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It was an extremely cold day, and everyone was hunkered down in the saddle trying to stay warm. Occasionally daggers would erupt into sorcerous flame, as the riders warmed their faces or hands. As they drew closer to the mountains, the land began to slope upward slowly and steadily.

As evening approached, they set up camp next to some rocky outcroppings and pine trees, where huge snowdrifts surrounded them. After they'd erected their tents and settled in for the evening, one of the guards blew a horn in warning.

As the army poured from the tents, they found their camp being invaded by a large number of Goblin Bears. These huge white-furred creatures-larger than normal bears and equipped with longer teeth and claws-were very skilled at hiding in the snow, and even the Elder Hawks and Rangers had failed to spot them. As the Bears charged into the sprawling camp, they tossed snow with their shovel-like paws, creating blinding flurries and confusing the Knights.

A very chaotic battle ensued, as the Knights struggled to organize a defense against the Bears. The flying snow created mass confusion, and even the Divine Shield found itself broken apart. All over the camp, Bear and human were locked in combat amidst sheets of blinding snow.

"Stay together, Squires!" Furlus growled at them. He ordered a wall of Knights to surrounded the Squires, but the rampaging Bears quickly broke through and scattered it. There was simply too much flying snow and too much chaos to hold formation. The speed and violence of the assault had caught the Knights off guard.

Trenton Shadowbane was crushed into a snowdrift by a dying Bear that was wounded by arrows, and he was trapped beneath its heavy bulk, his arms pinned awkwardly. The Investigator's face was crimson with strain as he sought to push the beast off of him. He cried out for help, but no one was able to assist him.

A massive Bear, pierced by two lances and critically wounded, nearly ran Lannon over, but Shennen yanked him out of the way just in time. As the Bear halted its charge and reared up, Shennen plunged his sword into its back, bringing it down from behind. Still, the Bear shuddered and tried to rise. Shennen struck twice more-two swift thrusts that found the heart-and the beast went still.

A Bear charged at Vannas, smashing two Red Knights aside and sending their battle axes flying. His eyes wide, Vannas fumbled around in the pouch and drew out the White Flamestone. With only seconds to spare, he held forth the blazing crystal and white light drove into the charging beast. The Bear exploded into pale fire and was flung backward into a blazing heap.

Jerret hacked at a charging Bear with his sword, but the Goblin knocked the weapon from his hand and bore the Squire into a snowdrift. Jace leapt on the Bear's back and slammed his fist down on its skull. The Bear flung Jace away and rose, roaring its fury, but its legs now seemed wobbly and it looked dazed-wounded deeply by Jace's sorcery. Aldreya hurled green fire from her dagger that burned through the creature's chest. The dead Bear fell toward Jace but he sidestepped it, calmly brushing snow from his cloak.

Jace pulled Jerret from the snowdrift. The Squire looked dazed and frozen, but was unharmed. Jerret grabbed his sword and stood on shaky legs, a wild look in his eyes. "There are too many of them!" he cried, even as another Bear charged past Jerret-so close it nearly knocked him over.

Furlus tore into a Bear with his huge battle axe, killing it with one stout blow. The Bear fell on top of the Grey Dwarf, but Furlus shoved it off him and rose in time to hack at another Bear, his eyes filled with battle lust. "Guard the Squires!" he shouted at any Knights close by.

The Knights tried to close around Lannon and his friends, but again the blinding snow and rampaging Bears scattered them. Knights were flung this way and that, weapons and pieces of armor tumbling into snow drifts. The beasts were too heavy to be stopped, smashing through several Knights at a time. The way their odd, shovel-like paws tossed the snow in fine, misty sheets was almost hypnotic to watch. It was as if the entire camp had been struck by a terrible blizzard.

A Bear charged at Lannon and Vannas, throwing snow into their faces. Vannas stumbled and fell to one knee, his face and hair caked with snow. But Lannon was able to see the Bear with the Eye of Divinity in spite of the blinding flurry-a berserk shadow with a mind of ice and frost and a desire to crush other life forms-and he froze the beast in place. The Bear was immensely strong, and holding it for even a moment was very tiring. After the misty snow settled, Vannas struck with the White Flamestone and burned the Bear to ash.

Here and there Knights, Bears, and Rangers lay bleeding in the snow, as the battle raged on. Jace and Shennen stayed close to the Squires and tried to hold them together, but the flying snow was so extreme-and the number of attacking Bears so vast-that Lannon ended up separated and wandering through the maze of tents. Several times he used the Eye of Divinity to turn a charging Bear aside or freeze one in place for a Knight to kill.

Flashes of sorcery erupted all over the camp and sparks buzzed through the air. Black smoke rose toward the heavens, and the stench of burning Bear flesh hung thick all around. Blazing weapons rose and fell.

Lannon shoved a Bear off a Ranger-only to see that the Ranger had already been crushed to death. A Brown Knight was lifted high into the air by a growling Bear and snapped in two like a piece of wood, his broken body then flung into the snow. Some of the Greywind horses lay wounded, bleeding their life away-their powerful bodies struck down by paws that hit with the force of battering rams. Lannon cringed at the grisly sights around him. Divine Knights were very difficult to kill, but these Goblin Bears were extremely powerful foes. Casualties were piling up around the camp.

Desperately, Lannon wandered to and fro, using his power every chance he got to help those around him. He quickly neared exhaustion. On the other hand, Vannas' White Flamestone flashed repeatedly and tirelessly, leaving burning Bears scrambling everywhere. Lannon was left in awe of the Flamestone and found himself feeling deeply relieved that they possessed the weapon.

Lannon spotted an archer who'd been knocked from his horse and lay injured in the snow, just outside the camp. A Bear, riddled with arrows but still on the attack, was bearing down on the archer. Lannon froze the beast-barely. He was so far away from it that his power was in danger of failing.

Lannon ran toward the Bear, when another Bear charged him from the side and slammed into him. The impact would have been devastating-except the Eye of Divinity shifted on instinct and partially shielded him. Lannon was thrown several yards and landed stunned on his back in a snowdrift.

A shadow fell over Lannon. Looking up, he thought he would see the Bear hovering over him. Instead, he saw the bearded face of a huge warrior. The warrior held a two-handed battle axe poised for the downward stroke that would surely split Lannon in two.

Using what remained of his power, Lannon ripped the axe from the barbarian's hand and flung it aside. The barbarian's eyes widened. Then Lannon's power failed completely. He simply had nothing left.

Reaching down, the warrior rolled Lannon onto his stomach and bound his wrists painfully tight with rope. Still groggy from the impact of the Bear, Lannon slipped toward unconsciousness-wondering if he would ever awaken.

Chapter 18: The Prisoner

When the battle with the Goblin Bears was finished, nine Knights lay dead and sixteen more were seriously injured. Three Rangers, eight horses, and two wolves had also been slain. And dozens of Knights had been injured to a lesser degree. The landscape was littered with the bodies of dead Bears. Two Soldiers of the Blood Legion-who'd been commanding the Bears-also lay dead. The snows were stained crimson and black with blood and ash.