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Kirov Works, 218

Kirshon, V., 298, 420, 464

Kjeller Airdrome, 152

Klimov, A., 198

Klimovskikh (General), 454

Klinkov, 231

Klyuev, Nikolai, 301

Knorin, V. G., 407–8, 420

Knyazev, I. A., 143, 149, 159–61, 166

Kobulov, B. Z., 239, 438

Kochetov, 482

Kodatsky, I. F., 215–18, 246

Koerber, Lenka von, 467

Koestler, Arthur, 28, 54, 117–18, 128–29, 210, 280, 282, 476n

Kogan, B., 384

Kolarov, Vasil, 399

Kollontai, Alexandra, 69, 212

Koltsov, Mikhail, 63, 67, 300, 441, 464

Kolyma complex, 50, 320, 324; NKVD purge, 51; conditions, 325–29; routes to, 325–26; food rations, 333–34; Khrushchev period, 478

Komarov (professor), 294

Komarov, Nikolai, 216–17, 246

Kommodov, N. V., 385

Komorowski, Bor (General), 457

Komsomol Central Committee, 426–27

Komsomols, 425–27: Leningrad, 45–46; resistance to Stalin, 51; Gorky conspiracy, 80; purge of, 425–27

Konar (Vice Commissar), 270

Kopershinsky (professor), 293

Kopets (General), 454

Kork (Army Commander), 182–83, 185–86, 200, 205: arrest, 194; trial, 203

Kornilov, Boris, 303, 305

Korobkov (General), 454

Korolev, Sergi, 294

Korotchenko, Demyan, 234

Korzhenko, Vasily, 423

Kosarev, A. V., 425–27, 435–36

KOSOS, 294

Kossior, I. V., 247

Kossior, S. V., 13, 24–25, 77, 90, 127, 135, 139, 144, 179, 228, 229, 230–31, 243–45, 436, 439: attack on Bukharin, 174; purge of, 246–47, 419–20, 435; fate of family, 436; rehabilitation, 479

Kossior, V. V., 247

Kostov, Traicho, 130, 458

Köstring (General), 197

Kostrzewa, Wera, 406

Kosygin, Alexei, 438

Kot (professor), 448

Kotlas, 317, 333

Kotlas-Vorkuta railway, 331, 337

Kotolynov, I. I.: as oppositionist, 45–46; Kirov murder accusation, 47–49; denunciation of Kosarev, 426

Kotsiubinsky, 178

Kovalenko, G. O., 303

Kovalev, 221

Kovtiukh, Ye. I. (Corps Commander), 213

Kozhanov, I. K. (Admiral), 211

Kozhevnikov, S. N., 481n

Kozhva, 322

Kozielsk camp, 447–48

Kratko, 307

Kravchenko, Victor, 170, 310, 473

Krebs (Colonel), 453

“Kremlin Affair,” 76, 78

Kresti prison, 269

Krestinsky, Nikolai, 110, 421, 423, 479: as Trotskyite, 8–9; capitulation to Party, 17; torture of, 121, 237; arrest of, 236–37; trial, 342–47, 351–54, 359; withdraws confession, 343–54; letter abandoning Trotsky, 345; last plea, 392; rehabilitation, 395

Krivitsky, Walter, 50, 87, 409, 415

Kronstadt naval base, 6, 34, 412

Kruglov, S. N., 438

Krupenik, N., 292

Krupskaya, Nadezhda K., 68–69, 73, 115, 238, 437–38

Krylenko, Nikolai V., 240, 243, 249, 420–21

Kryuchkov, P. P., 375, 377–78, 383

Kuban region, 20

Kubanin (professor), 461

Kubyak, N. A., 246

Kuchinsky, D. A. (Divisional Commander), 201, 213

Kudryavtsev, S. O., 232–33, 248

Kuibyshev, N. V., 208

Kuibyshev, V V., 12–13, 24–25, 27, 213, 248, 343, 373, 375–77, 379, 384, 397, 428: death or murder of, 71–72, 387–89

Kuibyshev province, 178, 247

Kuklin, A. S., 47–48, 88, 108, 119

Kulaks, 310

Kulbyak, M. S., 224

Kulik, G. I. (Marshal), 431, 453, 455

Kulikov, E. F., 145

Kun, Béla, 69, 402–3

Kurbas, Les, 322

Kurganov, 159

Kuropaty, 287–88, 485

Kursk province, 175, 258, 485

Kutev, 428

Kuteyshchikhov (professor), 222

Kuusinen, O. V., 403n, 408

“Kuzbas,” 142

Kuzmichev, B., 188–90

Kuznetsov, A. A., 218, 259, 438, 462

Kviring, E. I., 246

Labor Books, 21

Labor camps, 308–40: trip to, 311–14; criminals in, 313–14; women in, 314–16; children in, 316; setting up of, 316–18; prisoners’ rights, 318; ordeal of, 318–24; comparison with other prisons, 323–24; empire of, 324–25; economics of, 330–31, 461; food rations, 333–40; work rates, 336; postwar period, 458–59; Stalin’s consolidation of, 459; casualty figures, 485–86; population figures, 485–86; Western opinion toward, 472–75; Khrushchev period, 478

