Выбрать главу

Chubar, Vlas, 13, 139, 172, 228, 230, 243–45, 247: election to Politburo, 73; purge of, 419–20, 435; fate of wife, 436; rehabilitation, 479

Chudov, Mikhail, 37, 214–18, 237, 246

Chukovskaya, Lydia, 294, 305, 316

Chuvash Republic, 427

Civil War, 29: effect on Party, 5; Trotsky’s actions, 414

Clement, Rudolf, 415

Codovilla, Vittorio, 416

Collard, Dudley, 167

Collectivization: Stalin’s launching of, 18–20; early failure, 18–20; Stalin’s control of, 459; economic disaster, 488

Comintern, 196, 399–408: creation of, 399; purge of, 399–408

Confession, extraction of, 105, 109–31, 458, 478

Congresses of the Communist Party: Xth (1921), 3, 5, 114; XIVth (1925), 115; XVth (1927), 31, 115, 360; XVIth (1929), 18, 31; XVIIth (1934), 31–32, 196, 218, 446; XVIIIth (1939), 210, 218, 253, 396, 406–7, 427, 432, 436, 438–41, 446; XXth (1956), 45, 297, 476; XXIInd (1961), 40–41, 43, 477–79; XXIIIrd (1966), 482

Constitution, New (1936), 79, 145, 262

“Conveyor” method, 123–24, 279

Convict labor, 332–33

Copi , Vlada, 404

Cornford, John, 463

Corrective Labor Codex, 308, 472

Council of Nicaea, 30

Crash industrialization, 18, 20

Cremation, 287–88

“Crimean Affair,” 462

Criminal Code, Article 58, 283–85, 477

Criminals, in labor camps, 313–14

Crossman, Richard H., 476n

“Cult of the personality,” 447, 460, 476–77, 482

Cultural front, 291–307

Daghestan, 317

Daix, Pierre, 475

Dallin, David J., 5n, 308–9, 402n, 404n, 472

Dalstroy (Far Eastern Construction Trust), 309, 325–29

Danilovskii Monastery, 288

Danishevsky, G. M., 387

Darwinism, 62

“Dashnaks,” 272

David, Fritz, 83, 98, 101, 104

David, Hans, 402

Davies, Joseph, 188, 468

Death camps, 310, 330

Death rates, 338–39, 485–86

Death ships, 326

Decree on State Crimes, 477

Deficiency diseases, 322

Degot, V. A., 181

Dekabrist alphabet, 267

Dekanozov, V. G., 423–24, 438

Democratic Centralists, 5–6

Demographers, 487

Denunciation, 252–56, 260

Deportations, 30

“Detention,” 262

Deutscher, Isaac, 16, 28, 61, 186, 455

Dewey Commission, 465–66

Diakonov, 276

Diapkov (pastor), 126

Diaz, José, 410

“Dictionary Affair,” 297

Dimitrov, Georgi, 106n, 404, 408

Diplomats, 423–25

Djilas, Milovan, 57, 62, 64, 481

Dneprodzerzhinsk Provincial Committee, 234

Dobrogeanu, Alexandru, 404

Doctors, 319–20, 375–90; at Bukharin trial, 375–90

Doctors’ Plot (1952–53), 122, 462

Dombal, T. F., 298

Donetsky, 288

Dostoievsky, Feodor, 127, 323–24, 447

Draule, Milda, 47, 51

Draule, Olga, 51

Dray-Khamara, Mykhalo, 303

Dreiser, Theodore, 466

Dreitzer, E. A., 84, 88, 94–95, 101, 188, 190, 194

Dreyfus Case, 470

Drobnis, Y. N., 129, 135, 142, 148, 156, 162, 164, 165

Dual-command system, 453

Dubinskiy, I. V., 192

Dubinsky, David, 449, 475

Dubovoy, I. N. (Army Commander), 213

Dubovoy, N., 445

du Gard, Roger Martin, 411

Duhamel, 411

Duma members, 437

Duranty, Walter, 188, 388, 468

Dushenov, K. I. (Admiral), 441

Dvinsky, 64

Dybenko, P. E. (Army Commander), 69, 200–202, 212–13, 218

Dybets, 276

Dyumichev (Divisional Commander), 206

Dzenis, O. P., 178

Dzenishkevich, M. M., 224

Dzerzhinsky, Felix, 56, 131, 367, 405, 478

Dzhambul, D., 245, 396

Dzhezkazgan camp, 317

Dzhido camp, 337

Eberlein, Hugo, 401–2

Economics: labor camps, 330–33, 461; and Stalinism, 461–62; assessments, 488

Efimov, Boris, 63

Efron, Sergei, 304

Egert, 302

