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“Sophie?” I exploded. “It’s Abbey. Vincent’s here. Or was here. He dressed like a priest, and was threatening my parents, and Caspian won’t wake up.”

“Slow down. Slow down,” she said. “What’s going on? Vincent is there?”

“Yes. No. I mean, he was here, but he’s not now. He just came by and stopped to talk to Mom and Dad.” I told her what had happened. “I don’t think they even realized what was going on. But I did.”

Sophie swore. “We’ll be right over.”

“Something’s wrong with Caspian too,” I blurted out. “He won’t wake up.”

She was silent, and it didn’t give me a good feeling.

“So-Sophie?” I asked. “Are you still there?”

“Yeah, sweetie. I’m here.”

“What’s happening to Caspian?”

“I think it would be better if we waited until we could talk in person.”

“No! I think it would be better if you told me right now.”

“I can’t-” She exhaled loudly. “Just wait. We’ll be right over.”

The phone went dead, and I stared at it. It wasn’t a good sign that she didn’t want to tell me what was going on. Was this just normal we-cannot-say Revenant stuff? Or was there something more to it?

Ten minutes later Kame, Uri, and Cacey were in my room.

“Is everything okay?” Kame asked. “Are you hurt?”

I shook my head. “Everything’s fine. Well, as far as me and Mom and Dad go. Caspian, I’m not sure about. Where’s Sophie? And what are you going to tell Mom and Dad?”

“She’s downstairs talking to them,” Cacey said with a grin. “She’s good at making things up.”

Uri moved toward the bed. He pointed to himself, and I nodded. Then he sat down next to Caspian. He laid one hand on Caspian’s arm, and I desperately wanted to trade places with him. To be the one who could touch Caspian, and wake him up.

But I couldn’t.

“This happened once before,” I said. “He was supposed to pick me up from school and he never showed. When I got home, he couldn’t even remember where he was.”

Uri glanced over at Kame. Then shook his head.

“What’s going on?” I cried, dangerously close to tears. “Please. Just tell me.” I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t take all their secrets and things they wouldn’t say.

“You have to realize that there’s not much we can do,” Kame said. “This is an abnormal situation, and we’re still all learning the best way to deal with it.”

“Abnormal because of Vincent? Because he caused Kristen’s death?”

He inclined his head.

“Or is this the abnormal part? Him hanging around me, stalking me, dressing up like a priest?”

“His … interference … is the abnormal part.”

“So, then, what’s going on with Caspian? Shades don’t sleep, right?”

“It’s not a normal sleep,” he replied.

“What does that mean?”

“It means that we can’t wake him up, Abbey,” Cacey said.

She was standing next to the window, and I looked over at her, stunned. Then I looked at Uri. “She’s making that up, right? Tell me that it’s just her idea of a cruel joke.”

“It’s not a joke. We have no control over this,” he confirmed.

I crossed my arms. “But I thought you guys were these mystical beings who were sent here to help Shades and their other halves. So help us.”

Uri stood up and went to talk to Kame quietly. He kept glancing over at Cacey, and I got the feeling that she was being let in on the conversation too. Eventually Kame said, “Fine. I’m going to let you handle this. I’ll be downstairs.”

He shot them both a final look before he left.

“We think it would be best if we took Caspian with us,” Uri said, turning to face me. “We want to take him someplace safe.”

“That’s fine. Where are we going?”

Him. Not you,” Cacey said. “You can’t go.”

“Oh, yes, I can.”

“Oh, no, you can’t.”


“Because Vincent doesn’t want the two of you to be completed. We haven’t found out why yet, but it’s what he wants. We need to be able to keep an eye on Caspian for as long as he’s like this, and it will make it easier for all of us if you aren’t there with him. Why draw Vincent to us?”

“But … but …” I couldn’t think fast enough. Couldn’t put together my words. They couldn’t take Caspian away from me! “But what if Vincent finds you?”

“He won’t,” Uri said.

“What if Vincent finds me?”

“We’ve got that covered,” Uri replied. “How do you feel about a short road trip?”

“A trip? While Caspian stays here? No.”

Cacey moved closer and stuck her face right into mine. “Look, Uri is trying to say this a hell of a lot nicer than I am, but we’re taking Caspian whether you like it or not. The way I see it, you don’t have much of a choice.” She looked down at her fingernails and picked at one of them. “Besides, if you come with us, you might even find something out.”

She dangled that carrot of information in front of me on a well-practiced hook, and I couldn’t say no. The chance to finally get some answers? I couldn’t pass that up.

“Fine. I’ll go with you. Just tell me one thing, where are we going?”

“Gray’s Folly.” Cacey looked gleeful as she practically rubbed her hands together. “An insane asylum.”

Cacey told me that we’d only be staying overnight, so I packed a T-shirt, some jeans, and a couple of toiletry items in a small bag while she went downstairs with Uri. When she returned half an hour later, she said, “Okay. We’re all set. You’re officially spending the weekend at my house for a sleepover.”

I glanced over at Caspian worriedly. “Kame, Sophie, and Uri are going to take care of him while we’re gone?”

“Yup. Although it’s going to be just Kame and Sophie. Uri’s our driver.”

“And why are we going to an insane asylum?”

“Looking for someone.”

I didn’t know if that meant we were going to be looking for a patient or for someone who worked there, but I decided to let it go for now. Reluctantly I shouldered my bag. Bending down near Caspian’s ear, I whispered, “I love you. You’re in good hands. I’ll be back soon, and you’ll be awake then.” I hope.

I wasn’t really sure about that, but with Caspian in this vulnerable state, I’d much rather have him be with the Revs who could take care of Vincent, instead of just me. “So tell me again why we can’t stay here and just have you guys watch over us?” I asked.

“Too many questions.” Cacey shook her head. “Our mind mojo is good and all, but after a while there would be too much to explain to your parents. Plus, do you really want Vincent coming back here again?”

“Right. Okay. Good point.” I looked over my bedroom. “Then, I think I’m ready. Can you tell me where Kame and Sophie will be taking Caspian, at least?”

“Better if I don’t. Trust me.”

My face fell.

“Awwww, cheer up,” she said, steering me down the stairs. “You’ll forget all about it soon. I got us a road trip surprise. A twenty-four-pack of delicious Coke-a-Cola!”

Yay. That makes everything soooo much better … I smiled weakly at her and allowed myself to be directed downstairs.

I said a quick good-bye to Mom and Dad and then went outside to the Jetta. “How far away is it?” I asked, settling myself in and buckling my seat belt.

“About three hours. Upstate. Shouldn’t take long,” Uri replied.