scientists: arrests and persecution, 31, 73, 90, 95-96 see also intelligentsia
Sedelnikov, 336, 339, 340, 341
Sedin, Ivan K., 231, 632
Sedykh, Lyuba, 159
Selivanov, Dmitri F., 372, 632
Semyonov, 350
Semyonov, 362
Semyonov, Nikolai A., 248, 601
Senchenko, 152-53, 164
sentences, 284-86, 288-89, 291 in camp, 81, 248
death penalty (supreme measure), 60, 62, 63, 67, 243, 283, 291, 300, 302, 352-53, 432^-55; abolishment, 89, 302, 324, 434, 435-36, 439; appeals and commutation, 446, 453; during Civil War, 300, 435; (1937-38), 438-39; reinstatement, 89/i, 290-91, 433, 434, 435, 436, 439; during Tsarist regime, 301,432-34
disenfranchisement (“muzzle”), 245, 248, 291
“minus,” 35, 271, 282
repeaters (second-termers), 25, 89-90 terms switched or sold, 560, 561
see also amnesty; Criminal Code
Serdyukova, 14
Serebryakova, Galina I., 540/j, 632
Sergius, St., 326, 632
Sergius, Archimandrite, 352
Serov, Ivan A., 149/j, 632
Seryegin, Viktor A., 293
“Seven-eighths” law, 58, 88, 436-37
Shakespeare, William, 173-74
Shakhty case: trial, 47, 336, 373-75, 376
Shalamov, Varlam T., 99n, 632 Kolyma Stories, xii, 632
Sketches of the Criminal World, 580/1
Shanghai: Soviet 6migr6s, 264
sharashka see prisoners, special-assignment work
Shchastny, Aleksei M., 306-07, 434, 435, 632
Shchebetin, 545
Shcherbakov, Aleksandr S., 157, 231, 632
Shein, 373
Sheinin, Lev R., 22, 633
Shendrik, 555-56
Sheshkovsky, Stepan I., 131, 633
Shevtsov, Sergei P., 41
Shipovalnikov, Father Viktor, 127, 169, 576
Shitov, 150
Shkurkin, 154
Shmidt, Pyotr P., 614, 633
Sholokhov, Mikhail A., 244/1, 633
Shpakov, Volodya, 580
Shpalernaya (prison; Moscow), 144,
459 Shtrobinder, Aleksandr, 443
Shubin, 425
Shulgin, Vasily V., 264-65, 633
Shvernik, Nikolai M., 399, 405-06, 633
“Siberian Peasants’ Union”: trial, 33
Sidorov, 116
Sikorski, Wladyslaw, 77
Sinebryukhov, 286
Sivakov, 98
Skobtsova, Yelizaveta Y. (Mother Mariya), 188, 633
Skorokhvatov, 154 Skripnikova, Anna P., 8, 34#i, 43, 98, 483, 500
Skrypnik, Nikolai A., 411, 633
Skuratov, Malyuta (Grigory L. Belsky), 168, 633
Skyrius, Romualdas, 100
Slesarev, 292
Sliozberg (Adamova-Sliozberg), Olga, xii, 294, 480
Smelov, Gennady, 473
SMERSH, 23, 640 Smirnov, 351
Smirnov, Fyodor I., 420, 421, 422, 427, 429, 430
Smirnov, Ivan N., 410, 411, 472, 633
Smushkevich, Yakov V., 80, 633
Social Democrats: arrests, 30, 36, 191, 460, 472, 474
Socialist Revolutionary Party, 191, 355-61 passim, 409, 640
arrests and trials, 29, 30, 31, 36, 41, 63, 302, 460, 463, 472, 474, 475; amnesty (1919), 358-59, 360; Central Committee, trial, 306-07, 342, 351-52, 354-67
socialists: arrests, 35-36, 39, 51, 59, 72, 469, 473-78, 500
SOE (Socially Dangerous Element), 86, 284
Sokol, 115
Sokolnikov, Grigory Y., 414-15, 633
Sokolov, 447
Solovetsky Islands (Solovki): Special Purpose Camp (SLON; Muskalmsky, Sawatyevsky, Troitsky monastery prisons), 32, 37, 38, 43, 189, 463-65, 480, 640
Solovyev, 314, 316, 317, 318
Solovyev, Vladimir S., 37, 633
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr L: arrest and imprisonment, 16-23, 66-67, 133-34, 153, 164-67, 250, 277-79; Butyrki, 237, 239, 241-42, 248, 252n, 260, 265, 267-68, 269, 271-80, 395, 594-615; camp, 142, 589-90, 598, 601; Krasnaya Presnya, 537-38, 546-49, 551-54, 557-58, 563-64; Lubyanka, 134-42, 144, 184-235; prisoner transport, 524-26, 530-32; special convoy, 588, 590-94 passim