Laborde, Herman, 416

Lake Hassan attack, 430

Lakoba, Nestor, 225–26

Lambrev, 405

Lamont, Corliss, 466

Landau, L. D., 294

Langfang, A. I., 421

Lapin, Boris, 305

Laqueur, Walter, 470

Largo Caballero, Francisco, 409–10

Larina, Anna, 395

Lashevich, M. M., 10, 185

Laski, Harold, 467, 469

Lattimore, Owen, 328–29, 468

Latvian Communist Party, 400

Latvian intelligence service, 270

Latvians, arrest of, 272

Lazurkina, D. A., 216

Lebedenko, Alexander G., 45

Lefortovo prison, 208, 210, 268–69, 279, 288

Left Communists, 350, 373–74

Left Socialist Revolutionaries, 373–74

Leipunsky (professor), 294

Leipzig trial, 404

Lengyel, József, 277, 282, 322

Lenin, V. I., 115: assessment of Communism in Russia, 3–4; opinion of Stalin, 4, 56, 61–63, 66; creation of bureaucracy, 7; activity in Caucasus, 55–56; Party loyalty, 113; Battle of Warsaw comment, 184; Terror of, 251; creation of Comintern, 399

Leningrad: Kirov murdered in, 37–41; Komsomol, 45–46; “White Guards” executed, 46; NKVD, 49–51; Party purge, 214–18; prisons, 269–70; mass execution site. 288; writers, 303; food rations, siege, 334–35

Leningrad Komsomol, 45–46, 425

Leningrad Party: Kirov control of, 35–36; purge of, 214–16

Leninsk-Kuznetsk, 274

Lepa, A. Kh., 222

Leplevsky, I. M., 200, 230–31, 233

Lesyuchevsky, N. V, 305, 306

Levandovsky, M. K. (Army Commander), 213, 429

Levanevsky, S., 240, 295

Levin, L., 169, 342, 375–77, 379–80, 383, 386, 387, 388: recruitment of, by Yagoda, 376; execution of, 387; last plea, 393

Levin, Max, 296

Levin, Vladimir, 95

Levit, S. G., 295–96

Levitsky, G. A., 295–96

Levkovich, Antonia, 282

Likhachev, M. T., 458

Linguistics, 297

Lipper, Eleanor, 402n

Liteyni prison, 304

Lithuania, 257

Lithuanian Central Committee, 400

Litvinov, Maxim, 57, 67, 196–97, 424, 449; forms alliance with West, 196

Livshits, Benedikt, 303, 305

Livshits, Yakov, 143, 149, 153, 159–60, 166, 173, 445

Lobov, S. S., 246

Lockhart, Sir Robert Bruce, 249

Loebl, Evzen, 125–26

Loevenstein (doctor), 387

Loganovsky, 240

Logging camps, 330, 332, 335, 337–38

Loginov, V. E., 151, 178

Loktionov (Colonel-General), 455

Lominadze, V. V., 23, 31, 94, 101, 400

Lomov, G. I., 237, 421 Lozinsky, 305

Lublin Committee, 458

Lubyanka prison, 190, 201, 266, 268–69, 277–78, 287, 455

Luca, Vasile, 404

Lukács, Georg, 61

Lukina, Nadezhda, 123

Lukyanov, 426

Lumber camps, 330, 332, 335, 337–38

Lurye, Moissei, 83, 88, 96, 98, 101, 104

Lurye, Nathan, 83, 88, 98, 100–101, 104

Luthy, Hubert, 466

Luxemburg, Rosa, 401, 405, 482–83

Lykhachev, 276

Lysenkoism, 296–97

Lyubchenko, Panas, 228, 230–33, 292, 347

Lyubimov, I. E., 240, 420

Lyushkov, G. S., 81, 270, 429–31

Maari, Gurgen, 302

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 64–65, 69

Maclean, Sir Fitzroy, 236

Maclean, Neil, 167, 177

Magadan, 314, 325, 328

Magnitogorsk, 276

Magrilov, Semion, 276

Magyar, Lajos, 403

Makharadze, Philip, 68

Malenkov, Georgi, 74–75, 77, 222–23, 226, 426–27, 431–32, 478: ruthlessness, 14; Moscow purges, 234, 238; purge of Postyshev, 247; Central Committee group, 438

Malinovsky (Marshal), 209, 415

Malyshev, V. A., 438, 459