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Jesus, 11-13, 35, 81, 97-98, 107, 109, 111-12

Jews, 13, 35-36, 72

Job, 35

Johnson, Samuel, 76

Jonson, Ben, 52

Julius II, Pope, 73

Kant, Immanuel, 23, 26-28, 30, 76, 107

Keats, John, 4, 54-56, 58-59, 78, 81, 87, 107

Kellogg, J. H., 82

King Lear (Shakespeare), 53, 85

Koran, 16

Korea, 44-45

Lao-tzu, 69, 107

La Rochefoucauld, François de, 74-75, 85

Lassalle, Ferdinand, 30

Last Supper (Leonardo), 22

Lear, Edward, 78

Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 60, 88

Legende Socratique, La (Dupreel), 15

Leibnitz, Gottfried, 23, 30, 75

Leonardo da Vinci, 11, 22, 65, 73, 81, 107

Leo X, Pope, 73

Lincoln, Abraham, 11, 88, 107

Li-po, 44-48, 107

Liszt, Franz, 77, 107

Little, John, 1-4

Liu Ling, 46-47

Locke, John, 24, 75

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 31

Lorrain, Claude, 75, 114-15

Louis XIV, King of France, 74, 106

Louis XVI, King of France, 26, 117

Lucretius, 11, 18, 42-44, 71, 83

Ludwig, Emil, 78, 87

Luther, Martin, 11, 73-74, 107

Luxor, 107

Macbeth (Shakespeare), 53, 85

Mach, Ernst, 28

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 73, 84

Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 79, 87 32

Mahabharata, 32

Maimonides, 25, 72

Maine, Henry, 56

Malory, Thomas, 78-79

Mammon, 57

Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 18, 30, 71, 83, 107, 111

Marlowe, Christopher, 52

marriage, morality in, 98-99

Mars, 43

Marx, Karl, 1, 6, 10, 30

Mary, Queen of Scots, 74

Mass in B Minor (Bach), 75

Mazarin, Jules, 74

mechanics, laws of, 23-24

Medici, Catherine de, 74

Medici Palace, 73

Mencius, 13, 69

Mendelssohn, Felix, 77

Menelaus, 40

Meredith, George, 95

Metaphysics (Aristotle), 17

Michelangelo, 57, 73, 107, 115

Middle Ages, 16, 48, 71-73, 90

Millet, Jean François, 107

Milo, 92

Milton, John, 54, 57, 75, 85, 107, 114

Ming Huang, Emperor of China, 44-45, 47

Miserables, Les (Hugo), 79, 87

modernity, Copernicus as origin of, 21

Modern Regime,The (Taine), 78

Mohammed, 13, 71, 112, 117

Molière, 75, 85

Mona Lisa (Leonardo), 22

Montaigne, Michel de, 52, 65, 74, 85, 114

Mont St. Michel and Chartres (Adams), 72, 84

Moore, George, 68, 72, 84

morality, 96-99

Morte d’Arthur (Malory), 78-79

Moses, 106

motion, laws of, 24

Moussorgsky, Modest, 77

Mozart,Wolfgang Amadeus, 75, 107

Murillo, Bartolomé Estéban, 114

Murray, Gilbert, 69, 83

Musset, Alfred de, 78

Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 5, 11, 76, 78, 111, 114, 118

natural selection, 29, 98

Neo-Platonists, 16

Netherlands, 75, 114

Newcomen, Thomas, 115

Newton, Isaac, 23-24, 30, 75, 89, 107

Niauching, 46

Nibelungenlied, 32

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 10, 19, 26, 28, 30, 50, 73, 78, 88, 89

Occam,William of, 18

Odyssey (Homer), 32, 83

Oedipus, 15

Olympus, 41

Omar Khayyam, 16, 48, 54, 68, 72, 84

On the Revolutions of the Celestial Orbs (Copernicus), 20, 116

Organon (Aristotle), 17

Othello (Shakespeare), 53, 85

Othello (Tate), 51

Outline of History,The (Wells), 66, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88

