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They have been dating

since they first met last May


Related topics:

Present perfect with FOR and SINCE

Past perfect continuous for continuous events in the past

Future perfect continuous for continuous events in the future

Present perfect continuous for continuous events that have just finished

The present perfect continuous tense is used to refer to continuous events that started in the past and have just finished but have a result in or an effect on the present moment. A time expression is not necessary:


ve been working

on the computer all day. My eyes are sore.

Your clothes are filthy! What



been doing



ve been writing

this letter all week.

Present perfect continuous for habitual actions

The present perfect continuous is used to express repeated or habitual actions happening in an incomplete period of time. A time expression is usually necessary:


has been getting up

at 6 for the last two weeks.


ve been coughing

all day.

Related topics:

Past perfect continuous for habitual actions in the past

Revision questions: present time

Can we use the auxiliary do in the present simple tense in affirmative sentences?

What is the difference in meaning between the following sentences? He always speaks very loudly.

He is always speaking very loudly.

What is the difference in meaning between the following sentences? I work as a waiter.

I am working as a waiter.

Can action verbs be used in the present simple tense?

Is this sentence correct: What are you thinking about his plans?

What is the difference in meaning between the following sentences? He wrote ten novels.

He has written ten novels.

What do we mean by an incomplete period of time?

Can we use the past simple for an action happening in an incomplete period of time?

Which tense is used with the time expression just now?

What is the difference in meaning between the following sentences? I have called him today.

I've been calling him all day.

Exercises: present time

Present time - Exercise 1

For each of the following sentences, choose the best explanation.

She started taking karate lessons six months ago.

She is taking karate lessons for six months.

She has been taking karate lessons for six months.

I've been in Canada for ten days.

I arrived in Canada ten days ago.

I spent ten days in Canada.

The last time she called me was two weeks ago.

It's two weeks since she last called me.

She didn't call me for two weeks.

This is the first time I've been to Paris.

I've been to Paris once.

I've never been to Paris before.

We haven't been on holiday for years.

The last time we went on holiday was years ago.

We didn't go on holiday for years.

Present time - Exercise 2

Complete each sentence with one of the following time expressions: already, always, for, just, never, rarely, since, still, usually, yet.

This has ... happened to me before. It's the first time.

He has ... been abroad three times this year.

I've ... spoken to Kate. She says hi.

I have loved you ... the day I met you.

Whenever I ring her, the line is busy, and she ... calls me back.

Have you heard what I've ... said? Are you ... listening to me?

Bill has been trying to open that can of tuna ... the last half an hour.

We've ... wanted to go to Spain but have never been able to afford it.

I ... haven't done my homework.

When does the postman ... come?

Have you done the dishes ... ?

They're ... quarrelling about stupid things. It's getting on my nerves!

Where were you? I've been looking for you ... ages!

Hold on for a second. I'm ... brushing my teeth.

My children ... get sweets. Only on special occasions.

Present time - Exercise 3

Decide if the following sentences are correct or incorrect.

Why do you continually disturb me?!

Czechs are drinking more and more coffee.

I'm listening to music since I've come home.

She has been to Egypt twice last year.

How long have you waiting here?

We've just got back from abroad.

Lucy is getting up very early these days.

Sam has been sitting on that bench since three hours.

What's the hottest place you've ever been to?

Since when has she been taking ballet lessons?

Present time - Exercise 4

Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word(s) in capital letters and the meaning stays the same. Do not change the words given.

I've never driven such a fast car. (FASTEST)

What's on your mind right now? (ABOUT)

Do you know how to make a website? (EVER)

The last time I took a sauna was two years ago. (HAVEN'T)

I haven't written to Tim for three months. (SINCE)

Leyla got a job as a waitress two weeks ago. (FOR)

When did they get engaged? (HOW LONG)

Jill hasn't completed the test yet. (IS)

What time is breakfast at the hotel? (SERVE BREAKFAST)

Ted has the irritating habit of biting his nails. (ALWAYS)

Present time - Exercise 5

Make questions with the appropriate present or past tenses and then discuss them with your partner.

You | do | any sport? How long | do | it?

You | be | to the cinema or theatre | recently? What | you | see?

Is there a website that you visit regularly? How often | you | visit | it?

You | ever | lose | something very important to you? How | it | happen?

You | watch | any TV series | right now? How long | you | watch | it?

Where | you | live? How long | you | live | there?

Is there a restaurant or bar that you often go to? When | you | usually | go | there?

You | ever | be | abroad? Which foreign countries | you | be | to?

You | learn | another language | at the moment? How long | you | learn | it?

What is your daily routine during the week? What | you | do | at weekends?

Answer key: present time

Answer key - Present time - Exercise 1

She started taking karate lessons six months ago. (2) She has been taking karate lessons for six months.

I've been in Canada for ten days. (1) I arrived in Canada ten days ago.

The last time she called me was two weeks ago. (1) It's two weeks since she last called me.