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Thank you to the many friends who supported and guided me while writing this book. Special thanks to Brian Shaw, Francesco Cefalu, Scott Broad, Rita Stuart, Gale Blank, Bob Hakeem, Chris West, Plezzie Benitez, Agostino Mazzarelli, Gary Johnston, Mike Jones, and Fred Thate.

To Chad Upton, thank you for your energy.

To Frank Warren, thank you for your wisdom.

To Kevin Groh, thank you for being the ideas man.

Thank you to everyone who gave me permission to use their cartoons, poems, drawings, essays, lyrics, and ideas in this book. Your work inspires me.

Thank you to books for their wisdom and power. Thank you to the invisible worldwide team who creates them for us all—from sunshine to trees to loggers to mills to authors to publishers to printers to drivers to sellers. I love books so much. Thank you for making them.

To Heather Reisman, thank you for your steadfast belief in happiness.

To Dave Cheesewright, so many ideas in this book came from our long conversations. You are the greatest leader I know.

To Amy Einhorn, thank you so much for believing in me. You made me a better writer.

To my growing extended family, I am so grateful for your love and support. Thank you to Bob, Joan, Donna, An, Mark, Mar, and Jenny.

To the world’s most passionate teachers, thank you for everything you are doing. I am the son of a teacher and the husband of a teacher and I see how hard you work to change lives. Thank you to the many teachers who helped me along the way, especially Stella Dorsman, Jim Olson, Shera Eales, Chris Howes, John Plinuissen, Ajay Agrawal, Michael Wheeler, and André Perold.

Thank you to luck and chance for great parents, great teachers, and a great country. We are so lucky. I am so lucky.

To my family, you energize, support, and believe in everything I do. I love you Mom, I love you Dad, I love you Nina, Dee, and Lexi.

Thank you to Leslie, my confidant, inspiration, and best friend. All the arguments, ideas, and scribbles in this book came from our endless conversations. You are woven into every page. You are anything. You are everything. You are priceless. I love you.

Finally, thank you to you. Thank you for a great conversation about finding happiness in the middle of this wild and wonderful world. I am so grateful for you, for this, and for everything.

Take care. And talk to you soon.



Academy Awards, 12, 48, 198

Acceptance, 58–59

Access, blocking, 189–94, 197–201, 203, 204

Achor, Shawn, 6

Activity theory, 106

Adrenaline, 73, 149, 180

Age-segregated housing developments, 108

Alf (television series), 137

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Carroll), 104, 242

Altucher, James, 252

Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (movie), 48

Amabile, Teresa, 41

American Psychologist, 19

American Psychosomatic Society, 20

Amygdala, 73–75

scribble, 73

Amygdala Hijack, 74, 84

Anxiety, 147, 183, 198

about decisions, xx, 123, 170

See also Stress

Apologize, 57–58

Archimedes, 155, 158

Aristotle, ix, 15

Arrogance, 52

Aston, Peter, 160–61

Attitude, 6

choosing, 15

positive, 25–26, 252, 261

poster, 17–18

Authenticity, 237, 239–41, 243–44

dying regrets related to lack of, 254–56

sharing, 257–58

tests to uncover, 245–53

Automate, 174, 177–78


Babyak, Michael, 20

Baydin email-management service, 192

BBC, 36

Beatles, The, 67, 193

Be Happy First, 5–28

Be Happy scribble, 6

Bestsellers, 35–36, 38, 43, 45, 48, 176, 225

Beta, Toba, 124

Be You, 237–58

Bhagavad Gita, 257

Bible, 193

Big 7 List scribble, 20

Birds, The (movie), 157

Bismarck, Otto von, 105–6

Blog stats, 33–34, 38

Bohr, Niels, 155, 158

Bono, 115

Book of Awesome, The, 35–36, 119

Boston University, 41

Brahmans, 60–61

Brain, ix, 73–75, 111, 134, 193–203, 217, 264

activation of different parts of, 151, 155–58

authenticity and, 243–44

benefit of removing choice for, 161, 167, 170–71, 175–79

effect of attitude on, 6, 7, 18

evolution of, 74, 114

exercising, to prevent atrophy of, 110–11

impact of external vs. internal rewards on, 38, 40–41

problem-solving vs. rational thought structures of, 73–75, 84

programmed for survival, 8–14, 74

retraining, for happiness, xx, 19–24

tricking, 222–23

Brandeis University, 41

British Columbia, University of, 248

British Medical Journal, 120

Brown University, 249

Buddha, 55, 60–61, 67

Buffett, Warren, 115

Burning, 148–51, 203, 204

“‘Busy’ Trap, The” (Kreider), 203

Burning out, xiv, 147, 150, 243


Cain, David, 9

California, University of, 17

Calvin and Hobbes, 188, 202

Can Do/Want to Do scribbles

circle, 219, 224, 231

flowchart, 217, 219

Carnegie, Dale, 247

Carr, Nicholas, 176

Carroll, Lewis, 104

Catch-22 (Heller), 80–81

CEOs, xiii, 7, 39, 47, 147, 164

creating space by, 154, 184–85, 190–92, 281

in Culture of More, 83

decision making by, xxi, 160, 162, 172

presentations to, 74–75

Challenger disaster, 156

Challenge(s), xx, 14, 189

creating space for, 159, 175

engagement in, 22

retirement vs. continuing, 123–25

seven-day, ix

Challenge vs. Skill scribble, 23

Change, need for, 110–12

Cheers (television series), 193

Childhood trauma, 213–15


ancient, 101

Great Wall of, 193

Choices, making, see Decision making

Christakis, Nicholas, 252

Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 209

Circular reference to the Index, 277

Circumstances scribble, 17

Cleese, John, 198–99

Clichés, 265–67

Closed mode, 198–99

CNN, 36

Coca-Cola Corporation, 121

Cognitive dissonance, 243

Comedy writing, 41–42, 222–23, 226

Columbia University, 248–49

Complete Unplug, 22

Confidence, 49, 185, 192, 228, 245, 258

in decision making, 161

Five-People Test for, 253

impact of external goals on, 38

increasing, 51–55

motivation and, 220, 221, 223

self-acceptance and, 56–59, 64

sources of, 230

Confidence scribble, 46

Arrogant, 52

Confident, 55

Cynical, 55

Insecure, 53

Conflicting advice, 263–64

Conflicting Advice scribble, 266–67

Connected (Christakis and Fowler), 252

Consultants, 133–35, 147, 150–52

Consumer economy, see More, Culture of

Convent, positive emotions and longevity in, 25–26

Cornell University, 248

Corning Corporation, 107

Cosmopolitan magazine, 42

Cover Girl makeup, 162

Crawford, Lynn, 174–75

Create Space, 147–205

Creative indifference, 264

Creativity, 154–55, 199, 252

Criticism, blocking, see Do It for You

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 19, 22