The First Circle, 157, 590
and Khrushchev, 234n
military career, 19, 162-64, 169-70, 238-39, 255-57, 260, 594
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, 170, 175n, 298, 540/j
Rostov University, 160, 161
Sorokin, 422
South Africa, Republic of, 290n
Spain: Civil War, 86, 263
Spanish Inquisition, 435n
Special Boards (OSO), 143, 275, 281, 283-86, 288, 289, 290, 295, 641
Special Purpose Prisons (TON), 457, 478-84
Special Purpose Detachments (CHON), 303
spies see espionage
SR see Socialist Revolutionary Party
Sretenka (prison; Moscow), 568
Stakhanovite movement, 139
Stalin, Iosif V., 633
amnesty (1945) and rumors of, 78, 190n, 191n, 251, 271, 272, 273, 274, 278h, 280, 608
and Bukharin, 411-18 passim
Okhrana, possible service in, 67n, 195n
Order No. 227 (World War II), 81
and public trials, 47-48, 49-50
“Six Conditions,” 48
Stalingrad: World War II, 81, 162
State Bank, 401
State Commission for Famine Relief (Pomgol), 34, 344, 345, 346, 347, 351, 638
State Planning Commission (Gosplan), 44, 63, 272, 392, 401
Stavrov, 420, 421, 426
Steiner, 258
Stelmakh, 98, 300
Stempkovsky, V. I., 330
Stepun, Fyodor A., 372, 634
Stolyarova, N., 131
Stolypin, Pyotr A., 301, 310, 389, 491, 634
Stolypin cars see prisoner transport, railroad cars
stool pigeons, 128, 153, 185, 186, 448, 574, 618
Strakhovich, Konstantin I., 153, 289, 442, 444, 445, 446, 447
Strakhovich, Yelizaveta V., 153
Strik-Strikfeldt, Wilfred, 253n
Strutinskaya, Yelena, 109
Struzhinsky, 462, 503
students see schools and universities
Sudrabs, Yan F. see Latsis (Lacis),
Martyn I. Sukhanov (Gimmer), Nikolai N., 49, 634
Sukhanovka: prison, 113, 117, 126, 181-83, 479
Supreme Council of the Economy (VSNKh), 43-44, 63, 392, 401, 641
Supreme Soviet, 438, 641
Supreme Tribunal (Verkhtrib), 286, 295-98, 327, 366, 641; see also individual trials
Surikov, Vasily I., 517, 567, 634
Surovets, Nadezhda V., 46
Surovtseva, Nadezhda, 477, 482 Susi, Arnold, 202, 205, 213, 214, 216, 225, 289, 493, 508
Suvorov, 596
Suzdaclass="underline" prison, 478-79, 480
SVE (Socially Harmful Element), 284
Svechin, Aleksandr A., 443, 634
Sverdlov, Yakov M., 307, 634
SVPSh (Contacts Leading to Suspicion of Espionage), 64, 284
Sweden, 272 World War II, Soviet internees, 83
“Tactical Center” case: trial, 327-33, 401
Taganka (prison; Moscow), 489
Tagantsev, Nikolai S., 433-34, 634
Taishet: camp, 513, 554, 560
Tanev, Vasil K., 247n
Tarakanov, 452
Tarle, Yevgeny V., 51, 634
Tatarin, Volodka, 580
Tatars, 25, 53, 59, 323
World War II, with Wehrmacht units, 84, 253/1, 638
Teitelbaum, Moisei I., 404
Tenno, Georgi, 279
Terekhov, D., 158-59, 172
thieves, 67, 78, 145, 478, 505-06, 618-19
and “beavers,” 507, 546
execution of (1937-38), 438
and polutsvetnye (“bitches” or “halfbreeds”), 559, 580-81, 619
prisoner transport, 492, 498-99, 501-08 passim, 515-16, 529-30, 570-71, 572, 573, 575, 579-80
and “suckers,” 497-98, 505, 515, 571, 619
terms switched or sold, 560, 561
transit prisons, 536, 537, 543-44, 546, 547^8, 549, 559/1, 560, 561
as trusties, 536, 543-45 see also “Four-sixths” law; “Seven-eighths” law
Tief, Otto, 214
Tikhon, Patriarch, 36, 326, 343-45, 634
“churchmen” trial, 322, 323
Moscow church trial, 346, 347, 348, 349
Time of Troubles, 342-43, 641
Timofeyev-Ressovsky, Nikolai V., 149/1, 207/1, 493, 597, 598, 599, 600, 603, 604, 634