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Sasha J.M.


To the victims

Part I: Eve

Chapter 1

The Grasshopper, wearing a black uniform without any insignia, tall and slim, with a long narrow face, fair hair neatly combed back with gel revealing his tall forehead, watched with the perpetually serious and contemplative gaze of his gray-green eyes, as the body of the president of Earth fell onto the medallion that was woven into the middle of the oriental rug, in fine, regular knots in the color of old gold.

Blood seeped in a thin stream from a small wound on the president’s forehead, down the root of his nose, past his opened eye and down his cheek, creating a new irregular ornament on the rug.

The Grasshopper bent down to return the revolver to the holster on his thigh.

Vice President Erivan passed by the Grasshopper, sat down in the naturally velvety leather armchair, and placed his large fists on the massive desk, made of five different types of wood: mahogany, cherry, chestnut, walnut and Carpathian elm.

The front of the desk was decorated with a relief of the planet Earth.

The wall behind Vice President Erivan was interrupted by a long string of large windows, currently covered by heavy dark red curtains. Hanging on it was the state flag, depicting a blue planet on a black background.

Erivan’s large round head, sitting atop his bull-like neck, featured fat cheeks, a large nose, bulging eyes with now eyelashes, and thinning eyebrows.

Positioned between the relief and the blue Earth, it created a perfect symmetry of three orbs.

“Mr. President,” said the Grasshopper, interrupting the silence.

Erivan raised his eyes from the cramped body before him and looked at the Grasshopper.

“You, Grasshopper, are the person to first have the right to call me by that name,” he said, with a slight smile.

“Thank you, Mr. President.”

“With this act… on this night… starts…,” Erivan stopped, contemplatively, searching for the right word, “…a new era in the history of mankind. You are now going on your most important mission ever. Are you aware of that, Grasshopper?”

“I am, Mr. President.”

“Are you aware of all the things that depend on you, what responsibility you are taking upon yourself? The responsibility of protecting the Constitution, the responsibility for the survival of the State, the survival of civilization?”

“Yes, I am, Mr. President. Fully.”

“Do you know that I would not entrust anyone else with such a mission? Do you understand the trust that I have in you?”

“I understand Mr. President and I am grateful for it. I will justify your trust.”

“I know you will, I know. When do you leave?”

“Immediately, Mr. President.”

“Alright. In that case I won’t keep you. Good luck, Grasshopper.”

“Thank you, Mr. President,” said the Grasshopper and left the office at a fast pace.

Chapter 2

Pulling back the drapes, Erivan watched the silhouettes of the Grasshopper and his lads moving at a running pace towards the helicopter awaiting them on the lawn in front of the residence. Beyond the rotating blades sparkled the lights of Capital City, the capital of Earth, and on the rise above it the castle of Mr. Kaella, the owner of the Kaella Cosmic Energy Corporation. The night was dark, without a single star in the sky.

“Except mine,” Erivan thought. “Mine is the only star out tonight. Finally and irreversibly.”

Having seen the helicopter take off, he spread his thumb and index finger and released the drape. It swayed slowly and returned to its place, preventing the crystals from the grandiose chandelier from continuing to struttingly gleam in the window pane.

He turned slowly and heavily, seemingly tiredly but actually magnificently, towards the desk, and turned on the intercom and summoned Alpha, the leader of A Squad, the squad in charge of protecting the president of Earth and his family.

Alpha was delighted to see the body of his former president laying practically in the middle of the large oriental rug. All it would take was to roll him up in the rug and take him away.

“Mr. President, where will you sleep tonight?”

“In my room.”

“In the vice president’s or…”

“Yes. The presidential part of the residence should be cleaned out and prepared for me without any hast. I’m in no hurry. Not anymore.”

Chapter 3

Having entered his chambers Erivan immediately called Mr. Kaella. “Mr. Kaella”

“May I call you President of Earth, Erivan?” Kaella asked.

“You may, sir. I thank you for your trust.”

“No, no…,” Kaella said. “I have you to thank. If only I had listened to you earlier…”

“Mr. Kaella, don’t trouble yourself with that anymore, please. Perhaps it is better that the situation escalated. That also created the opportunity for us to once and for all deal with this gang of Non-Consumers. You, Mr. Kaella, as a great humanist, I dare say the greatest in history, also took it for granted that other people are also humane. But they are not. They took advantage of your humanism for their evil ambitions. And that is why we will punish them. Mercilessly.”

“That’s right, mercilessly! Mercilessly!” Kaella shouted excitedly.

“Mr. Kaella, be prepared, before the cameras, at exactly 6:07 p.m., your time,” Erivan continued after a brief pause.

“I will be. I can’t wait for that moment,” Kaella calmed himself.

“You have made an excellent choice of location for your interview, Mr. Kaella. You will be far from… events. We cannot allow for even the faintest suspicion among our Consumers regarding the perpetrators. As soon as you learn about the heinous assassination of the president, immediately officially declare war on the Non-Consumers. I mean like…”

“Ominously, I will do it ominously, Erivan. Don’t worry.”

“Mr. Kaella, your son, Mr. Prince, is he aware of…?”

“Of course, Erivan. Fully, with all the details.”

“Well… does he agree…?”

“Of course. The interview and the location were both his ideas. He too has the utmost respect for you. You have nothing to worry about. You will be President even after my passing.”

“Mr. Kaella!” Erivan said excitedly. “That’s not why I ask! Something like that didn’t even occur to me! For me the position of President represents the opportunity and honor, in line with my abilities, to serve the State and your family. And don’t speak about your… about your departure. I don’t want to think about that. There are many years before you, Mr. Kaella.”

“Thank you for your kind wishes, Erivan, but… you’ll see for yourself… When you are far into your eighties like me… then you draw a line. But I will leave in peace. Because I am leaving the Company and the State in good hands. To my son and you, Erivan. And now, it is already very late, we have to all get some rest. You get some sleep too.”

“I will, a few hours. I want to supervise every detail of tomorrow’s operation.”

“Yes. I ask that you personally run the operation. I can no longer trust anyone else.”

“Have no worries, Mr. Kaella. Everything will go smoothly.”

“Yes, it will. Good night, Erivan.”

“Good night, Mr. Kaella.”

Chapter 4

Mr. Kaella, having finished his conversation with Erivan in the Royal Suite on the last floor of an elite hotel, turned towards his son. Prince Kaella sat in an armchair and placed on the club table in front of him the oval glass of cognac that he was enjoying, after a truly magnificent dinner.