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Kathy's head lolled to one side in abject humiliation and shame as she submitted even more completely to his degrading demands. With tears streaming down her face, she pleaded, "Oh, Jim, fuck me. Please fuck me. That's what I want you to do. For God's sake, fuck me with your cock!"

He slipped his hands beneath the smoothly rounded cheeks of her buttocks as he began the slow rhythmic but frenzied thrust which would soon build to climax. He slaved above her, fucking in and out of her tightly clenched pussy in long, smooth strokes, sending his cock deep into her moist sucking cunt that clasped and released it, clasped and released it of its own accord, then withdrew to fuck deep again, withdraw again. His fuzz covered young testicles slapped against her anus, and the feeling of his nearly hairless groin smoothly sliding over her pubic hair drove Kathy insane. It was so unlike Art's thick forest of pubic hair that had always ground into her pelvis, scratching and scraping over her tender genitals. Then, as though wishing to press the ultimate humiliation upon her, the tip of his outstretched finger invaded the tiny puckered opening of her anus, and Kathy groaned in unexpected pain. But moments later, the groans turned to soft, mewling sounds of pleasure, as he slowly wormed it deeper and the rubberily stretching little rectal mouth slowly grew used to the unaccustomed presence there.

Jim felt his own lust tormented cock expand in an agonizing spasm, the inside of his testicles seemed to explode and split wide open. The hot white liquid churning there raced the full length of his rock-like prick, and then he spewed it forth into the depths of Kathy's hotly contracting belly. It mingled momentarily there with her own excitedly flooding juices, then overflowed back out her tightly locked cunt lips to trickle in thin lewd rivulets of surrender down the soft whiteness of her thighs. With a loud sigh, Jim collapsed on her voluptuously curved young body, already gone limp and exhausted beneath him… her legs spread lewdly open in utter and total defeat…

A fifteen year old boy's body had won the round, indisputably. Undoubtedly the day would come when she would bitterly regret what had just happened between them, but Kathy couldn't think of anything now, but their mutual bliss at having just achieved orgasm. Again she locked her legs around his sweating body, holding him tightly between her quavering thighs.

Kathy was wrong about the eventual day of discovery. The time of judgment had come even as they cried out their lust for each other's body.


High cirrus clouds slivered across the moon, shedding shreds of light on the beaten, weathered cabin where Kathy McGuire lay entangled with her young lover on the barren mattress. All was silent except for an occasional snore from one of the drunken teenagers and the crickets who serenaded the strange and rowdy newcomers to the peaceful country side. For a hopeful moment, the night animals thought quiet would fall over the forest again… until Lydia Johnson stampeded through the woods, the pine boughs cracking under her sandals.

Resting her hands on the rotted window ledge, she shaded her eyes against the moon's glare and peered inside the cracked glass. Jim was raised his leg off Kathy's thighs, the moon light catching the blonde highlights of his hair. Infuriated, she clawed at the glass, her fingernails making an eerie, spine-tingling squeak.

Inside the cabin, Kathy lurched. "What was that?"

"Nothing," yawned Jim. "Probably just the trees rubbing against the window." He rolled over, contemplating whether or not he should tie up Art McGuire's wife, wondering if she would try to fool him and run out in the middle of the night.

The door bust open, swinging on its rusty hinges to slap into the cracking plaster on the yellowed wall.

"A great show, Jim! Just great!"

Jerking, he raised his head to stare at a dark shadow standing in the doorway. The voice… Lydia's voice! OH, Christ! She stood there with her hands on her slender hips, her long raven hair shimmering in the moon light. How the hell did she knew where he was? He smelled trouble.

"You bastard!" She took another step forward. "You stood me up for a date tonight, or don't you remember? Leaving this note on my window sill… how stupid… maybe you didn't realize this, you moron, but the paper you wrote this note on has the plans to your little kidnapping all spelled out. Wouldn't Art like to see that?"

"You… you wouldn't!"

"Oh, wouldn't l?" she spat venomously. "You don't have time to take me out and fuck me, but you have time to fuck this woman who's old enough to be your mother. Your ass has had it when Art finds out about this."

"Who is she?" whimpered Kathy, holding her dress up to cover her naked breasts, hugging her knees.

"That's Lydia… my girl friend," Jim answered miserably.

"Was your girl friend, pal," Lydia said bitterly, her full mouth curling in a snarl.

"Get out of here!" Jim said, his mouth white with anger. "If you tell Art or anybody about this, I swear to God I'll break your fucking neck!"

Although taken aback by his threatening words, the young girl stood defiantly as she composed herself, scheming. "Take a flying fuck at the moon, Jim. I plan on getting my revenge. You let me have a crack at the cop's wife and my mouth is sealed. That simple."

"I'll… so help me!" Jim blurted out, starting to reach for the young girl, but suddenly thought better of it. Maybe she wasn't lying… what the hell.

"Okay, you win, Lydia."

"No!" Kathy screamed sharply, mustering up as much dignity as a woman stark naked with her lover's cum still dripping her pussy can manage. She eyed the beautiful teenage girl coldly.

"I just changed my mind," grinned Lydia sadistically. "I want both of you together." With a smile, the black-haired teenager began stripping her clothes off. She looked at Kathy's wet cunt and said, "Jim, you sure dropped a load of cum in her hot little pussy – I've just got to lick that up first, even if its secondhand. Kathy – you don't mind if I call you Kathy, do you? – lie down and open your legs!"

Dazed and shocked as she had never been before in her life, Kathy watched the now-naked young girl advance toward her as she half-crouched on the bed that was still soaked with the mixture of her cum and Jim's. For the first time she took a good look at Lydia's face and found it impossible to believe that any youngster so evilly could be so beautiful!

For Lydia was indeed beautiful. Her smooth flesh was deeply tanned and her hair shone blue-black. Her face was classically sculpted, with a slight almond-tilt to her dark brown eyes. Her full mouth was a sensuous slash, needing no lipstick to make it glisten provocatively. Her eyelashes were too long and thick to be false. And her young, thrusting breasts fairly begged to be caressed, even to be squeezed tightly together while a man ran his long cock up between them.

Lydia's waist swept out to hips and thighs that were made to cradle a man. Her cunt was covered with hair as dark as that on her head, softly curling. Her legs were long and slenderly tapered in proportion to the rest of her lush young body. As she lowered herself to the mattress and reached for Kathy, Lydia's pink tongue flicked across the wide fullness of her lower lip in lewd anticipation. Then her searching fingers touched Kathy's tense body for the first time, causing the young housewife to close her eyes and groan in abject humiliation.

The redheaded woman had never even considered having sex with another female, yet she knew full well that she had to submit to this licentious debauchery for the sake of saving her own life. Kathy's breath came in stifled gasps. She looked to Jim for help, but he obviously had no intention of stopping his girl friend. Then, as Lydia snuggled her lithe young body close to her own, Kathy realized the teenaged girl was trembling as violently as herself. She felt the younger girl's finger caressing her breasts and moving over the flat plane of her stomach and then fluttering down between her still wet thighs, sliding in on the thick coating of cum that Jim had spewed out there when he had fucked her only minutes before.