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Alexsandrovsk isolator, 268

Alikhanov, 408

Alksnis, Ya. I. (Army Commander), 185, 202, 208, 213, 420

Alliluyev, Paul, 58

Alliluyeva, Nadezhda (Stalin’s second wife), suicide of, 29, 58

Alliluyeva, Svetlana, 43n, 75n

Alter, Viktor, 449–50, 475

“ALZHIR,” 315

Amatouni, 226

Ambarchik, 326

American Federation of Labor, 449

Amirdzhanov, 170

Andreev, S., 426

Andreyev, A. A., 27, 136, 218

Andrianov, V. M., 328

Andronikova, Kira, 300 Anishev, 291

Annenkov, Yuri, 306

Antipov, N. K., 238, 240, 242, 347, 358–59, 361, 397, 420, 441, 456

Anti-Semitism, 65–66

Antonov-Ovseenko, V. A., 185, 209, 410, 423–25, 485

Apanesenko (Corps Commander), 202

Arctic expedition, 396

Arlen, Michael, 58

Armenian Communist Party, 226–27, 302

Armenians, arrest of, 272

Armored Forces, 208

Army: assault on, 182–213, 427–31, 450–53; purge of officers, 450–53; in World War II, 450–57

Arnold, Valentin, 158–59, 164, 165, 166

Arrests: method of, 261–64; estimated number of, 485

Artemenko, Ekaterina, 146, 354

Artuzov, A. Kh., 195

Arutinov, G. A., 438

Ashkhabad, 316

Ashurov, 357

Asian nationalists, 356–59

Astronomers, 295

Attlee, Clement, 449

Auden, W. H., 54

Avdoulov, N. P., 295

Averbakh, L. L., 298

Avvakum (archpriest), 128

Azerbaijanis: purge of, 222; Stalin’s claim about, 462

Azov-Black Sea province, 175

Babel, Isaak, 256, 298, 441

Bacteriological Institute, 222

Bagirov, M. A., 438

Baikal-Amur Railway (Bamlag) group of camps, 304, 316, 321–22

Bakayev, Ivan P., 46, 190: arrest of, 46–47; confession of, 48, 95; sentencing of, 49; alleged plot of, 85, 88; NKVD trial of, 95

Bakradze, V. M., 438

Balabanoff, Angelica, 115

Balitsky, V. A., 230–32

Baltic Fleet, 208, 212, 425

Baltic-White Sea Canal, 338, 484

Baltsevich, M. S., 49

Bamlag, 304, 316, 321–22

Baptists, 273, 317

Barbusse, Henri, 466

Barkov, V. N., 423–24

Bashkir, S., 222–23

Battle of Warsaw, 184

Bauman, K. Ya., 19, 67, 239

Bedny, Demyan, 98

Behrens, H., 198

Bekzadian, A. A., 423

Beloborodov, A. G., 122, 139

Belostotsky (doctor), 386–87

Belov, I. P. (Army Commander), 202, 206, 213

Bel’ski, L. N., 139, 421–22

Beltov, Eduard, 297

Belyakin, 238

Belyi purge, 221

Benek, 224

Benes, Edvard, 198–99

Berg, L. S., 294

Berger, Joseph, 488

Beria, Lavrenti, 74, 77, 214, 226, 280, 431, 458: ruthlessness, 14; interrogation manual approval, 126; Khrushchev’s remarks, 170–71; Georgia purge, 225–26; Vavilov’s arrest, 296; appointment to NKVD, 422; arrest of Kosarev, 427; examination of Blyukher, 430; replaces Yezhov, 432–35; consolidates power, 435–38; Central Committee group, 438; promotion to Politburo, 439; executes military officers, 455; fall of, 478

