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Vannas unleashed the white fire into the Dragon's belly before the stingers could begin doing their grisly work. It was a direct hit that burned a large hole in the Dragon's armor. Some of the Red Knights threw their lances into the breach, and the archers shot it with dozens of arrows. The Dragon continued to hover there in a drooping fashion, perhaps stunned at what was occurring.

With a frantic battle cry, Vannas drove the energy into the beast with renewed effort. The white fire became so intense the surrounding area was illuminated as if by daylight, and black smoke billowed from the Dragon's jaws. The creature flew off sluggishly toward the fortress gates but collapsed in the snow before reaching them, crushing a few Goblins in the process. It was burning from within, and in moments its entire bulk was consumed by pale fire. The flames grew so hot the snow melted around the Dragon-a blaze that became like a mini sun.

As the Dragon burned to ash, and the Goblins retreated into the caves, Vannas smiled and closed his eyes. The White Flamestone slipped from his fingers-only to be caught by Aldreya. A White Knight-one of many who were tending to the injured-hurried over and went to work on the prince.

"Will my cousin die?" Aldreya asked, tears in her eyes.

The White Knight glanced up at her, his bearded face stern. "Not if I have anything to say about it. He's faint from blood loss, but it's nothing that can't be fixed." He nodded to her. "You did well in guarding the prince."

"He'll be fine, Aldreya," said Jerret, walking over to her and patting her on the shoulder. "The prince is strong." Jerret glanced with pride at his sword, which was covered in Goblin blood that was already frozen on the blade. His eyes strayed to the gates of Dorok's Hand. The Dragon was dead, but where was Vorden?

Chapter 21: The Duel, Part II

Lannon and Vorden grappled with each other, the Eye of Divinity against the Hand of Tharnin. Sweat dripped from their brows. Lannon was determined to help the Knights defeat the Dragon, and Vorden was equally determined to keep Lannon in the cavern until the beast had done its work. Vorden couldn't hold Lannon indefinitely, yet every time Lannon broke free and tried to flee, Vorden seized him again with the gauntlet and dragged him back into the cavern. Finally they paused to rest, panting hard, the cries of battle reaching their ears.

"Let me go!" Lannon said, his voice shrill with frustration. "You have no right to keep me here when the Knights are being slaughtered!"

But Vorden shook his head. "Sorry, Lannon. You don't get to play the role of the hero this time. The Knights are finished!"

Yet moments later, a group of Legion Masters rushed into the cavern-the Council Members from Dorok's Hand. These were the elite Knights of the Blood Legion, ranked just below Vorden and Timlin. One of them-a giant who wore dark armor and a horned helm-bowed to Vorden and said, "I bring unfortunate news, my lord. The Dragon has fallen."

Vorden's eyes widened, and he seized the giant's throat. "How is this possible, Almdrax? The Dragon was supposed to be invincible!"

Almdrax sighed. "It took the power of a god to bring it down. The Dragon was defeated by the Flamestone from the Divine Essence-and a very lucky shot. In spite of our best efforts, we were not able to get the Flamestone away from the young Birlote prince long enough for the Dragon to finish off Dremlock's army. However, we did manage to deeply injure Vannas, and hopefully he will not recover. Regardless, many of the Soldiers are currently retreating through the escape tunnels, headed for Old Hammer Hall. Should we join them?"

"Retreat?" said Vorden, shoving Almdrax away. "Not as long as the Hand of Tharnin remains in our possession. Besides, if their prince has fallen we might stand a chance at victory. Where is Timlin?"

"He fled with the others," said Almdrax.

"Of course," said Vorden, scowling. "See how the little coward repays me? He runs away without even notifying me. Well, we are not cowards, Almdrax. We will show them that the Blood Legion does not surrender. We shall make a stand here in this chamber, a fight to the death!"

The Legion Knights nodded their approval and took position beside Vorden-giant, battle-hardened warriors with smoldering weapons. These were Knights tainted by Tharnin and given immense power to go along with savage, unyielding hearts. Even vastly outnumbered, they would not fall easily.

"And what of that one?" asked Almdrax, pointing at Lannon. "Shall we kill him now, when he is outnumbered?"

"He doesn't matter," said Vorden, waving dismissively. "Lannon will do nothing. All he cares about is peace. Isn't that right, Lannon?"

Vorden spoke true. Lannon was delighted the Dragon was dead, but he wondered how many Knights had fallen. He was determined that no more bloodshed should take place. "Yes, I want peace. Is that so wrong, Vorden? Why does everything have to end in bloodshed?"

"There is no shame in wanting peace," said Vorden. He clenched the gauntlet's metal fingers into a huge fist. "Even if it is only a silly dream."


Soon the members of the Divine Shield (except for Vannas, who was still being cared for by Dremlock's healers) stood in the chamber of the foggy pit, along with a company of Knights. Trenton Shadowbane was now back in human form and somehow free of all injuries. Thrake had suffered a broken arm that was now in a sling, but otherwise the Divine Shield was intact. They were delighted to find Lannon alive and well, but their celebration was short lived when they learned that Vorden and his Knights intended to fight to the death.

"You cannot win, Vorden," said Furlus. "The rest of the Blood Legion has either been captured or has fled. Don't be a fool. Your Dragon is dead and Dorok's Hand belongs to Dremlock now. It is finished!"

"Nothing is finished," said Vorden. "Can you defeat the Hand of Tharnin, Tower Master? When it's in my possession, I think not. And even if you do kill me, many will die in the process. I will enjoy it either way."

Jace stepped close to Vorden. "Heed this warning, young man. The longer the Hand of Tharnin holds you captive, the more deeply it will bind with your soul and body-leading to chaos and madness. The device is flawed and cannot be controlled. It cannot even control itself! You have a chance to rid yourself of it before it is too late. Let us help you, Vorden."

"Get away from me!" Vorden hissed at Jace. The gauntlet's blue stones flared up in warning. "One step closer and I will burn you to ash!"

Calmly, Jace stepped back a bit, raising his hands to show he had no intention of attacking. "Just consider my words, Vorden."

"You will surrender to us immediately," said Trenton, "and face trial for your crimes. As prisoners, you will be treated fairly."

"I never liked you, Trenton," said Vorden. "In fact, I don't think anyone likes you. So keep your mouth shut before you provoke my rage."

"Vorden, we are all weary of bloodshed," said Shennen. "Your plan has failed and Dremlock has won. Let us just end this peacefully."

Vorden glowered at Shennen. "Do not speak to me, Birlote. Your kind is the enemy of Tharnin, and your very existence offends me."

"If you just surrender," said Lannon, "we can find a way to help Taris. He was bedridden and barely clinging to life last I knew. Don't you feel even a tiny bit of loyalty to Taris, Vorden?"

"Taris is just another foul Birlote," said Vorden. "Besides, the poison from the gauntlet is very potent, yet temporary. If he survived this long, he'll likely recover-though I'll be glad to kill him later when I get a chance."

Lannon felt a surge of hope at Vorden's words.

"Please, Vorden!" said Aldreya. "No more war!"

Vorden smashed the gauntlet against the floor, shattering stone. "If another Birlote dares speak to me, I'm going to begin tearing off heads! And how will you defeat me without your precious prince and his Flamestone? I'm well aware that only Vannas can use that weapon."