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"Perhaps so. Still, if you like, I can send you a man who is a ferret for smelling out secrets."

"That will suit me well."

"Let me instruct you. His name is Visbhume. He is a wizard of very limited skill and certain curious habits, owing perhaps to yellow bloom in the cracks of the brain. You must overlook his peculiarities, and give precise orders, since at times he is flighty. Visbhume lacks all qualms; if you want your grandmother strangled, Visbhume will oblige, with care and courtesy, or, if you prefer, he will strangle his own grandmother."

Casmir gave a dubious grunt. "Can he be trusted for steadfastness?"

"Indeed! Once started he is obsessive; he never stops, as if he is pushed by an incessant rhythm inside his head. He cannot be deterred by fear, or hunger or lust; he lacks interest in ordinary sexual procedures, and I am not even curious as to his personal habits."

Casmir gave another grunt. "I care nothing for such matters, so long as he does his work."

"He is single-minded. Still, supervise him closely, as his is a strange personality."


ONCE EACH WEEK KING CASMIR SAT TO DELIVER royal justice in the cold gray juridical chambers beside the old Great Hall. His chair was placed on a low dais, at the back of a massive table, with a man-at-arms, halberd at the ready, posted to either side.

At these occasions King Casmir wore always a black velvet cap encircled by a light silver crown, together with a flowing cape of black silk. This costume, so he believed, and correctly so, augmented the mood of somber and implacable justice which already hung heavy in the room.

During testimony King Casmir sat motionless, staring with cold blue eyes at the witness. He pronounced his decisions tersely, in a flat voice, without regard for rank, status or connection, and for the most part fairly, without extreme or harsh penalty, that he might enhance his reputation across the land as a wise and equable ruler.

At the end of the day's assizes, an under-chamberlain approached the table: "My lord, a certain Visbhume awaits audience; he states that he is here by your command."

"Bring him here." Casmir dismissed the court officials and ordered the guards to take up their stations outside the door.

Visbhume, entering the dour and solemn chamber, found himself alone with the king. He advanced on long bent-kneed strides, to halt close by the table, where he inspected King Casmir with placid bird-like curiosity and a total absence of awe.

King Casmir drew back from Visbhume's appraisal, which seemed over-familiar and even brash. He frowned and at once, Visbhume put on an ingratiating smile.

King Casmir pointed to a chair. "Sit." As Tamurello had indicated, Visbhume made no immediately favorable impression. He stood tall, with narrow shoulders, a gaunt chest and large hips, and hunched forward, as if in eagerness to get on with the duties at hand. His head and nose were both narrow and long; black hair seemed painted upon his scalp and made a stark contrast with his pasty skin. Arsenical shadows outlined his eyes; his mouth hung in loose-lipped folds over a sharp chin.

Visbhume seated himself. King Casmir asked: "You are Visbhume, sent here by Tamurello?"

"Sir, I am he."

King Casmir folded his hands and fixed Visbhume with his most gelid stare. "Tell me something of yourself."

"Gladly! I am a person of many talents, some unusual or even unique, though to the casual eye I seem a person of ordinary gentility. My skills transcend my appearance; I am astute and subtle; I study the arcane sciences; I have an exact memory. I am clever at dissolving mysteries."

"That is an impressive catalogue of attributes," said King Casmir. "Were you then born to nobility?"

"Sir, I have no knowledge of my birth, though certain indications lead me to suspect that I am the by-blow of a ducal amour. My earliest recollections are a farm to the far north of Dahaut, hard by the Wysrod March. As a nameless foundling I was forced into a life of stultifying toil. In due course I fled the farm and became first servant, then apprentice, to Hippolito the Magician, at Maule. I learned axioms and principles of the Grand Art; I was well on the way to great affairs!

"Alas, all things change. Ten years ago, on Glamus Eve, Hippolito flew away from Maule on a shingle and never returned. After a respectful interval I took command of the premises, and perhaps I was too bold, but that is my way; I march to music unheard by ordinary ears! Urgent trumpets, clashing—"

King Casmir made an impatient movement. "I am interested less in your inner sounds than in concrete details of your abilities."

"Very well, sir. My ambitions aroused the malice of a jealous cabal, and I was forced to flee for my life. I hitched Hippolito's iron-legged goat to a cart, and rode at a gallop away from Maule. In due course, I allied myself with Tamurello, and we have taught each other our special lores.

"At this moment I find myself at loose ends, and when Tamurello mentioned your troubles and prayed that I relieve your distress, I gave my assent. Explain, then, your difficulties, that I may subject them to my best analysis."

"The case is simple," said King Casmir. "Five years ago the then Princess Suldrun gave birth to a daughter: the present Princess Madouc. Certain circumstances in regard to the birth remain a matter for conjecture. For instance, might twins have been born? By the time these matters had come to my attention both Suldrun and the father were dead."

"And you were vouchsafed the single baby?"

"Correct. The child originally was taken by one Ehirme, a serving woman, and given into the care of her parents, from whom we recovered it. I wish to learn all the facts relevant to the case, which I neglected at the time."

"Ah hah! And quite rightly so! Who was her father?"

"This fact was never clarified. I see no other point of attack to the case than the serving woman, who at the time occupied a small farmstead south down Lirlong Way. The facts are now five years old; still their traces may persist."

"So I am confident! The full truth will surely be forthcoming."


VISBHUME CAME ONCE MORE TO HAIDON and there reported his findings. In his lively enthusiasm, he came forward to stand in almost intimate proximity to King Casmir, and there thrust his head forward. "Ehirme the serving woman, with her entire family, has removed to Troicinet!"

King Casmir leaned pointedly back from the waft of Visbhume's breath, and pointed to a chair. "Be seated... . Troicinet, you say. Where did you learn this?"

Visbhume with many a nice flourish seated himself. "I had the news from Ehirme's sister, whose spouse fishes out of Took's Hole. Further—" here Visbhume tilted his head archly sidewise "—can you guess?"

"No. Say on."

"Graithe and Wynes are the father and mother of Ehirme. They too have taken themselves part and parcel to Troicinet.

The sister says that they all prosper and live as gentry, and herein I detect more than a trace of envy, which may colour the testimony."

"Indeed." Here was scope for rumination. Might King Aillas be taking an interest in his private affairs? "How long have they lived in Troicinet?"

"Several years. The woman is indefinite and I truly believe has no sense of time."

"Well, no matter. It seems that now you must cross the Lir to Troicinet."

Visbhume called out plaintively: "Ah, woe and dismay! But I will go, though I detest the uncertain motion of a boat! Nor is it easy for me to overlook the wet depths below, which were never meant for man."

"So it must be. Aillas still performs his spoliation in South Ulfland, and works opposition to my plans. Go then to Troicinet; learn the full scope of this business, since it bears upon the succession to my throne."