“Beria gang,” 432

Berlin Blockade, 414

Berman, Boris, 82, 90, 119, 175, 236, 245, 435

Berman, M. D., 81, 139

Berman-Yurin, K. B., 83, 88, 98: trial and testimony of, 98

Bernal, J. D., 60

Bernini, Camillo, 409

Berzin, E. P., 325

Berzin, J. K. [“Grishin”], 209, 213

Bessonov, Sergei, 342, 344–45, 347, 352, 364, 391, 392, 395, 456

Bezlov (pastor), 126

Bezprizorniye, 75, 313

Bierut, Boleslaw, 406

Biology, 295–97

Biriuzov (Marshal), 206

Bisseneks, 47

Black Marias, 311

“Black tornado,” 219

Blatniye, 314

Blit, Lucjan, 449

Blok, Alexander, 301

Blyukher (Marshal), 183n, 185–86, 200–202, 223, 428–31

Blyukher, Pavel, 430

Blyumkin, Jacob, 140

Bogarov, 330

Bogdan (Zinoviev’s secretary), 95, 172

Bogomolets (professor), 289

Bogomolov, 360, 423

Boguslavsky, M. S., 120, 135, 143, 148, 164

Bokanyi, Dezso, 403

Bolotin, 347

Bolsheviks, Lenin’s role, 4–5

Bolshevo model prison, 467

Bondarenko, M. I., 233, 422

Borisov, Yu., 37, 41–42

Borotbists, 228, 231

Bougetsky (General), 206

Boyarsky, V., 123

Braude, I. D., 164, 379, 383

Brecht, Bertolt, 465–66

Brest-Litovsk Treaty, 16, 372

Brezhnev, Leonid, 234, 480–83

Bronshtein, Matvei, 294

Brun, Stefanie, 421

Brunivoy, 456

Bubnov, Andrei, 240, 243, 424, 441

Buddhists, 273

Budenny (Marshal), 183n, 202–3, 298, 431, 455: head of Tsaritsyn group, 184; conduct at trial, 203

Budzynski, Stanislav, 406

Bukharin, Nikolai, 11, 59, 108, 110, 115–17, 127, 129, 135, 137–38, 144–47, 162, 168, 216, 236–37, 239, 242; Stalin’s defeat of, 16–22; politics of, 16–18; meeting with Kamenev, 17; opinion of Stalin, 21–22, 61–62, 64, 69; Ryutin’s document, 24; speech at XVIIth Party Congress, 31; New Constitution drafter, 79; NKVD trial testimony about, 95–96, 101–2; faith in Party, 112, 118–20; self-abasement denial, 127–28; confrontation with Sokolnikov, 136; exculpation, 136; Stalin’s retreat on, 136–37; hunger strike, 173; at February-March plenum, 173–80; attack on Stalin, 174; military conspiracy remark, 186; alleged assassination attempt on Lenin, 272–74; Vasiliev’s defense of, 301; trial of, 341–98; assurances about execution, 343; torture of, 364; testimony of, 364–74; guilty plea, 365; Kirov murder accusation, 391; last plea, 393–95; sentence, 395; “last letter,” 395; fate of family, 395–96; not rehabilitated, 479–80

Bulanov, P. P., 40, 42, 46, 50, 180, 343, 380–82, 393

Bulatov, P. A., 456

Bulganin, N. A., 239–40, 247

Bulgarian Communist Party, 106, 404–5, 458

Bulin, A. S., 183, 201, 207

Bund, 272–73, 449, 475

Burmin, D. A., 386

Burmistenko, M. O., 233

Butyrka prison, 237, 258, 264–66, 268–69, 279

Byelin (professor), 280

Byeloborodov, A. G., 114, 166

Byelorussia, 122, 275: purges, 223–24, 260–61; denunciations, 255; mass execution grave site, 288; writers’ executions, 303

Byelorussian Academy of Sciences, 293

Byelorussian Military District, 207

Bykin, Ya. B., 223

Bykov, Vasil, 297

Bykovnya, 288, 485

Bylinov, 481n

Byng (Admiral), 149

Byzantologists, 292–93

Canton Commune, 400

Cárdenás, Lazaro, 415

Casualty figures, 485–86

Catalonia, 409

Catholic priests, 273

Caucasus, Social Democrats in, 55

Census (1939), 487

Central Asia, 358–59

Central Committee, 137, 144; Lenin’s influence on, 4; complete collectivization decision, 18–19; expelling of Ryutin, 26; purge resolution, 26; Kirov’s role, 33; “Special Sector,” 34; reaction to Kirov murder, 45; western province resolution, 74; torture authorization, 122; resistance to purges, 137, 172; February-March plenum, 173–81; military members, 183; purges, 234–42, 438; purge objections, 248; survivors, 438

Central Control Commission, 26

Central Cooperative Union, 256

“Central Isolation Prisons,” 321

Chaikovsky, 295

Chaplin, N. P., 427

Charkviani, K. N., 438

Chechen-Ingush Republic, 261

Chelyabinsk, 279, 288

Cherepukhin, 159

Cherkasov, N. K., 65

Chernov, M. A., 240, 342, 348

Chernyak, R. I., 349

Chernyavsky, M. K., 78

Chernykh (General), 454

Chertok, L. I., 82, 85, 180

Chervenkov, V., 404

Chervyakov, A. G., 224

Chigurin, I. D., 437

Children: death penalty for, 75–76, 108; arrest of, 274–75; in labor camps, 316

Chinese Eastern Railway, 277

Chita prison, 206

Chkalov, V. P., 93, 231, 238

Chlenov, S., 423