Выбрать главу

Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Thomson, A. J. and Martinet, A. V. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.

Vince, Michael and Sunderland, Peter. Advanced Language Practice. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2003.


© 2013 Péter Simon

All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the express and prior written consent of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. The quotations in this book are either in the public domain or copyright of their respective authors and provided under the fair use provision of copyright law.


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Péter Simon

Table of Contents



About the author

About the proofreader


Chapter 1: Time, tense and aspect

Chapter 2: Modals

Chapter 3: Conditionals and unreal tenses

Chapter 4: Indirect speech

Chapter 5: Passive voice and causative structures

Chapter 6: Non-finite verb forms

Chapter 7: Relative clauses

Chapter 8: Inversion

Chapter 9: Articles

Chapter 10: Countable and uncountable nouns

Chapter 11: The subjunctive


List of quotes

List of exercises


Symbols used in this book


