heine

If the Romans had been obliged to learn Latin, they would never have found time to conquer the world.

Related topics:

Form: passive voice

Third conditional

Helen Rowland

You will never win if you never begin.

Related topics:

First conditional

Future simple for predictions

Future simple in complex sentences

Henry David Thoreau

As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.

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Henry David Thoreau

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.

Related topics:

Adjective + TO-infinitive

Defining relative clause

Present simple for general truths

Pronouns used in defining relative clauses

The continuous aspect

The difference between countable and uncountable nouns

The forms of the infinitive

Henry Ford

There is no man living that cannot do more than he thinks he can.

Related topics:

Defining relative clause

Modals to express ability: CAN, COULD, BE ABLE TO

Participle clauses

Participles in non-finite relative clauses

Pronouns used in defining relative clauses

Henry Miller

We should read to give our souls a chance to luxuriate.

Related topics:

Modals to express obligation: SHOULD, OUGHT TO

The infinitive of purpose

Herbert Prochnow

A city is a large community where people are lonesome together.

Related topics:

Defining relative clause

Nouns which are always plural

Relative adverbs: WHERE, WHEN, WHY

The indefinite article with a member of a class


Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.

Related topics:

HAVE, GET, LET, MAKE + object + infinitive

Irish proverb

If you do not sow in the spring, you will not reap in the autumn.

Related topics:

First conditional

Future simple for predictions

Future simple in complex sentences

Isaac Asimov

What would I do if I had only six months left to live? I'd type faster.

Related topics:

Second conditional

The modal WOULD to express unreal situations

Jim Rohn

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

Related topics:

Present simple for general truths

The difference between countable and uncountable nouns

WHAT (the thing(s) that/which)

Joey Adams

If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all.

Related topics:


Second conditional

The modal WOULD to express unreal situations

John A. Simone, Sr.

If you're in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change. If you're in a good situation, don't worry it'll change.

Related topics:

First conditional

Future simple for predictions

Imperatives in the first conditional

John Wooden

A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment.

Related topics:

Defining relative clause

Modals to express ability: CAN, COULD, BE ABLE TO

Pronouns used in defining relative clauses

The indefinite article with a member of a class

Kelvin Throop

If people behaved like governments, you'd call the cops.