Ehrenburg, Ilya, 63, 67, 165, 253, 258, 305, 411, 424–25, 456, 464, 476

Ehrlich, Henrik, 449, 475

Eideman, R. P. (Corps Commander), 182–84, 196, 199

Eikhe, R. I., 73, 156, 159, 218, 243–45, 405, 419–20, 422, 439–41, 479

Einstein, Albert, 449

Eisenberg, 124

Eisenstein, Sergei, 65

Eismont, V. V., 26–27

Eitingon, Leonid (N. I.), 416–17, 481

Ekart, Antoni, 332

El Campesino (General Gonzáles), 125, 129, 323, 410–11

Elgen camp, 327–28

Eliava, Sh. Z., 240

Elsberg, Yakov, 305, 306

Epik, Hrihory, 322

Epin, 303

Erbanov, M. I., 249

Erickson, John, 185n, 452

Esperantists, 271

Esterman, I. S., 88, 101

Estonian Communist Party, 400

Evdokimov, E. G., 261, 421

Evdokimov, G. E., 10, 90: expulsion from Central Committee, 11; arrest of, 46–47; trial and testimony of, 48–49, 94, 103; fate of son, 105

Evtushenko, D. M., 233

Executions, 287–88, 485

Fadeyev, Alexander, 35, 263, 306

Fainsod, Merle, 45

Faivilovich, L. Y., 108

Family loyalty, disintegration of, 252–53, 465–66

Famine: Stalin’s policy, Ukraine, 20; deaths, 487

Far Eastern Army, 223, 427–31

Far Eastern Construction Trust (Dalstroy), 309, 325–29

Farkas, M., 475

Farming camps, 322

Fascism, 195–206, 466

February-March plenum, 173–81

Fedin, Konstantine, 303

Fedko, I. F. (Army Commander), 212, 430–31, 435, 479

Fedorov, G. F., 47, 104

Fedotov, I. K., 80

Feldman (Corps Commander), 182, 184, 187, 196, 199: arrest and confession of, 194, 202; fate of family, 204–5

Feuchtwanger, Leon, 66, 165, 466

Fifth columnists, 468

Filatov, N. A., 237, 240

Filipov, 325

Filyansky, N., 303

Finerty, John F., 466

Finnish Communist Party, 404

Finnish prisoners, 338

Finnish War (1939–40), 451–53

First Cavalry Army, 184, 298, 452

Five-year plans, 32, 275

Flieg, Leo, 401–2

Fominykh (Commissar), 208, 479

Food rations, 333–40

Foreign opinion, 463–76

Former Political Prisoners, Society of, 76–78

Fotieva, L. A., 69, 73

Fourth International, 412

Free exiles, 324

French Revolution, 59

Fridrikhson, L. Kh., 197

Friedland, Ts., 101, 291–92

Frinovsky, Mikhail, 121, 139, 146, 188, 194–95, 239, 245, 341, 343, 364, 409, 429, 431–32, 441

Frolov, 357

Frumkin, M. I., 420

Frunze (city), 287

Frunze, M. V., 298–99

Frunze Military Academy, 205

Futurists, 300

Fylypovich, P. P., 303

Gailit, Ya, P. (Corps Commander), 213

Gamarnik, Yan, 170, 182–83, 193, 202, 204–5, 237, 347, 359: military career, 184; coup attempt plan, 187–88; suicide, 200–201; fate of family, 204–5; Duranty’s argument, 468

“Gamarnik-Bulin gang,” 429

Garanin (Pavlov’s deputy), 325

Garkavi (Corps Commander), 193, 205

Gaven, Yuri, 100, 104, 105

Gay, M. I., 82, 180, 190, 194

Gekker, A. I. (Corps Commander), 193, 205

Gendarmerie, 62

“General Kleber.” See M. Z. Shtern

Georgia: Stalin’s policy toward, 68; Party purge, 225–26

Gerasimovka, 466

German, Yuri, 481n

German Communist Party, 195, 197, 401–2

German intelligence, 452

German Politburo, 401

German prisoners of war, 450

German Social Democrats, 186, 195

Germany: espionage contact accusation, 149; Nazi-Soviet Pact, 196–98

Gerõ, Ernõ, 410

Gertik, A. M., 108

Gestapo, 197n, 274

Gevorkian, Sokrates, 108

Gide, André, 165, 411, 464

Ginzburg, Eugenia, 51, 258, 282–83, 327, 404

Glebova, Tatiana, 76

Gliksman, Jerzy, 467

Goebbels, Joseph, 28

Goglidze, S. A., 239, 438

Gogol, N. L., 62

Gold fields: Kolyma, 325, 327, 329; Maidyak, 313–14

Goloded, M. M., 223–24, 370–71