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Where ...

does Peter work?

Peter does work?

works Peter?

I don't have ... problems.




I like ... early in summer.

get up

getting up

to getting up

Tom can ... the piano.


to play


Come on, I ... you with those bags.

'm going to help

'll help

'm helping

I ... for you all day yesterday.


was looking

have been looking

Let's take an umbrella. ...

It rained.

It rains.

It's raining.

Sorry, I can't meet you tonight. I ... out with some friends.

am going


will go

When I ... home, I ... to bed straight away.

was getting / went

got / went

got / had gone

Last week, I stayed with my sister ... a few days.




I ... on the computer all day. My eyes are sore.

been working

was working

have been working

If I ... in New York at that time, I ... to the show.

were living / would go

had been living / would have gone

lived / would have gone

Tim should spend ... time on the computer.



a few

He wanted to know ...

who I was waiting for.

who was I waiting for.

for who I was waiting.

The question was ... to answer.

enough difficult

too difficult


There is something you want to say, ...

isn't there?

isn't it?

doesn't it?

I really ... give up smoking.




When I met Philip in 1980, he said he ... to Brunei.

had never been

has never been

never been

The wind was blowing through the ... living room window.




I regret to inform you that your application ...

has been rejected.

has rejected.


What's the last film ... you saw?




Have you ever ... China?

been in

been to

gone to

Who ... to?

belongs this bag

this bag belongs

does this bag belong

... a lot of cheese.

French eat

The French eat

The French eats

I wish ... nearer. Then we could meet more often.


I would live

I lived

I'll never forget ... her for the first time.

to have met

to meet


The guide ... visiting the Royal Palace.




J. K. Rowling is rumoured ... a new book.

that she is writing

to be writing


Smokers are more likely ... lung cancer compared to non-smokers.

to develop

that they develop


Here ...

the postman comes.

comes she.

comes the bus.

It ... have been Carla you saw this morning. She is away on holiday.




... as compensation.

$500 was paid the customer

The customer was paid for $500

The customer was paid $500

The student apologised ... the professor ... being late.

to / for

to / of

for / of

We haven't heard from him for ten years. He ...

had to die.

should have died.

might have died.

... this morning.

My hair had cut

I had cut my hair

I had my hair cut

By next week, they ... painting the rooms.

have finished

will finish

will have finished

It's high time I ... a new pair of jeans.



had bought

I took the phone back to the shop, but they ... me a replacement.

wouldn't give

shouldn't give

can't have given

Mike insisted ... his new muffin recipe.


on that I try

that I should try

Mr Jones ... at the meeting, but he had to cancel because of his illness.

was speaking

was to speak

was to have spoken

Knowing a little Russian, I had no difficulty ... myself understood.

to make


about making

If you ... smarter, you ... money in the first place.

were / wouldn't have borrowed

were / didn't borrow

are / wouldn't borrow

Not only ... the speed limit, but he had also consumed alcohol.

he exceeded

did he exceed

he did exceed

If only it ... snowing.

would stop



You ... that again.

not do

are not do

are not to do

Where would you rather ...

I'll sleep?

I'd sleep?

I slept?

Answer key

Mary is ... teacher. (2) a (See Articles)

... go for a walk? (1) Would you like to (See Non-finite verb forms)

I ... in the morning. (3) usually drink a tea (See Present simple)

My sister ... in Canada. (2) lives (See Present simple)

Where ... (1) does Peter work? (See Present simple)

I don't have ... problems. (2) any (See Countable and uncountable nouns)

I like ... early in summer. (2) getting up (See Non-finite verb forms)

Tom can ... the piano. (1) play (See Modals)

Come on, I ... you with those bags. (2) 'll help (See Future time)

I ... for you all day yesterday. (2) was looking (See Past continuous, Present perfect continuous)

Let's take an umbrella. ... (3) It's raining. (See Past simple, Present simple, Present continuous)

Sorry, I can't meet you tonight. I ... out with some friends. (1) am going (See Future time)

When I ... home, I ... to bed straight away. (2) got / went (See Past time)

Last week, I stayed with my sister ... a few days. (3) for (See Past simple)

I ... on the computer all day. My eyes are sore. (3) have been working (See Past continuous, Present perfect continuous)

If I ... in New York at that time, I ... to the show. (2) had been living / would have gone (See Conditionals)

Tim should spend ... time on the computer. (1) less (See Countable and uncountable nouns)

He wanted to know ... (1) who I was waiting for. (See Indirect speech)

The question was ... to answer. (2) too difficult (See The use of the infinitive)

There is something you want to say, ... (1) isn't there? (See Subject-auxiliary inversion)

I really ... give up smoking. (2) must (See Modals)

When I met Philip in 1980, he said he ... to Brunei. (1) had never been (See Indirect speech)

The wind was blowing through the ... living room window. (2) broken (See The use of the participle)

I regret to inform you that your application ... (1) has been rejected. (See Passive voice)

What's the last film ... you saw? (3) that (See Relative clauses)

Have you ever ... China? (2) been to (See Present perfect)

Who ... to? (3) does this bag belong (See Present simple)

... a lot of cheese. (2) The French eat (See The definite article (THE))

I wish ... nearer. Then we could meet more often. (3) I lived (See Conditionals and unreal tenses)

I'll never forget ... her for the first time. (3) meeting (See Verbs followed by the TO-infinitive or gerund)

The guide ... visiting the Royal Palace. (1) suggested (See Common reporting verbs, The use of the gerund)

J. K. Rowling is rumoured ... a new book. (2) to be writing (See Passive voice with reporting verbs)