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Related topics:

Types of modals

The forms of the infinitive

Subject-auxiliary inversion in questions

Future simple for intentions (offers, promises and decisions)

The future simple tense is used to express future intentions that are decided at the time of speaking (spontaneous offers, promises and decisions):

Come on, I'

ll help

you with those bags.









ll have

a wiener schnitzel.


In the first person, shall can be used instead of will to announce intentions. Shall is more formal than will:




give up

smoking this year.

Related topics:

BE GOING TO for intentions

Future simple for predictions

The future simple is used to make predictions that are based on personal judgement, opinion or intuition, and not on present evidence. Whether or not the event will happen is not certain. Such predictions are often introduced by I think / I don't think:

I don't think he'

ll come


I predict that Congress

will pass

an anti-piracy law soon.

If you ask him, he'




you a lift.

In the first person, shall can be used instead of will in formal styles:

Whatever happens, we




best friends.

The future simple is also used to make general predictions about facts that are always true or events that always happen:

Salty water

will freeze

at a lower temperature than pure water.

A gentleman

will hold

the door for a lady.


You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it. - Charles Buxton

Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyway. - Emory Austin

You will never win if you never begin. - Helen Rowland

If you do not sow in the spring, you will not reap in the autumn. - Irish proverb

If you're in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change. If you're in a good situation, don't worry it'll change. - John A. Simone, Sr.

Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you. - Spanish proverb

Action will remove the doubts that theory cannot solve. - Tehyi Hsieh

Related topics:

Modals to express assumption: WILL, SHOULD, OUGHT TO

BE GOING TO for predictions

Future simple in complex sentences

The future simple tense is often used in the main clause of complex sentences that refer to future time and contain clauses of condition, time or purpose. In the subordinate clause (starting with if, when, as soon as, after, before, the moment etc.), we usually use a present tense:

If you have completed the course, you

will receive

a certificate.


As soon as I hear anything, I

will let

you know.


I'm taking a book with me so that I'

ll have

something to read on the train.



Live as you will wish to have lived when you are dying. - Christian Furchtegott Gellert

You will never win if you never begin. - Helen Rowland

If you do not sow in the spring, you will not reap in the autumn. - Irish proverb

Related topics:

Future time clauses

Future continuous

Form: future continuous

Future continuous for actions in progress at a specific point in the future

Future continuous for actions happening over a period of time in the future

Future continuous for temporary habitual actions in the future

Future continuous for future arrangements

Form: future continuous


The future continuous (also called the future progressive) is formed with the modal will + continuous infinitive without to (be + the present participle -ing form of the verb) in all persons.




 Verb (continuous infinitive) 




 be coming 

 back soon. 






The following contracted forms are often used in spoken and in informal written language:

I will



you will



he/she/it will



we will



you will



they will







 Verb (continuous infinitive) 





 be coming