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In less formal styles, the + noun can be replaced by a plural form without an article:


have made text editing easier.

Polar bears

are threatened with extinction.

The indefinite article is not possible in this sense as it would refer to one or any member of the class but not the class as a whole:


A polar bear

is threatened with extinction.


A computer

has made text editing easier.

Man or mankind can be used to represent the human race and has no article:


will eventually destroy himself.

However, the more gender-neutral term humankind is preferable to man or mankind:


will eventually destroy itself.

Related topics:

The indefinite article with a member of a class

The definite article with ordinal numbers, superlative adjectives, ONLY, NEXT, LAST, SAME, RIGHT and WRONG

The definite article is used before ordinal numbers and superlative adjectives:

This is

the first

time I've ridden a horse.

The 20th century has seen

the bloodiest

wars in the history of humankind.

Jill is

the most intelligent

girl in the class.

Most has meanings which do not take the definite article the:

That was

most kind

of you.

(very kind)

Most people

who lose weight regain it in a very short time.

(the majority of people)

The definite article is also used before only, next, last, same, right and wrong + noun:

You are

the only person

I can tell.

When is

the next train

to Cambridge?

They have

the same surname

, but they are not relatives.

What is

the right answer


The definite article with adjectives

The definite article can be used before an adjective to refer to all the people described by it. If the + adjective is followed by a verb, it will take a plural form:

The rich

get rich, and

the poor

stay poor.


the brave

are free.

Many adjectives that describe a nationality behave in the same way unless they end in -an:

The English

are famous for being very polite.

The French

eat a lot of cheese.



play a lot of hockey.


Fate leads the willing, and drags along the reluctant. - Seneca

It is the familiar that usually eludes us in life. What is before our nose is what we see last. - William Barret

The definite article with geographical names

The definite article is used with certain geographical names:


Names of countries which are collective, plural or modified by an adjective or an of-construction take the definite article the:

the Czech Republic

the Netherlands

the People's Republic of China

the Philippines

the United Kingdom (UK)

the United States of America (USA)

Bodies of water

the Amazon

the Ganges

the (English) Channel

the Panama Canal

the Atlantic (Ocean)

the Pacific (Ocean)


the Gobi (Desert)

the Kalahari Desert

the Mojave Desert

the Patagonian Desert

the Sahara (Desert)

Mountain ranges

the Alps

the Andes

the Appalachians

the Great Dividing Range

the Himalayas

Points of the compass

the North

the South

the East

the West

the South Pole

the North Pole

the south of Italy

the Far East




We were travelling



Some constellations and other heavenly bodies

the Big Dipper (AmE) / the Plough (BrE)

the Pleiades

the Cigar Galaxy

the Crab Nebula




Related topics:

The zero article with geographical names

The definite article with historical references

The definite article is often used with historical references:

The Iraq War

has divided the international public.

The Renaissance

started in Italy and slowly spread throughout Europe.