Outline of Science,The (Thomson), 66, 82

Ovid, 54

Paderewski, Ignace Jan, 107

Paganini, Niccolò, 107

Palestrina, Giovanni Perluigi da, 73, 107

Paolo (Malatesta), 50

Paradise, 21, 50

Paris, 48, 104

Parthenon, 36, 70, 110

Pascal, Blaise, 75

Passion According to St. Matthew (Bach), 75

Pax Romana, 111

Pearson, Karl, 28

Peer Gynt (Ibsen), 79, 87

Peloponnesian War, 37, 110

Penelope, 70

Penguin Island (France), 79, 87

Pericles, 11, 70, 75, 106, 110

Perseus (Cellini), 73

Persia, 48

Peter I (the Great), Czar of Russia, 106

Petrarch, 54, 57

Pheidias, 70, 107, 110

Philemon, 41

Philip II, King of Spain, 74

Pickwick Papers,The (Dickens), 79, 87

Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, 5, 16, 73

Plato, 13-16, 21, 25, 30, 65, 70, 73, 81, 83, 91, 101, 107, 110

Pliny the Elder, 111

Plutarch, 52, 68, 70-71, 83

Poe, Edgar Allan, 54, 68, 80, 88, 107

poets, ten “greatest,” 31-63

Poincaré, Jules Henri, 28

Pompadour, Madame de, 2

Pope, Alexander, 51

Porta, Giacomo della, 115

Portinari, Beatrice, 48-51

Portraits of the 18th Century (Sainte Beuve), 76, 86

Poseidon, 37

Poussin, Nicolas, 75, 114

Praxiteles, 70, 107

Principia (Newton), 24

Principles of Psychology (James), 67-68, 82

printing press, development of, 104, 113-14

“progress,” definition of, 90-92

Prometheus, 57, 70, 99

Psalms, 34-36

psychology, 15, 24, 101

“pure reason,” Kant’s critique of, 27-28

Purgatory, 50

Puritans, 52, 74

Pushkin, Aleksandr, 107

Pyramids, 107

Quarterly Review, 56

Quartet in D Major (Mozart), 75

Rabelais, François, 68, 72, 74, 81, 85, 114

Ramayana, 32

Ramus, Petrus, 18, 25

Raphael, 57, 73, 107

rationalism, 28

reason, human, 8-9

Reformation, 73-74, 114-15

Rembrandt, 75, 107, 114

Renaissance, 16-17, 21, 73-75, 114-15

Renaissance in Italy,The (Burckhardt), 73

Republic (Plato), 14-16, 83

Reynolds, Joshua, 76, 107

Richelieu, Cardinal, 74

Rights of Man,The (Paine), 60

Robinson, James Harvey, 6, 72, 76, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 106

Rodin,Auguste, 76

Rolland, Romain, 80, 88

Rome, ancient, 17-18, 42, 60, 69-71, 73, 110-11

Romney, George, 76

Romulus, 15

Rossini, Gioacchino, 77

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 26, 57, 86, 117

Royal Society of Great Britain, 22

Rubaiyat (Omar Khayyam), 48, 84

Rubens, Peter Paul, 75, 107, 114

Russia, 31, 77, 79, 116

Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, 76, 86

Salambo (Flaubert), 79, 87

Sand, George, 77

Santayana, George, 25

Sappho, 54

Saul, King of Israel, 34

Savery, Thomas, 115

Schopenhauer,Arthur, 28, 30, 78, 87, 107

Schubert, Franz, 77

Schumann, Robert, 77

science, progress in, 100-101

Scotland, 97

secularism, origin of, 21

Seneca, 18

Sesshiu, 107

Severn, Joseph, 56

Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, 51

Shakespeare,William, 11, 14, 25, 41, 51-54, 55, 57, 60, 81, 85, 107, 114-15

Shelley, Mary, 58-59

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 56-59, 78, 87, 91, 107

Shotwell, James Thomson, 42

skepticism, Kantian philosophy as alternative to, 28

Sketch of a Tableau of the Progress of the Human Spirit (Condorcet), 89

Smith, Adam, 76, 86

Smith, P., 85

socialism, 15, 30, 116

social organization, progress in, 95-96

Socrates, 12, 15, 37, 70, 91, 107, 110, 111