Cynicism, 54
Daily Mail, The, 254
Dalai Lama, 115
Dana Foundation, 110
Dartmouth College, 249
Davies, W. H., 204–5
Deadlines, 87, 120, 149–50, 183
moving up, 186–88
Debate, 174, 178–79
Deci, Edward, 43
Decision making, xix, xxi, 160, 162, 172
anxiety about, xx, 123, 170
bad, due to excessive choices, 167–70, 171–76
exhaustion caused by, 164–67
at twice the speed, 160–79
by establishing and following one’s own rules, 170–71
prioritizing, 174–79
by routinizing clothing choices, 162–64
DeGeneres, Ellen, 115
Del Webb, 108
Dewey Decimal System, 237
Dickens, Charles, 24
Dilbert, 197
Disagree, agree to, ix
Disaster, facing triumph and, 62–65
Disengagement, 22
DNA, 110
Do Anything, 93–208
Do Circle Scribble, 219, 220, 224, 227, 231
Doing, balance between thinking and, 147–53
Do It for You, 31–67
Do Scribble, 217, 219
Don’t Take Advice, 261–68
after mandatory retirement, 97–99, 123
regrets of, 93, 254–56
Early Show, The (television program), 36
Economist, The, 182
Effectuate, 174, 178
Einstein, Albert, 227
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 243
Emmons, Robert, 23–24
Emmy Awards, 222
Emotions, 59, 256
controlling reactions to, 74
positive, 25–27
Emotional Intelligence (Goleman), 74
Engagement, 22
Enough, Culture of, 76, 80, 87, 262
Epictetus, 82
Erikson Institute for Advanced Study in Child Development, 41
Esquire magazine, 99
Explaining Creativity (Sawyer), 155
Extrinsic motivation, see Rewards
Facebook, 121, 162
Family Feud, 57
Fear(s), 1, 11–14, 242
of being simple, 185
of change, 256
of decision making, 170
of embarrassment or failure, 93
freedom from, personal economic security and, 112
overcoming, 239 (see also Just Do It)
self-judgment due to, 57
Feedback, 149–50
Feynman, Richard, 58–59
Fight-or-flight response, 73
5 Great Regrets of the Dying scribble, 254–55
Finance, jobs in, 134, 135
Flourish (Seligman), 21
Flow, 22
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (Csikszentmihalyi), 22
Fortune 500 CEOs, 7
Fortune magazine, 124, 222
4 S’s of work, 113–22
Four Seasons (Manhattan), 174
Fowler, James, 252
Frankl, Viktor, 15
Freedman, Marc, 107
Galaxies, 88–89
Gandhi, Mohandas K., 243
Garbarino, James, 41–42
Gates, Bill, 115
GE, 185
Germany, retirement in, 105–6, 108
Gilbert, Daniel, 114, 171–73
Globe and Mail, 35, 175
Goals, 162, 246, 269
of decision making, 177–79
external, 33–38, 48
internal, 37
Golden Globe Awards, 198, 222
Golden Words comedy newspaper, 41
Goleman, Daniel, 74
Google, 122
Gratitude, 23–24
Great Work scribble, 5
Greece, ancient, 155
Grier, Roosevelt “Rosey,” 239–41
Grove, Andy, 12
Guardian, The, 93, 254, 256
Gym Clothes effect, 225–26
Hanks, Tom, 12
Happiness Advantage, The (Achor), 6
Harrison, George, 67
Harvard Business Review, 6, 78, 185
Harvard Salary scribbles
average American income, 131
1 Year of Work, 136
Harvard University, 56–58, 131, 171–72, 248–49
Business School, 50, 121, 131–35, 136–41, 200, 245, 251
Have Everything, 209–70
Head & Shoulders shampoo, 175
Health, 18, 107, 114
benefits of ikigai for, 101–3
brain, 193
doctors’ approach to, 13
gratitude and, 24
restoring, as corporate mission, 121
Heller, Joseph, 80–81
Hesse, Herman, 258
Hide, 56–57
Hinduism, 257
Hitchcock, Alfred, 157, 158
Hit Flow, 22
Home Alone (movie), 229
Hours vs. Pay scribble, 139
“How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Words” (Slatcher and Pennebaker), 21
How of Happiness, The (Lyubomirsky), 17, 21
Hubble Space Telescope, 88–89, 156–57
photo of, 88
photo of galaxy taken by, 89
Hudson’s Bay department store, 168
Hurt Locker, The (movie), 48
Hyde, Amanda, 20
“I Am the Walrus” (Lennon and McCartney), 67
IBM, 195
“If—” (Kipling), 64–65
Ikigai, 100, 102–5, 122, 124, 152, 246
“Imagine” (Lennon), 67
Indifference, creative, 264
Insecurity, 53
Instant messaging, blocking access to, 201
Institute for Global Happiness, 119, 289
Institute of Medicine, 263
Intel, 12
Intrinsic motivation, 40–43, 67
Isaac, Brad, 222
Ivy League schools, xiv, 150, 177
See also names of individual universities
I Will Teach You To Be Rich (Sethi), 225
Iyengar, Sheena, 175
Jacobs, Meg, 77
James, William, ix, 6, 253
Japan, 102
Jay Z, 93, 115
Jefferson, Thomas, 99
Jerome, Jerome K., 12
Jobs, Steve, 12, 93
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 20
Judging, doing vs., 66–67
Jung, C. G., 209
Just Do It, 211–31
Just Do It Scribble, 176–77
blank, 177
filled, 177
Kansas State University, 22
Katsuras, Nicole, 158
Keeping Up with the Joneses, 76–78, 77
Kennedy, Robert, 239
Kentucky, University of, 25
Kindness, random acts of, 22
Kipling, Rudyard, 64–65
Klosterman, Chuck, 258
Koenig, Harold, 106–8
Kravitz, Teddy, 154
Kreider, Tim, 203
Lao Tzu, 1
LA Rams, 239
Lee, Benjamin, 162–64
Lehman Brothers, 78
Leisure, 107–8, 182
“Leisure” (Davies), 204–5
Lennon, John, 67, 209, 237
LifeHacker, 222
Loehr, Jim, 22
Longevity, 25–26, 101–2, 111
Lyubomirsky, Sonja, 17, 21
MacWilliam, J. A., 120
Man Booker Prize, 46
Mandatory retirement, 97–98
Marois, René, 200
Massachusetts General Hospital, 23
Mass production and marketing, 78
Max Factor makeup, 162
Mazur, Paul, 78
McCallion, Hazel, 123
McCartney, Paul, 67
McCullough, Michael, 23–24
McKinsey & Company, 134, 192
Medical Student’s Syndrome, 12, 14
Meditation, 23
Medtronic, 121
Meetings, 14, 119, 121, 159, 178
creative indifference to advice on, 264
cutting time in half for, 184–86
expanding to take time available, 188
politics of, 115
speaking at, 228, 230
unnecessary follow-up to, 190–91
Mexican fisherman tale, 85–86
Meyer, David, 200
Michigan, University of, 200
Milky Way galaxy, 88