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“We haven’t ascertained that yet, either, I fear,” Moradel answered, shaking his head. “It is another mystery, along with the missing demons.”

Hilda hunched her shoulders a little. It all made sense to her, thanks to Master Trisfelt. She tried to suppress another grin. Her face muscles wanted to smile so much, she had to fake a small cough to hide her grin. “Uhhm hem,” she coughed into her hand. Hilda suddenly went cold, realizing that the room had been completely silent, taking in Moradel’s response. Everyone had heard her cough and were now turning to look at her.

“Hilda?” Moradel asked her in surprise. “Do you know something?”

Hilda closed her eyes for a moment; now she had done it. Slowly she stood; she had not done any real public speaking since her death, so was not really comfortable doing so. “Uhm, yes, I did discover a fair amount of information in my explorations.” She heard Katassa, one of Seralina’s minions, snort in disbelief.

Moradel seemed pleasantly surprised. “Proceed, if you will.”

“Uhm, certainly.” Hilda was not really sure how to proceed, but glancing over at “Team Alpha,” she decided to take a terse, more military style than her normal style. She would leave out how she knew until someone asked. She did not want to go into that. She cleared her throat and looked around. “I can confirm the findings of Seralina and her team,” she began. This seemed to please “Team Alpha.” “However,” Hilda continued, “I can also confirm that up until yesterday morning there were well over a thousand demons in Freehold.” There were gasps, and she decided to speed up to get the big news out before she lost them to excited gossiping. “The thousand demons also included at least three, perhaps four archdemons and multiple greater demons who were directing the thousand demons.” Now there were multiple gasps of disbelief.

“Further, both the Rod and the Oorstemothians were drawn to Freehold following the trail of at least one of the archdemons and his entourage. Apparently, the Oorstemothians had experienced numerous casualties from this archdemon. The Rod had detected him in Gizzor Dell and followed him here. Sir Talarius was called on site and had discovered Freehold to be completely infested with more archdemons and a thousand lesser demons.”

People were suddenly talking back and forth in amazement. Moradel brought down a gavel on the podium to silence people. “So where are they now?” he asked sternly.

“Well, as I understand it, the wizards in the city hadn’t been aware of the demon infestations — ”

“Likely story,” someone snorted.

Hilda shrugged, and Moradel motioned her to continue. “Be that as it may, the Council devised a scheme to expel all the demons from the city. To drive them out.”

“Ludicrous!” “Impossible!” and “Suspicious” were some of the words Hilda heard from around the room.

Hilda cleared her throat and continued. “In any event, they arranged with the Rod and the Oorstemothians to slay the demons as they came fleeing over the city walls.”

“This worked?” Moradel asked incredulously.

“Apparently,” said Hilda, nodding. “That’s why there is still a strong demonic residue; most of the demons were killed.”

“Including the archdemons?” Beragamos asked.

“No, apparently three of the archdemons escaped using a flying carpet.” More gasps from around the room. Why would archdemons use a flying carpet?

“And...” Hilda said, waiting for the crowd to quiet. Moradel motioned for her to continue.

“And in this process, apparently Sir Talarius encountered a greater demon he’d dispatched previously, and was about to do so again, when what everyone believed to be a greater greater demon showed up and challenged Talarius to a duel.”

“Talarius killed a greater greater demon?” someone asked, sounding awed.

“Not exactly,” Hilda said. The room fell silent.

“So what happened? Surely the Rod helped?” Moradel asked.

“Yes, well, apparently — and I am getting this secondhand — the two fought and the Rod helped with lots of rituals and archers. It was tough fight, and Talarius succeeded in dismembering the demon and was preparing to perform a Ritual of True Death on the greater greater demon and several of his minions, when — pardon the expression — all hell broke loose.” The room lit up again with chatter and Moradel slammed his gavel to quiet people.

“All hell?” the archon asked Hilda.

“Yes, well, apparently the demon didn’t really die; it simply dissipated and then possessed a number of high priests and Rod members.” People were gasping in shock and horror. It took Moradel five minutes to quiet the room.

“Possessed? Are you sure?” Moradel asked her.

“That is what is being reported by observers and the Rod itself. Apparently, several high priests suddenly collapsed and then one began acting strangely and claimed to be the fallen greater demon. The high priest then collapsed, whereupon the previously dismembered demon re-formed out of fire and ordered the Rod to attack Talarius. From the reports I have, somewhat under a third of the Rod members obeyed the demon and attacked Talarius.” There were more gasps and another minute for Moradel to quiet the room.

“I don’t want to ask, but continue.”

Hilda nodded. “Well, the demon then proceeded to beat Talarius nearly to death before Talarius surrendered.” There were more gasps at the thought of the Knight Rampant surrendering. Hilda continued, “Talarius pleaded for mercy, and oddly, the demon granted it.” This caused another huge stir and more gavel thumps.

“A demon granting mercy?” Moradel sounded incredulous.

Hilda had been as well, but Trisfelt had had a logical explanation, so she used it. “Well, the demon tried to grant Talarius mercy; it allowed him to surrender, whereupon the demon shape-changed into a human male.” This evoked some discussion, but not as much as she would have expected. “He then walked over and was apparently accepting the knight’s surrender when Talarius pulled Excrathadorus Mortis on the demon and stabbed him.” The room broke into a loud round of cheers. They were all, of course, familiar with the ancient Excrathadorus Mortis dagger. It was legendary and over four thousand years old.

Hilda coughed again, loudly. The room went silent, realizing she was not done. Hilda grimaced. “Okay, this is where the Pool drain comes in...” The room was deathly silent. “Apparently, at this point, the human-shaped demon began pulling mana from the priests he’d compromised and used divine mana to cleanse the wound and heal himself.” Pandemonium broke out as people began arguing about the obvious impossibility of this.

Moradel had to let this rage on for ten minutes before he got them to quiet down. “Anything more, Hilda? Where did the demon go?”

Hilda grimaced, preparing to give more bad news. “Well, that wasn’t the totality of the mana drain...” The room stayed silent. “Apparently, the demon then used the divine mana to reverse Excrathadorus Mortis.” People began yelling at this point, since this was beyond impossible.

“Enough!” Moradel shouted at the room after another ten minutes. “Hilda, we all find this hard to believe, but fine for now... Please explain why things seem so calm on the battlefield now.”

“Well, apparently after doing this, the demon opened a portal to the Abyss under Talarius and dropped him through it.” People gasped and Hilda continued quickly, “The demon then sent his minions through before leaping through himself and sealing it behind him.” She gestured that she was finished, then added, “Which is why I say the demon tried to grant Talarius mercy; Talarius refused it.” The room once again became pandemonium.

Not surprisingly, the morning’s planned intercession was canceled. For one thing, the predawn meeting that was supposed to last for less than an hour went nearly two hours. Afterwards, Moradel, Beragamos and Sentir Fallon, the older archon against the wall, had taken Hilda back to a private conference room to delve into more details of what she knew.