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The longest anyone reported being away from the present was 12 hours.

“Do you know of anyone who couldn’t to get back to the present?” Ashley laughed and answered her own question. “Obviously, we don’t know because they were never seen again.”

“That’s right, and you raise an important point, Captain.” Jack talked about his research for another book he wrote about crime statistics and missing persons. “Every year there are thousands of cases of missing persons that aren’t solved. Most of the explanations make perfect sense: unhappy spouses, embezzling employees, military deserters, businessmen who screwed their partners, and many others who disappeared but had a motive to disappear. But there are hundreds of missing person cases every year that have no explanation at all, cases of apparently happy and contented individuals who just vanish. “We’ll never know if some of these people are stuck somewhere on the wrong side of a wormhole in a different time.”

“So let me ask you a blunt question, Jack. How do we get back to 2013?”

Jack asked if there was an exact navigational position recorded prior to the Daylight Event. When Ashley told him it was only an approximate navigational fix, Jack suggested that it may be possible to stumble into the time threshold by steaming back and forth until they hit it. Ashley noted this on her yellow pad in all caps.

“I do see a problem. All of the people I interviewed, including the crazies who didn’t make the book, reported that the wormhole was a distinct place on land. I never heard of a portal located in the ocean.”

* * *

They had been together for over two hours, and neither wanted their time together to end. Ashley wanted to know more about this guy, and came up with a sneaky way to find out. “So, I bet your girlfriend is proud of all your success.”

“I don’t have a girlfriend, Captain. Since my wife died I’ve been dating my books.” Praise Jesus, no girlfriend.

“I’m sorry, I know how hard it is,” Ashley said. “As you may know I lost my husband a few years ago, and my ship has become my spouse. Felix was a Marine Major, killed in Afghanistan in 2008. We were classmates at Annapolis. It’s not easy losing someone you love.” Jack’s reporter’s antenna went up. Was she simply commiserating with a person who shared a similar tragedy, or was this gorgeous, charming woman opening her life to him for a reason?

More time went by as Ashley reviewed her notes and asked more questions. After each question she would sit back and gaze into his blue eyes as he answered.

“Well, Seaman Jack, this has been a terrific meeting.”

Ashley noticed something about her own voice. She usually spoke in crisp military tones, common among career officers both men and women. But she noticed that as her meeting with Jack wore on, her voice softened, her commanding officer facade weakened.

Ashley said, “Is there anything else you think I should know at this point?” Like what’s your favorite type of food, drink, play, movie, song, like I want to know everything about you. Don’t you want to tell me?

“There is one thing Captain.”

“Yes, Jack, what is it?” Ashley cooed. Get a grip girl!

“I’m going to tell you something I’ve only told to one other human being, my late wife.” Tell me honey, your secret’s safe with me. Cut this crap out girl. NOW!

“I have time travelled. Twice.”

* * *

Although their meeting was about to end, Ashley wanted to hear the details about Seaman Jack’s personal travels through time. This could be very important. Also, it was kind of nice to have this guy around.

Seaman Jack began his story.

“My first trip, so to speak, occurred on October 29, 1994 when I was a 17-year-old high school senior. I was walking to a fishing pond in an old deserted area we knew as the Old Golf Course, which is what it was until about 50 years before then. I love to fish, and my friends told me it was a great spot. The place was an overgrown mess, nothing but weeds and wild vegetation. As I walked down a path toward the pond I noticed a step made of bricks off to my right. I thought it was strange because the steps were the only man-made structure that I saw, except for the crumbling foundation of the old club house, about 100 yards from where I stood. I have no idea why, but I walked onto the bricks and then stepped down. It was the most amazing experience of my young life. The overgrown mess was suddenly a manicured golf course, and I stood near the 15th tee. My watch said it was 11:30 a.m., the exact same time before I stepped off the bricks. A foursome of golfers headed my way. They wore classic old fashioned golf attire from the 1920s, including knickers. They looked like characters from the movie The Great Gatsby. I guess they thought it was odd to see a kid in blue jeans wearing a sweatshirt that said “South Central High Basketball Champs 1993” and carrying a fishing pole near the 15th tee. ‘How’s the fishing today?’ asked one of the men. I asked where I could find the pond and they all looked at me like I was crazy, which I began to think I was. I was thirsty, so I walked to the clubhouse to get some water. As I walked I noticed more golfers dressed like the 1920s. I didn’t see any women. I also saw no golf carts.

The clubhouse was a beautiful old place. All of the rooms had walnut paneling on the walls. I walked into an area that looked like a lounge. I wanted to catch the news on TV. There was no TV. A water pitcher sat on a table with glasses, so I helped myself. I then walked into the bar to buy a soda. I thought I had stumbled into a wake. I never saw a bunch of more depressed people in my life. One man sobbed. Another guy, sitting at the bar and obviously drunk, kept saying, ‘This is it. It’s all over.’